Chapter 830

Broken star pirate alliance headquarters.

The religious style of the original dark temple base has completely disappeared. Instead, it is a mixture of high-tech buildings and space defense facilities of various exotic styles.

Outside the alliance headquarters, a special commercial port has been opened up at this time.

After the establishment of the pirate alliance, the chaos in the broken Star area has been greatly improved.

Pirates, merchants and trading fleets from the broken star region and even outside the broken star region gathered here

The shape is rough or exquisite. Pirate ships of various styles shuttle back and forth, sometimes mixed with desperate mercenaries of various races.

The gradual improvement of public security and the almost negligible tax rate have rapidly made the broken star region the largest black market in the surrounding star region, which has greatly promoted the prosperity of the broken star region.

Here, chaos and order complement each other, and gradually become known as the "city of thousands of stars".

"Mr. Antonio!"

"Antonio, long time no see. You busy man, why are you free today!"

"Mr. Antonio, I am from Heishan venture capital. We are very optimistic about the development prospect of your caravan. Are you interested in receiving capital injection?"


Antonio walked in the commercial port. From time to time, people greeted him warmly and even sought cooperation. He greeted him with a smile and responded politely one by one.

The launch of the "broken star escort plan" not only brought huge and stable profits to the pirate alliance, but also gave birth to a large number of lucky people who made a fortune.

Antonio is undoubtedly the koi among the lucky ones.

Thanks to the first crab bonus, his "Bassanio interstellar transportation company" has now jumped from a small caravan on the verge of bankruptcy to a top trading company in the surrounding star domain!

Because he was familiar with the pirate alliance, he even established a company branch in the pirate alliance to provide some high-quality and low-cost goods for the alliance.

In this way, Antonio, as a pure businessman, magically mixed in a pirate's nest.

Now he is familiar with this commercial port like his own back garden.

Soon, under the introduction of familiar brokers, he sold out the goods transported by his caravan and made a lot of money.

"Maybe soon, I can expand my business to the core circle of the Empire..."

Antonio, who is not worried about money and is in his prime of life, is naturally not satisfied with a corner of peace, but ambitious to continue to expand and strengthen the industry.

While Antonio was imagining his business empire, many people around him suddenly looked up at the sky.

"Eh? What's that?"


Antonio followed the people's eyes and found a streamer cutting through the sky and approaching rapidly from the distant void.

"Whoosh!" almost in the blink of an eye, the streamer disappeared in everyone's field of vision, leaving only a short light shadow on the retina.

"Strange, with the alliance's defense system, how can a flying object approach at this speed?"

Antonio was experienced in sailing and immediately found that the speed of this thing was amazing.

He looked thoughtfully at the direction of each other's disappearance.

"That direction... Should be the military port in the core area of the alliance?"


"Lord pirate, you... You really defeated the second prince's fleet?"

The Messiah looked at the ghost captain with a ghost expression.

"Otherwise? Keep them for the new year?" Nie Yun's tone was as if he had done a trivial thing.

The point is to keep it for the new year?

The point is that the combat effectiveness of your so-called new flagship is a little abnormal!

Red dragon, flint and madman also have the same expression on their faces.

God knows how shocked they were when this fantastic news came back.

Everyone looked at the behemoth outside the porthole, which was said to be "organizing foreign aid".

At this time, the sea wolf was quietly parked in the base spaceport, and its huge body almost occupied more than a dozen large berths.

In terms of time, the sea wolf arrived here even earlier than they rushed back.

That's the way to eat. You told me that you took a break and solved the most threatening enemy outside?

Until this time, the Messiah did not react. Why did the other party ask him to mobilize all intelligence forces to find out the specific location of the second prince's Secret assembly fleet a month ago.

She thought Nie Yun wanted to guard against each other, but she didn't think it was the purpose of directly defeating each other!

"Is this vector engine so strong?" the red dragon swallowed his saliva.

"The world's weapons are invincible, but they can't be broken quickly! If they can be installed on my mecha, won't my madman be invincible?" the madman's eyes were crazy.

"No wonder the second prince tried his best to get it..."

What intrigues and tricks, in front of this power, are they all like children playing at home?

Compared with the others, Flint was shocked and thought more.

Such a terrible thing is actually controlled by a group of Pirates like myself

Can his Majesty the emperor of the Empire eat? Can those princes and nobles not be jealous?

Is this a blessing or a curse for them pirates?

Flint had a vague hunch.

I'm afraid the thief ship on my own will only become stronger and stronger in the future, but I need to face the wind and waves... I'm afraid it will become bigger and bigger


Another part of the starry sky.

An iron wall fleet of only 30 is moving towards the interior of the Empire, of which the flagship of viscount iron wall is prominently located in the center.

After receiving the news, in order to avoid the possible super-high-speed attack of the sea wolf, the iron wall fleet did not even dare to regroup its troops in the broken star field and directly returned to the inland of the Empire in the form of scattered March.

Inside the iron wall flagship at the moment

"Sir, in the information given by the second prince, the biggest enemy of this trip should be the Gemini civilization, but in fact, the biggest threat comes from an insignificant planet called the earth..."

"The other party belongs to all things for a while."

"The other party has more than 10000 legendary mecha..."

"The other party's large biological fortress has super large crystalline shield, fortress firepower exceeding lv15 level, and power equipment comparable to high-speed warships..."

"Now, the other party is equipped with the mission target 'vector engine' and has obtained unimaginable mobility.

Just now, the other Party defeated another response fleet of the second prince in only half an hour.

According to my estimation, even if all the black flag fleets are dispatched now, I'm afraid they can't do anything about it.

Even if we can defeat, we can't catch each other... "

"I'm afraid it's just the other party's warship, which is a strategic threat to the Empire!"

"I suggest that the Empire comprehensively reassess the organization of 'all things belong to one'. The strength of the other party is never under the mechanical family..."

On the communication light screen opposite the Viscount Tiebi, a middle-aged man in Chinese clothes was standing with his back to him.

In the past, the rebellious Viscount Tiebi was making a summary of the task with a low eyebrow.

After listening to the report of viscount Tiebi, the other party spoke slowly for a long time

"So, your mission... Failed?"

Viscount Tiebi's face froze.

Is that the point?

"Yes, my subordinates are incompetent!" he bowed his head without arguing.

"Alfonso, you have great potential and are my favorite general."

Viscount Tiebi's eyes fluctuated slightly when he heard the words "Alfonso".

In the Empire, only the closest people would directly address each other by name.

"I originally planned to make your title further after this mission. In the future, you are also the only person to command the black flag fleet.

But... You let me down... "

The middle-aged man turned and his eyes fell on the Viscount Tiebi.

He has nearly pure white silver hair, his temples are gray, but his whole body exudes the dignity of the superior.

Silver hair, which shows that it is closely related to the imperial family.

In the Empire, it is illegal to use genetic means to adjust hair color privately. If it is white, the unique and iconic hair color of the royal family, it is a felony.


Viscount Tiebi seemed to want to explain something, but Duke Horton interrupted him directly.

"Do you know why I'm disappointed in you?"

"Not because the enemy is strong, not because the mission failed, but because... You have dealt with the second prince's Secret guard without authorization!"

Later, Duke Horton's eyes were sharp and sharp.

Viscount Tiebi: "

"Don't tell me that the battlefield is ruthless and accidental death. Neither my highness nor I are fools!"

"... yes! Duke, forgive me!" Viscount Tiebi lowered his head and couldn't see his expression clearly.

"The other party is too busy. With the support of the second prince, his subordinates can't see it for a while. That's why..."

"Can't see it? Hum!" Prince Horton snorted coldly. "Do you know you're taking pride in your future?"

"In the eyes of the superior, attitude is more important than ability!

The second prince is your Majesty's first in line successor. In the future... If you can't win his trust, how can you gain a foothold in the Imperial military?

Your highness attaches great importance to this task. I give it to you to increase your weight in your Highness's heart and pave the way for your future, but such an opportunity has been wasted by you! "

"Duke..." Viscount Tiebi was in a complicated mood.

Although Duke Horton was fierce, his words were full of the care of his elders.

When I was young, Duke Horton was like this. He treated himself like a nephew, but Viscount Tiebi was a little confused for a while.

The Duke is still the Duke

It's like being charmed by the second prince?

But soon, this blankness turned into firmness.

The chain of evidence provided by the black deacon is very complete, not groundless!

If you treat me with sincerity, I will repay it with sincerity!

If the Duke is not controlled, it's a big deal to apologize. If the Duke is really controlled

Even if I fight for my life, I will save the Duke and expose the conspiracy of the second prince!

Viscount Tiebi took a deep breath. "My subordinates are impulsive this time. When they go back, they will apologize to you and your Highness the second prince face to face!"

"Forget it! You can't change your temper."

At this time, Duke Horton shook his head, but his tone gradually eased.

"Your highness and the rest of the Empire will make a decision about the return of all things.

As for your unauthorized disposal of the secret guard... I'll hold it down for you, but it can't happen again! Understand? "

"Yes! Subordinates dare not!"


Looking at the slowly fading communication picture, Duke Horton's eyes narrowed slightly, and he didn't know what was in his mind.

"Duke, I'm afraid your Highness the second prince already knows about it."

At this time, an old man dressed as a housekeeper came out of the shadow and whispered.

"I know." Duke Horton's face was expressionless.

"The intelligence of all things and vector engine will certainly involve your Highness's attention, but with the character that can't rub sand in your Highness's eyes, I'm afraid you won't easily spare your viscount in the future." the old man continued.

"I know."

Duke Horton turned his head and said for a long time, "do everything according to your Highness's will."

"But... Lord Viscount is yours after all..."

"All for your highness!"

"... yes."