Chapter 833

"The clearance operation is completed, the signal masking is completed, and the" ghost "sub ship is ready for attack and begins to launch..."

In the middle of the huge body of the elder, where the sea wolf is located, the activated plant fiber structure wriggles and opens to both sides, revealing a cavity.

In the cavity, a man-made object with dark and strange shape is parked there quietly.

Its length is only about 15 meters. It is very slender. Its surface is as smooth as a mirror, just like one-piece molding. Its tip is extremely sharp and looks like a straight steel needle.

Without any obvious power system, this special small spacecraft with unique shape named "ghost" by Nie Yun slowly floated up, and then gradually became transparent in a burst of light and shadow transformation.

The next moment, the glass like phantom flashed away. The ghost speeded up to an unimaginable speed and disappeared into the starry sky in the blink of an eye


Outside the broken star field.

"Viscount, the fleet has regrouped, but... A sub fleet, a total of 10 warships, failed to return."

"Didn't come back? Why?" Viscount Tiebi frowned.

Was it unlucky to hit that pervert?

"Well... According to the people who escaped, they met the pirate patrol in the broken Star area. Because they didn't have a pass and refused to pay the protection fee, they broke out in conflict. As a result, they were outnumbered... Captured..."

Viscount Tiebi: "

"But the other party said, as long as we pay a ransom..."

The adjutant's words could not go on, because the green veins on the Viscount Tiebi's forehead had burst out.

The iron wall fleet has been blackmailed one after another. Have you been in conflict with the "protection fee" recently?

Is it a person, like a pen on your head?

He took a deep breath and reluctantly suppressed his frustration and anger.

"Use your relationship and arrange to redeem people! The fleet will return to the iron Castle collar at full speed immediately!"

He must see Archduke Horton as soon as possible and verify it face to face.

However, what Viscount Tiebi didn't know was that his fleet had been stared at by a pair of eyes in the dark before he completely left the broken star field

On the territory of the pirate alliance, it is almost impossible to keep the whereabouts of a fleet of this size, even if it is divided into parts.

The ghost like transparent figure is far away with the iron wall fleet, which is only more than 5000 kilometers away. However, the huge combined matrix radar of the iron wall fleet is unaware of it.

The sub ship "ghost" released by the sea wolf is the master of Nie Yun's combination of the most cutting-edge technology.

The hull is made of advanced version of secret silver, and its defense is in direct pursuit of the legendary degenerate armor.

The improved and customized legendary core is responsible for energy supply, and the basic configuration is crystal shield and small king cannon.

In addition, it is also equipped with a tailored "mirage" stealth system, with a petite body and a special long needle structure. The radar reflection area is less than 0.0000001 square meters, which is almost the same as the slightly larger cosmic dust.

Different from the huge and striking "God of death" war star, the ghost's most important core capability is full band stealth!

Nie Yun once tested the iron wall warship captured by the solar system. At a distance of 100 kilometers, the detection probability of its shipborne radar to the ghost is almost zero.

More importantly, it is also equipped with a dream power unit - vector engine!

As a non working fluid propulsion engine, the propulsion of vector engine will not leave any energy trajectory, which further improves its stealth performance.

Not to mention anything else, the stealth performance of the ghost has completely exceeded the previous "shadow" armor. It is a real battlefield ghost!

The ghost's tail lasted about a day, and then a wormhole passage appeared in front of the fleet.

It leads to the hinterland of the Woolf empire.

"Wormhole crossing preparation, all ships close their shields..."

The iron wall fleet began to close the shield one after another, and the formation orderly passed through the wormhole. The flagship in the middle of the fleet was naturally in position C, which was quite easy to identify.

Ghost, finally waiting for a chance

When the iron wall fleet passed nearly half of the fleet, the transparent figure like glass flashed away and went towards the core of the iron wall fleet!

The acceleration ability of vector engine is inversely proportional to the mass of the aircraft it drives, that is, the smaller the mass, the more terrible the acceleration ability is.

When approaching the iron wall fleet, the speed of the ghost had reached a terrible 200000 kms, almost two-thirds of the speed of light.

With this speed inserted into the middle of the fleet, even if the distance between the head and tail of the fleet is included, it only needs to travel 2000 kilometers.

After conversion, the time required is... 0.01s!

If the furthest possible detection distance of the iron wall fleet to the ghost is 100 kilometers, the time the ghost stays on the radar is even shorter, almost fleeting.

Such a short response time can't even trigger the prompt and early warning of radar.

Even if triggered, it will only be ignored as an energy disturbance when the wormhole channel is opened.

So, without anyone noticing, the ghost was almost immediately pasted on the belly of the fleet flagship and entered the radar blind area of the fleet.

From extreme motion to extreme silence, the ghost completely ignored Newton's law and didn't smell of fireworks, as if it was there.

Nie Yun, whose calculation accuracy reaches n digits after the decimal point, stepped on the timing quite accurately.

At the last moment, the ghost completed a perfect penetration and lurking, and at the next moment, it has followed the flagship into the wormhole.

When the flagship drilled out of the wormhole again, even the transparent fuzzy figure had disappeared, and there was no time for the iron wall fleet to find abnormalities


"Hoo ~"

Nie Yun, who was on the sea wolf, slowly opened his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief.

Even with "Mirage system" and vector engine, there is still a certain probability of being found.

Fortunately, Nie Yun's previous tens of thousands of tactical simulations were not done in vain.

The ultra-high mobility, super stealth ability and the incredible deformation and penetration ability of mechanical insects make this seemingly impossible sneak into the final implementation.

Without any one, today's action will fail.

Unconsciously, Nie Yun's means have exceeded the imagination of ordinary civilization.

The detection system designed by Woolf imperial fleet with its opponents at the same level can no longer keep up with Nie Yun's rapid technological strength.

After verifying this point, Nie Yun's next action can be sure of success.

The ghost's latent operation can be said to be a rehearsal and practical test.

Test your cards... Is it possible to sneak into the imperial capital!

The size of the sea wolf is doomed that it can only be used as a mother ship to sit in the broken star field. The smaller the target, the better.

This is the original intention of Nie Yun in designing the ghost.

Nie Yun's main task in the next step is to use all the top resources available to build a dream flying shuttle to sneak into the imperial capital, explore the historical truth and find the lost secret treasure!

But before that, Nie Yun will follow the Viscount Tiebi to eat a melon

Viscount Tiebi is loyal to the Lord, not afraid of power, bravely reveals the true face of the second prince, saves the Great Duke Horton controlled by charm, and staged a great play of heroes saving the world.

Nie Yun said he would regret not eating such a big melon.

More importantly, plotting against the Great Duke of Horton, the key figure, and the gradually clear dominant position of the second prince will be reversed, which will definitely cause great turbulence within the Empire and make the struggle for independence more chaotic.

The chaotic imperial capital... Is more conducive to Nie Yun fishing in troubled waters!

Nie Yun closed his eyes again and realized that he had fallen on the ghost.

"Hmmm... There is only 30% energy left. This vector engine is really a gold swallowing beast. It costs hundreds of millions for a sprint and sudden stop. Most people can't afford it.

We have to find the ship's energy pipeline... Yes!

The dynamic and static can't be too large. Just charge slowly. Energy crystal reverse charging, low-power charging mode

Where is the captain's lounge? Hack into the LAN and look... "


That night, when Viscount Tiebi fell into a deep sleep

The metal floor of the captain's lounge suddenly puffed up a big bag, which immediately inflated slowly like a balloon.

Finally, a figure appeared quietly beside Viscount Tiebi as if it had grown out of the metal ground.

After looking at the sleeping viscount and scanning the surrounding environment, the shadow finally looked at the commander's combat clothes hanging on the wall.

"Nano metal material, waterproof, fireproof and bulletproof, as well as the ability to enhance physical function. It's good. Let me strengthen it for you, hehe..."

With that, the shadow rushed directly towards the combat suit