Chapter 849

"What you said is true?" the second prince's face was a little ugly.

"Yes, your highness, it is certain that the other party should already know your Highness's ability and some side effects of this ability.

I almost missed your Highness's important event. This is my dereliction of duty. Please forgive me! "

In the communication video, Archduke Horton looked respectful.

"However, they have limited information. Not only did they get nothing from me this time, but they exposed the dark son they painstakingly arranged.

What I didn't expect was that Alfonso would be secretly controlled by them.

According to my guess, the other party should have found some clues on the secret guard of his highness, which made him difficult to me. "

"So..." the second prince frowned.

The secret guard he sent disappeared, and then Viscount Tiebi attacked Archduke Horton. There must be some connection between the two.

But he knew that only a little abnormality of a secret guard would not expose the secret of his ability.

You know, there are many "missing" secret guards over the years.

His opponents are not all mediocre. They will be exposed long ago.

The other side definitely has other sources of intelligence.

But what went wrong?

"Oh! It seems that the father is critically ill. Some people are impatient..." the second prince's eyes narrowed slightly.

He looked at Archduke Horton again, "so what force do you think behind Alfonso?"

"This... Cannot be determined.

The small spaceship that rescued Alfonso was so extraordinary that it could treat our defense system as nothing. This is by no means an easy force.

The alliance of the fourth Prince and the eighth Prince may have this ability, and the mysterious and unpredictable things are also suspected for a while.

In addition, Alfonso had a good personal relationship with the ninth prince when he was young, and he has sprung up recently.

If you are suspected, your highness is the most suspected! "Archduke Horton analyzed.

"Nine younger brothers..." the second prince's face was slightly heavy.

The sudden rise of the ninth Prince is indeed a variable he did not expect.

During this time, the undercurrent of the political situation in the imperial capital surged. The second prince suddenly attacked and used various means to suppress the ninth prince, deliberately making an example of the others.

The sudden action did have an effect. The former high spirited and frequent action of the ninth prince was like a stick. Many secret forces that had just worked were exposed one after another for some reason and were swept away by the ninth prince with thunder.

This made many nobles who wanted to bet on the ninth Prince begin to watch carefully. The ninth prince also had to retract his tentacles extending everywhere and shrink his forces around the imperial capital.

However, in this process, the second prince also found that the resources in the hands of the ninth Prince far exceeded his expectations.

Even the Imperial Intelligence Agency "Skynet", an important national weapon, has completely fallen to the ninth prince.

It should be said that no one would believe it without the acquiescence of his majesty.

"I really didn't expect that your Majesty would bet all his resources on the ninth younger brother. It seems that my father really loves the ninth younger brother..."

From the information collected during this period, the emperor's support for the ninth prince can almost be called "spare no effort".

So that the second prince used seven or eight points of strength and failed to completely destroy the ninth prince.

"Your Highness, what shall we do now? Since the opponent knows your ability, he will certainly take precautions against it, and the longer it takes, the more likely this secret will be exposed!" Horton was fair.

"Oh! It's not possible to expose, but already exposed!" the second prince sneered.

It is said that old four and old eight spoke unkindly to themselves some time ago. Combined with today's affairs, even if he is slow, he can associate these things together.

It seems that Viscount Tiebi is not the only one who knows his secret!

At the thought that so many people secretly use this method to test whether they are "enchanted", the second prince's face is a little constipated.

"What? The secret has been exposed?" Archduke Horton was surprised.

"Hum! Do you think my father is really an old fool? My opponent has never been my stupid brothers!" the second prince said faintly.

"Your Highness, do you mean... Your majesty, he already knew?"

"Of course, the man sitting on the highest throne of the Empire has never been an old wolf who can only survive.

The power and power of the Imperial Emperor can only be realized by sitting in that seat

What's more... Where do you think my brother and I come from? "

Archduke Horton was surprised and hurriedly bowed his head.

"Oh! There is no one with spiritual ability, and few have strange powers. Why do you think our royal family can appear people like me and my big brother one after another?

Is it really because we are noble? "

The second prince looked rather complicated.

The more power he has, the more he can access the core secrets of the Empire

The complete secret... Is undoubtedly only in the hands of the terminally ill emperor!

It is precisely because of his fear of that man that he did not wantonly use his ability to turn his brothers into his puppets.

Archduke Horton bowed his head and was shocked, but he did not dare to have any idea of continuing to test the secret.

The second prince didn't think so, and continued as if he were talking to himself.

"The nine sons took the line. I took a great risk to get rid of my eldest brother, which annoyed my father and Emperor.

But I thought that even if my father didn't like me anymore, he would not break the rules and participate in the struggle for the throne between the prince and the son.

But now it seems I'm wrong.

Even Tianwang has been given to the ninth brother by the father emperor. My secret should be spread to the ears of the ninth brother, and then known by Alfonso and the fourth brother.

Ha ha! Father Emperor... This is the end in person! "

Yes, the second prince at this time has completely leaked his ability to the emperor's non martial ethics

This is not that the second prince ignored Nie Yun's suspicion, but compared with all things just emerging, the biggest enemy in his eyes is undoubtedly the Royal people close to him.

"Your Highness, what should I do next?" Archduke Horton dared not go deep into this topic, so he asked.

"You don't have to do anything to stabilize the people of the Duke's residence. Your existence is the biggest constraint on your father.

As long as the military power of the Duke's palace is in our hands for one day, the father emperor will not dare to take the risk of our mutiny and make too extraordinary moves.

This incident also reminds us that although you are in charge of the Duke's residence, it is not foolproof.

Unfortunately, if my ability is not perfect, otherwise those middle and high-level officers also need to be controlled. "

The second prince has some regrets in his eyes.

Charm is very strong.

But apart from the absolute confidants cultivated by the second prince's long-term efforts, ordinary puppets have such side effects.

It also needs to be "maintained" from time to time.

The more attractive people, the higher the status, the greater the possibility of exposing their abilities.

Even if the target is imperial nobles, the second prince often chooses decadent nobles who are hollowed out by wine and sex and have weak will.

Such people often have very low resistance to enchantment. If they brush their skills once, they can use them for several years.

With Archduke Horton, the Duke's palace can be firmly controlled by the second prince.

Therefore, in the eyes of the second prince, the price performance of iron blooded soldiers who are not easy to control, such as the Viscount of iron wall, is not high.

This is why they can escape the clutches of the second prince.

"Your Highness, don't worry. As long as your highness ascends the throne and has the supreme power, he can no longer have any scruples!

At that time, a strong empire with his highness as the center and loyal to his highness will appear.

Those decadent nobles will no longer be obstacles, but will become loyal and fanatical believers of your highness!

In the hands of your highness, the Empire will prosper!

Even the three mechanical Dukes will eventually crawl at the feet of the new empire! "

Archduke Horton's eyes were crazy, as if he was really about to witness the rise of a great empire.

"Yes! The rotten empire is terminally ill!

Only I can save the Empire. I have the ability given to me by God to remove all filth and make the Empire great again! "

The corner of the second prince's mouth evokes a crazy arc.

From his standpoint, he should be the hero who saved the Empire.

What about brother killing? What about against the father?

Didn't Li Shimin's transformation of Xuanwu sect finally achieve the prosperous Tang Dynasty?

The history books of later generations will only call him the eternal emperor!