Chapter 613

Inside the elder.

"Bang, bang, bang!" a dense sound of fists and feet broke out in a training room.

A silver and a black figure flew back from the smoke. The black figure had not yet landed, and a cold light came behind his head.

The black figure was about to dodge. A Mithril Knight not far away raised his hand and shook it. The figure of the black figure was stiff for a moment. Finally, he couldn't dodge. He was scratched a shallow blood hole on his shoulder by a sharp dagger.

However, the next moment, with the shadow as the center, an invisible spiritual impact spread out, making another secret Silver Knight invisible behind him not only expose his body shape in an instant, but also fall into a short absence.

The shadow seized the opportunity, pulled out his sword and split it in an instant. He saw that he was about to hit. The secret Silver Knight in the distance grabbed it and shook it. His companion moved a few meters out of thin air, which was worthy of avoiding the fate of blocking the waist.

"Bang!" the black figure finally landed, but was surrounded again by three Mithril knights in a triangular formation.

"Hoo ~ Hoo ~ Hoo ~" Rose gasped, holding the hilt and looking at her opponent warily.

A new type of colonial style painted black, the close fitting design will expose the concave convex body, and the wound on the shoulder is rapidly recovering under the strong colonial repair ability, and it will recover in a moment.

"Boss, this chick has become so strong!"

"Well, be careful of her mental impact. If you are close, even I will be affected. Don't get together and give people a pot of stew."

"I'll wait for an opportunity to give her a back stab!" Er Mao, who didn't say much, became invisible again.


"Tut tut! It's worthy of being the top colonial warrior in Kara civilization. Equipped with this new colonial outfit soaked in the water of life and improved and optimized, its combat effectiveness is even close to the 'Youneng version' secret Silver Knight!" Yu Lao looked at this scene through the observation window and couldn't help admiring it from the bottom of his heart.

"Although the power of colonial costume has been improved a lot, the spiritual power of Queen Kara is really amazing.

Also strengthened by the water of life, her mental power is about twice that of the trio, and she has learned the killing ability in the range of mental shock. If she was replaced by ordinary people, it would be enough to shock her into an idiot.

The unique talent of the Kara royal family... It's really enviable. "

Zhou Dong, a biologist who had not been seen for a long time, stared at the beautiful black figure, as if he were looking at a rare treasure.

Behind him, a group of Kara scientists were operating various detection instruments and observing the battle in the training room.

During this time, Zhou Dong put down all his projects and immersed himself in the development of "Youneng technology tree". He not only cooperated with Kara scientists to set up a joint laboratory, but also personally came to the elderly for field observation.

Kara people are worthy of being residents of the water of life birth planet. After testing, they not only have proud physique, but also generally have spiritual strength one notch higher than human beings.

In terms of the use of secluded energy, Kara people have unique advantages.

"Such a talent... Isn't it the ultimate goal we want to achieve? Ha ha!" Yu Lao smiled and looked forward to it.

Human, combat effectiveness 5

After horizontal comparison with intelligent individuals of outer space civilization, this data has been verified again and again.

First, the Kara people, who are closest to the human body structure, have surpassed humans in strength, physique, cell activity, recovery ability and environmental adaptability after the improvement and evolution of the water of life. The average combat effectiveness is preliminarily evaluated as 50.

In other words, when a karaoke person is pulled out casually and both sides are "naked", they can say "I want to fight ten" without advice!

The second is Gemini. Even the Yu nationality, which is not famous for its combat effectiveness, has to crush the earth people in an all-round way in terms of physical quality. The average combat effectiveness is estimated to be about 20, not to mention that the single combat effectiveness is not weaker than the sea nationality of Kara people.

Then there is the fighting race Ryan, even the "plain people" who have not been strengthened by biotechnology of Locke consortium. The combat effectiveness of single naked clothes is as high as 100. It's nothing to open steles and gravel and tear tigers and leopards!

In other words, looking at the civilized races we have encountered, human beings... Can't beat any of them!

Of course, the interstellar age cannot simply talk about racial combat effectiveness with "naked clothes".

Virtual reality technology enables people on earth to overtake in corners, has certain asymmetric advantages in science and technology and weapons, and enables people on earth to win in the face of cosmic races.

However, it is undeniable that people on earth are generally weak in terms of physical quality.

From the perspective of evolution, the combat effectiveness of a race is basically closely related to the planetary environment in which it was born.

The more a planet with bad environment, the easier it is to produce a single powerful race, which is the result of the survival of the fittest in nature. Once this race has won the dominant position of the planet and has no survival pressure, the speed of evolution will immediately slow down.

When we have the ability to fly out of the parent star and become a cosmic race, the speed of evolution will only be slower.

There is an academic term inside Gemini, called "evolutionary stagnation theory".

Through their long-term observation of other civilizations, they found that once the intelligent race separated from its parent planet and entered the interstellar era, the speed of race "natural evolution" would approach nothingness and stagnate!

Because no matter which civilization, the first thing before migration is to completely transform the environment of a space city or a colonial planet into a "mother planet version".

Or create various "people-oriented" scientific and technological products, so that civilized individuals are always in a comfortable "home planet environment experience" including oxygen concentration, gravity acceleration and so on.

Being in the "comfort zone" of human beings means that without the changing factors of the external environment, life has no need for variation.

Evolution requires humans to adapt to the environment, and technology, in turn, makes the environment adapt to humans

Therefore, the more developed science and technology, the slower the natural evolution of ethnic groups, which is one of the reasons why there is a clear distinction between scientific and technological civilization and evolutionary civilization in the universe.

The creator is fair. While technology opens a door, it closes a window called "evolution".

However, this evolutionary trend refers to "natural evolution".

Whether in Gemini or in the Woolf empire with a longer history, a certain degree of "artificial intervention" in evolution has been realized!

Fine adjustment of genes will make the ethnic group more adapt to various environments in the universe, which is a stage that all scientific and technological civilizations will enter.

However, this intervention has always been cautious, and there will be no sudden evolution of a Tyrannosaurus Rex from a weak chicken.

Therefore, this process is also a long one, which requires the renewal of dozens or even hundreds of generations to optimize the genetic genes covering the whole population.

The optimization of genetic genes, which is also one of the details of civilization, takes a long time to precipitate

But the magical water of life... Can greatly accelerate this process!

The third sequence of human complement is to use the water of life to optimize human genes and enhance racial potential!


"Pa Pa Pa!"

Zhou Dong, wearing a full set of protective equipment, walked into the training room. He clapped his hands and smiled to the crowd, "OK, the data has been basically collected. Thank you for your cooperation."

With these detailed data and a large number of experiments, gene optimization and Youneng training can begin to spread to the human elite on a small scale

"Hoo ~" Rose breathed a sigh of relief and put away her sword.

Finally... I can barely resist the summoning beast of others

Taking the initiative to take part in the test, Rose had an unknown caution in her heart.

"Elder, do you think I have any hope of catching up with him now?" Rose asked quietly with mental strength.


Changsheng was silent for a long time before he opened his mouth.

"Well... Let's put it this way. If your current combat effectiveness is 1000, then his combat effectiveness before he changed is 200000. As for after he changed..."

Rose: "