Chapter 550

Ding Zixuan and the president of Mozambique had a very pleasant and smooth conversation.

The two sides agreed that Longguo would exchange 15 super bread trees for the management and use right of salha desert in Mozambique.

After the negotiation between the two sides, Victoria drafted the document and the two sides signed the document agreement. This transaction is tantamount to the complete declaration of completion.

After the agreement was reached, the two sides cooperated very happily.

A few days later.

Ding Zixuan took Victoria and some other men and flew directly to Mozambique by private plane.

He will go to the desert himself and transform it by the way.

After all, Ding Zixuan has the tree of the world. Also has a green tree.

These plants can transform the desert and turn the desert into an oasis.

The plane flew all the way and soon landed in the salha desert in Mozambique.

Here is a desolate land, as bright as the sand of the Star River, you can't see the edge at a glance.

It's like a purgatory between people. Sandstorms are raging and there are no people.

Ding Zixuan was slightly surprised when he saw the environment in front of him.

He only saw the desert on the map before, but he didn't really come. This time he came here, it was the first time he saw such a desolate desert.

Victoria said at this time, "the environment of this desert is worse than the desert I've seen before."

Ding Zixuan nodded and said, "yes, but it doesn't matter. I believe there must be important resources and gold buried under these deserts. Now let's start to transform this desert."

Ding Zixuan said and took out the seeds of the world tree and the green disaster tree he carried with him and planted them in the desert.

And planted the seeds of the gold exploration pioneer in this desert.

Because these seeds grow very tenacious and can grow and grow larger in any harsh environment, there is no need to worry about the desert environment, which will make these seeds die.

After finishing all this, Ding Zixuan said to Dou Weihua around him.

"Arrange some people near the desert, on the one hand, to manage the desert, and then to observe the growth of seeds and report the situation here to me at any time."

Dou Weihua did not dare to neglect it. He nodded and said, "please rest assured, president. I'll arrange a small team to station in the desert and guard the desert at any time."

After the explanation, Ding Zixuan returned to the private plane.

The private plane is like a small villa with a very luxurious environment.

Living in such a private plane is the same as living in a villa.

There are not only music, but also drinks and all kinds of necessary food.

On the second day, Ding Zixuan took a private plane and returned to the Dragon kingdom again.

Before leaving, Ding Zixuan once again asked Dou Weihua to arrange someone to garrison here and report the situation to himself at any time.

After the instruction, he returned to the Dragon Kingdom at ease.

As soon as I returned to the Dragon Kingdom, Ms. Qin Menglu, the manager of the ancient biological park, called in a panic.

The tone on the phone also seemed very nervous and anxious.

"Mr. President, it's bad. Things are a little serious. Hurry to the zoo to have a look."

Ding Zixuan was very happy. When Qin Menglu said this, he couldn't help getting nervous.

Hurriedly asked, "what happened? Why do you sound nervous?"

"Mr. President, if you don't have anything important now, come to the zoo quickly. You'll know when you come. I can't say it clearly on the phone."

"Well, I'll be right there."

After hanging up the phone, Ding Zixuan got up and went to the ancient animal museum.

Victoria and others also followed Ding Zixuan.

Soon, at the gate of the animal museum, I met the manager Qin Menglu.

As soon as the two met, Qin Menglu took Ding Zixuan to a huge pool in the zoo.

Qin Menglu said while pointing to the huge water pool.

"Mr. President, do you remember that there was an animal like a snake in the batch of resurrected ancient creatures you sent before? And this animal also has no name, do you remember?"

Ding Zixuan nodded and said, "of course I remember. I remember all the animals sent. Among them, there are Saber Toothed tigers, mammoths, and a little snake like animal, which is the only one without a name."

Qin Menglu continued, "we put the little snake in this water pool and provided it with a lot of food every day.

We haven't seen this little snake since we put it in this pool.

However, just today, we finally saw what the little snake looked like when it came out of the water.

It has now completely changed its appearance. It is not a small snake at all, but more like a dragon in Oriental myths and legends. "


When Ding Zixuan heard Qin Menglu say this, the whole person's spirit was tense.

He originally came from China and knew the dragon in Chinese legend very well.

It is a totem of Oriental people, a symbol of powerful power and mystery, and a mysterious legend worshipped by countless people in China.

The image of the dragon often appears in myths.

However, they all know that the dragon does not exist at all. It is a virtual animal image.

"What you said is true? That little snake is really a dragon?"

Qin Menglu was also a little flustered and said, "Mr. President, in fact, I'm not sure. I just judge it from its general appearance, like a dragon in Oriental mythology. However, no one has seen a real dragon, so I'm not completely sure."

While everyone was discussing this matter, huge waves surged up on the water again.

Then the water was washed away in an instant.

A long animal broke through the water, flew a distance in the air, and fell into the water again. jump

Although the time of coming out of the water was not long, Ding Zixuan clearly saw the appearance of the animal.

It has a silver gray body and a head like the head of an ancient unicorn.

There are two upright horns on the top of the head.

There are six short claws on the body.

The image of this son is indeed very similar to the legendary dragon.

This moment.

Ding Zixuan was extremely shocked in his heart.

"My God, my ancient resurrection device can't resurrect a real dragon? Is there really a dragon among the ancient extinct creatures?"

At this moment, Ding Zixuan was frightened by his own ideas.