Chapter 608

Ben Ford's words shocked all journalists and representatives of all countries.

They never thought that a nuclear pollution would cause such serious consequences.

At this time, a representative of the general assembly of a country in West Asia suddenly stood up and asked.

"Mr. Benford, are these words true? Or are you alarmist? We know that the sausage country is very large. A small nuclear pollution will affect the ecological security of a region at most, not the citizen life of the whole country?"

For this man's question, others also have such questions.

They all felt that a nuclear pollution could not affect the whole country.

Ben Ford said: "yes, if it is pure nuclear pollution and nuclear power plant leakage, the scope of impact will not be too wide. In history, there have been several nuclear leakage crises, and there has been no impact on a particularly large area."

"But this time is completely different. This time, nuclear pollution has produced something called type a nuclear virus. After it is produced, this virus has strong infectivity, strong reproductive ability, and strong destructive and harmful."

"At present, there is no way to fight this virus," he said. "It's like the smallpox, cholera, plague that happened centuries ago. In those circumstances, the three viruses would kill tens of thousands of people."

"Because the medical conditions at that time were not good enough to deal with such a virus, now type a nuclear virus is also a new virus."

"Moreover, the harm is more severe than cholera, smallpox and. Because this nuclear virus is highly infectious, it can be transmitted through breathing and contact. Therefore, people living in a country must infect each other."

"Eventually, the whole country will become a place unsuitable for human survival."

After listening to Ben Ford's words, the representatives of other countries looked at each other, and the expressions on their faces were also very complex.

They are vaguely worried about the future of mankind.

Now this situation only occurs in sausage countries. Once the virus enters their countries, the harm will be endless.

At this time, the representatives of the United Nations participating in the General Assembly stood up and asked questions.

"I am a representative from the sausage country. Since you say that our country has been unable to adapt to human survival, I would like to ask, this situation has appeared. How should we face it?"

Benford sighed and said, "you can only move away from your original home and find and open up a new home."

"I know that your neighbor China has a huge land area. My suggestion is that all citizens of China can move into China and live a new life in China."

"Of course, as for whether Huaxia agrees to let you move the whole country, it depends on the meaning of Huaxia representative."

After listening to Ben Ford's remarks, the Chinese representative at the UN General Assembly stood up and said.

"Although this is related to the fate of all mankind, it is not only we in China that can accommodate the citizens of the whole country."

"There are many countries in the world that can accommodate it. Therefore, if all citizens of the sausage country are moved to China, we certainly disagree with this matter."

"Because all other countries in the world have the right and obligation to bear this responsibility, not just our Chinese talents."


The remarks made by the representative of China show that they are unwilling to let all the citizens of the sausage country move to China.

After all, in history, the sausage country has brought serious disasters and serious acts of aggression to China.

This makes the Chinese people have a bad impression of the sausage country.

Therefore, Ben Ford's proposal was immediately refuted by the representative of China.

After being rejected by the Chinese representative, the representative of the sausage country sat down with a disheartened face.

For a while, there was no way.

At present, China has a population of more than 100 million. If the whole country moves, it must go to a country with a large land area.

At present, among all neighboring countries, only China has such conditions.

However, Huaxia is obviously unwilling to bear such a heavy burden.

Therefore, the United Nations must find another way.


At a time when the general assembly is in full swing.

Inside the presidential palace of the Dragon kingdom.

Ding Zixuan has been fully informed of the contents of the General Assembly meeting.

In particular, I heard that the sausage country has a serious virus crisis, which may lead to the destruction of the whole sausage country. Therefore, the whole sausage country needs to be relocated all over the country!

Ding Zixuan couldn't help laughing.

"You deserve it. It's called self sin. Who makes the sausage country so arrogant, openly oppose our dragon country and chase Godzilla. After angering Godzilla, Godzilla destroyed their nuclear power plant, resulting in nuclear pollution and virus pollution."

At this time, Victoria also came to Ding Zixuan.

Said: "husband, do you think sausage country is threatened by nuclear virus? Is it good for our dragon country?"

Ding Zixuan smiled and said, "good? I don't think it's good. However, I'm still very happy to see such a disaster in the sausage country. After all, we are sworn enemies with the sausage country."

Victoria said, "in fact, I think we can make a lot of money in this matter."

When Victoria said this, Ding Zixuan was stunned.

"Make money? Do you have any good ideas for making money?"

Victoria said: "at present, there is no effective antibody against type a nuclear virus, and there is no effective way to cure it. If our dragon country can take the lead in developing an antibody to cure type a nuclear virus, then we can sell these virus antibodies to sausage country at that time, and we can make a lot of national wealth."

Ding Zixuan didn't expect that Victoria really had a mind to make money.

In this matter, I can smell the smell of money.

This can't help but make Ding Zixuan look at Victoria with new eyes.

Immediately, Ding Zixuan was happy, directly hugged Victoria into his arms, and then kissed each other's small face.

He said with a smile, "I'm worthy of being my good wife. You can make a deal for anything and make a lot of money for our dragon country."

"Your idea is really wonderful. If you can succeed, you can really make a lot of money."

"You can find Cheng Hao for me now. I want to talk to him personally and see if Cheng Hao's Weilai technology company can take the lead in developing antibodies to type a nuclear virus?"

"If you can, then a lot of money will roll in at that time."