"Sister Xiaoxue!"

Chang Qing took Fu Xue's arm and tried to be coquettish: "I don't want to call my mother... Ok..."

"Not good."

Fu Xue drew her arm back lightly: "do you think your mother is easy to mess with or your father is easy to mess with?"

Thinking of his parents, evergreen wants to fight the cold war.

Mr. Chang usually smiles and looks very good tempered, but how can he be a soft character if he can be honored as "Mr. Chang" by outsiders for decades?

When she was young, her mother was a good seedling with excellent talent in the martial arts league. She was just spoiled by old Chang and neglected her martial arts for several years, but she was much younger. She was about eleven or twelve years younger than old Chang. It was not hard to beat her children.

It would be fine if Changqing only provoked master Chang, but if he would annoy his mother, he would be completely finished.

Chang Qing deliberately made a wilting look: "sister Xiaoxue..."

"What's the matter?" Fu Xue glanced at him. "Remember to call your mother. Don't just play."

Evergreen clenched her back teeth.

If he succeeded in annexing Zhang Zheng last time, would Fu Xue not treat himself with this attitude towards children now?

"Unconvinced?" Fu Xue picked her eyebrows and closed her notebook.

Evergreen repeatedly said, "take it! How can you not take it!"

"Is there anything wrong with you? Have you saved everyone's mind since childhood? Your sister was naughty when she was a child. Now she has grown up too? Look at you..."

Changqing was scolded. He didn't escape until Changqing came to save the scene.

Evergreen muttered and went back to his study, turned on the computer and began to look for something.

If it weren't for Zhang Zheng! No, he must get face back!

Changqing really hasn't done anything these days. He is bent on finding Zhang Zheng's fault. He doesn't believe that there is no breakthrough in Zhang Zheng.

However, the breakthrough was not found, but the news was notified. It was a message from the factory. Zhang zhengliu's words were specially noted on it: "I have all the goods. Do you want to ask me - boss Zhang."

Chang Qing immediately came to the spirit and went directly to Fu Xue: "sister Xiaoxue! Guess what I found!"

Fu Xue frowned: "what's the matter?"

"Zhang Zheng has something to do with a gray industrial chain."

Chang Qing told Fu Xue about it and said with a smile, "I thought he was an honest man, but he was just a greedy man. Don't you want to knock more money for so many things? As long as you prove that he's gone, I can..."

But Fu Xue didn't agree. She was silent for a while, shook her head and said, "I've seen Zhang Zheng's information. He's not that kind of person."

Evergreen's pupil shrank slightly: "sister Xiaoxue, do you believe him?"


"OK." Chang Qing smiled, "I'll go back first."


Turning around, Evergreen's complexion sank down suddenly, and a pair of narrow and provocative eyes were full of killing intention.

Zhang Zheng, why can Fu Xue recognize him if he doesn't do anything? Wait and see who laughs last!

At this time, the news that all the goods were bought out had been completely spread, but no one dared to make a statement or make any action.

These goods will eventually flow into the black market or abroad. Who dares to go out to crusade and ask for goods? Moreover, people bought those things for a good reason - there was really a hospital under the name of the damn real estate company, and Zhang Zheng even wanted to buy more for use.

But if you can't get the goods, those buyers on the black market are not vegetarian.

Forced by helplessness, the Jin family and the long family can only send their eldest son to negotiate with Zhang Zheng. When other groups see that the two families have moved, they also send representatives to follow them. If it's a big deal, they will give more money and the goods must be obtained!

Zhang Zheng was very happy to see them, and even arranged and prepared the meeting room for them in advance.

When they arrived, the little assistant strode in with a mobile phone, smiled at the representatives, connected the phone and turned on hands-free.

Zhang Zheng coughed, sat behind his desk lazily holding his mobile phone and said, "Hello, bosses."

Everyone was stunned. Everyone was surprised how the voice could be so young.

Only Jin Shizhong and long Tianxiang frowned. How did he feel... The voice was a little familiar? I feel a little cold under my crotch.

"Boss Zhang, are you a little unkind?" long Tianxiang thought about it. "If you want to be together, we naturally welcome you, but is this... A little against the rules?"

"What rules?" Zhang Zheng said innocently, "I don't know. I just bought goods from several factories. After all, we have a hospital, which is still the top hospital in Huayun city. What's wrong with the need for medical equipment?"

"Boss Zhang." Jin Shizhong said with a smile, "isn't win-win cooperation the best choice?"

"Coincidentally, I am very selfish."

Jin Shizhong choked. Long Tianxiang pressed his temper and said, "don't be so absolute. You can make a price at will. Don't you just want money?"

"I'm not short of money."

Zhang Zheng's words are merciless. However, Jin Shizhong and long Tianxiang are both acute children. They can't do it and swear rashly. They can only hold it.

"Talk to your bosses," said Zhang Zheng with a smile. "Didn't you come to negotiate? Talk, talk."

What did he say? What did he refute? What did he say?

Long Tianxiang took a deep breath and said, "does boss Zhang know... Zhengxing group?"

Zhang Zheng was interested: "a little knowledge."

Hearing the softness in Zhang Zheng's tone, long Tianxiang was relieved. Sure enough, everyone wanted to give Zhengxing group some face.

"Chairman of Zhengxing group has cooperated with us." long Tianxiang continued, "he is also on this ship, so you know boss Zhang."

"What do you know?" Zhang zhengle.

Why didn't he know he was on board?

Long Tianxiang said, "it's inconvenient for the chairman to come because of his identity, but you make it difficult for us to do so. Do you really want to invite him to come out in person?"

What long Tianxiang said was very true, as if the chairman of Zhengxing group would push the door in the next second.

If Zhang Zheng hadn't been stupid, he would have believed it.

"Well," Zhang Zheng thought, "let him call me."

Long Tianxiang was stunned: "what?"

"I'll tell him myself."


"What's the matter? Don't you even have a mobile phone number?" Zhang Zheng smiled impolitely. "How dare you say he's on the ship? I'm curious. Have you seen him? The chairman of Zhengxing group."