Nanling restaurant is not only not famous, but also located outside the remote urban area.

When Zhang Zheng and Xu Zihan finally got there, it was almost the afternoon.

When he found the agreed position and sat down, Zhang Zheng began to look at the restaurant.

One word, "poor", two words, "poor".

At least the space inside is quite large, but there is no decoration at all. Tables and chairs are also the kind that can be seen in roadside stalls.

Zhang Zheng even doubted that if it wasn't for the interior, the boss wouldn't even bother to brush the wall.

Xu Zihan went to the front desk for a long time before he reluctantly picked up a menu that was not particularly greasy and sticky: "I think... Things here can't be eaten."

Not only the menu, the table feels sticky.

"This should not be for dinner." Zhang Zheng narrowed his eyes. "Otherwise, at this level, can it still be opened to the present?"

"A little hungry." Xu Zihan regretfully pushed the menu away.

Zhang Zheng looked and found that there seemed to be people selling snacks over the counter, so he got up and said, "how much are potato chips?"

The front desk teller looked at Zhang Zheng lazily and said, "don't sell."

Zhang Zheng was stunned: "why not sell?"

"You can't afford it either." the teller gave Zhang Zheng a white eye. "Go away, go away."

Zhang Zheng smiled angrily: "why, I can't afford a bag of potato chips?"

"You really use this as a place to eat?"

The teller looked up and down at Zhang Zheng with pity, and his expression was full of high.

Zhang Zheng took a deep breath and said, "what's the matter? Is there anything wrong? Isn't this a place to eat or a place to eat shit?"

As soon as the teller's face changed, he smashed a handful of melon seeds directly: "smash the market? Find trouble? Get out! Poor man! You're not welcome here!"

Hearing the news, Xu Zihan strode over and said, "what's the matter?"

"It's all right." Zhang Zheng said angrily, "this restaurant is really not a good place. Dogs bark all the time and don't tie them."

"Who do you say is a dog!" the teller's voice suddenly increased eight degrees. "Believe it or not, you can't find a pit to bury?"

"So anxious to take a seat according to the number, guilty?"

"You!" the teller was almost angry.

Looking at the two people arguing endlessly, Xu Zihan tutted and slapped directly on the glass counter.

Taking Xu Zihan's palm as the center of the circle, the cobweb like cracks spread out. Finally, there was only a crisp sound, and the glass on the counter was directly and completely broken.

The teller suddenly lost his voice.

"I want to buy snacks." Xu Zihan said slowly.

The teller didn't dare to talk much. With a stuffy head, he took down the packet of potato chips pointed out by Zhang Zheng and handed it to him and said, "take your time."

It's much better to go out with a strong bodyguard.

"Let's go." Zhang Zheng felt much better.

Xu Zihan nodded and followed Zhang Zheng as he unpacked.

At this time, two people pushed the door in.

Zhang Zheng looked up and saw a familiar face: "Sheng Wei?"

It was Sheng Wei and a mysterious man with a mask, sunglasses and a cap.

"Boss!" the teller suddenly strode over, "two hooligans came to smash the market! Look at the counter! It's broken!"

Now the appearance of the grievance complaint is completely different from the domineering appearance before.

The teller glanced at Zhang Zheng proudly. Even if he had a violent girl around him, his boss had come. Who was he afraid of?

At the first moment of seeing Zhang Zheng, Sheng Wei's expression was very complex. Maybe he also knew who Zhang Zheng was. It took him a long time to say, "talk, chairman."

The teller was stunned and almost didn't respond: "old... Boss?"

Zhang Zheng nodded and said, "let's talk."

Then they sat down and talked slowly.

The teller is in a cold sweat and can let the boss call the Chairman... Did he provoke any big people?

"I'm glad the chairman is in a good mood today," said Xu Zihan, biting potato chips, "otherwise the store will be gone."

Xu Zihan saw Zhang Zheng's fun. When he was unhappy, he bought the company's land and stores. If he didn't really dislike the store, the owner of the store might change his name when the teller cursed for the first time.

"Director Zhang." Sheng Wei smiled, "about Shenggao group... Let's not mention it first. Now the problem is that batch of goods..."

"Will not retreat." Zhang Zheng touched his thumb, "50% of the profits, there can be no room for concessions."

"Leave three thin noodles in life."

"I didn't show mercy when I bought Shenggao group. Why do you think I will show mercy now?"

Sheng Wei felt ashamed when he mentioned this. If it hadn't been for the great cause of the Sheng family and the maintenance of countless small and gray industries, it would have been broken and dead by now.

Now the murderer is sitting opposite. Sheng Wei can only bite his teeth and then talk about the goods.

"You bought out all the goods, but those factories will still process and ship goods on time and on time. You have to pay, but the goods hit your hand. Isn't it cost-effective, director Zhang?"

"Cost effective," Zhang Zheng shrugged. "It's very cost-effective. I'm not short of money. I have plenty of time to spend with you slowly!"

"You!" Sheng Wei blushed with anger. "Don't go too far, Zhang Zheng!"

Zhang Zheng hehe: "where have I gone too far?"

The two argued endlessly, but the man who came with Sheng Wei was surprisingly quiet.

Zhang Zheng couldn't help looking more. He noticed that the man seemed to be wearing a ring under his black gloves, and he looked familiar in shape.

At this time, the teller came trembling with a pot of tea: "boss... Take your time."

Then he trembled and poured tea.

Zhang Zheng suddenly said, "your hands are so shaking. Didn't you eat?"

The teller was surprised and knocked over the freshly poured tea, which splashed on the man's black gloves.

Maybe the water was a little hot. The man tutted and took off his gloves.

"I'm sorry!" the teller nearly collapsed. "I didn't mean it! Please forgive me! Don't kill me!"

"Don't kill?"

Seeing that the teller was so afraid of the man, Zhang Zheng subconsciously glanced at the man's fingers.

At that moment, Zhang Zheng's pupils shrunk and his mind became blank.

That ring... Is the ring that Luoxi, the girl who gave herself ten times the ability, showed herself.

It was also the ring worn by the murderer of his mother.

"Xu Zihan!" Zhang Zheng subconsciously raised his voice, which sounded more like a hysterical scream, "catch the man! Come on!"

The man seemed to be ready. He pulled Sheng Wei up and ran away.

Xu Zihan threw down the potato chips and subconsciously went after them, but the teller held his legs quickly.

Seeing that both of them got on the bus, Xu Zihan scolded, pulled up the teller and hit him with a punch.

The teller collapsed to the ground. Xu Zihan wanted to catch up again, but Zhang Zheng stopped him: "forget it."

"What's the matter?" Xu Zihan wondered, "don't you want them?"

"I changed my mind," Zhang Zheng took a deep breath and his eyes were full of killing intention. "I want their lives!"