The teacher was silly: "little... Young master?"

Seeing the teacher, Sheng Xiaping was stunned: "Why are you here?"

Sheng Nan is a collateral Department of Sheng family, but because she is a university professor, she can make an exception and live in the master's house of Sheng family.

Sheng Nan was very proud that he was Sheng's family, but the acquisition of Shenggao group overnight made him lose his former glory. Before, people who envied him began to sneer and laugh that he had no backing.

When he was at home yesterday, he overheard Sheng Wei's conversation with Sheng Xiaping and learned that Zhang Zheng was the agent of Zhengxing group, and Zhang Zheng happened to be his student.

As soon as he came to the classroom, he saw Zhang Zheng sleeping. He was so angry that he didn't fight. He thought of Sheng Wei saying that Zhang Zheng was a reckless man. Without hesitation, he smashed a pile of teaching plans.

Now seeing Sheng Xiaping, Sheng Nan is stupid.

Zhang Zheng rubbed the red forehead, raised one eyebrow, looked at Sheng Xiaping and said, "your goods?"

Sheng Xia's flat head feels numb. He doesn't know what happened, but... Why does he feel something wrong.

"What can I do for you?" Zhang Zheng walked out lazily. "Go out and say."


Seeing that the young master was respectful to Zhang Zheng, Sheng Nan was at a loss.

All the students in the class are confused. What's the situation? Didn't the teacher still curse just now? Why did the students who would be scolded leave like this? So bold?

Sheng Nan hurriedly chased out. When she went out, she saw Sheng Xiaping bowing deeply to Zhang Zheng. Sheng Nan's mind was buzzing. The whole person was stupid.

It's over... Has he... Caused great trouble?

"What are you doing?" Zhang Zheng yawned. "Calling me early in the morning is to bow to me?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Zhang." Sheng Xiaping said, "I'm really sorry for the offence to you before! Now the Sheng family is... Dying, and I hope you..."

"Impossible." Zhang Zheng said lazily, "I'm just an agent. I don't understand anything. Don't you tell me it's like casting pearls before swine?"


Zhang Zheng is not stupid. He said he was the agent of Zhengxing group. Sheng Xiaping thought he was a brainless college student and wanted to bully or lure him to spit out some benefits.

But unfortunately, Zhang Zheng is not stupid. He is more sober than anyone.

"Go find little Chang Ye." Zhang Zhengzheng said unintentionally, "maybe little Chang ye can save you."

"This... No way..."

"Xiao Chang abandoned you?"

Zhang Zheng guessed right. Little Chang not only hung up Sheng Wei's phone, but also directly withdrew all investments. The Sheng family was in danger, otherwise Sheng Xiaping would not come to Zhang Zheng in person.

"It's useless." Zhang Zheng said faintly, "wait to die. The people who publish the list will show up in the next two days. You'd better be prepared."

With that, Zhang Zheng walked leisurely to the class gate with his hands in his pockets.

When passing Sheng Nan, who was almost petrified, Zhang Zheng said coldly, "there are you without me in the school, and I without you. Guess... Who will be the one who disappeared?"

Don't think about it. It must be Sheng Nan.

Sheng Nan suddenly felt a bolt from the blue. He seemed to have offended someone he shouldn't offend. Now he's going to lose his job. Is he... Finished?

The Sheng family fell into unprecedented despair.

When Sheng Xiaping came home, he saw a mess in the living room on the first floor. Sheng Wei sat on the sofa with a pile of ruins at hand.

"What's the matter, father?" Sheng Xiaping hurried forward and asked.

"Not only Mr. Chang... Everyone else withdrew their capital..."

Shengjia's capital is Shenggao group, but now Shenggao group has been acquired, and they have nothing. Xiao Changye's sudden withdrawal of capital is like a fuse. Those old friends who dare not withdraw capital due to face have found various excuses to withdraw capital, and they don't give Shenggao face at all.

"What to do..." Sheng Xiaping's mind is blank. "Is the Sheng family... Finished?"

After hesitating for a long time, Sheng Wei suddenly got up and went upstairs. After a while, he saw him coming downstairs with a unique black mobile phone. The mobile phone was black, and there was only a dark gold Cobra totem on the back.

Sheng Xiaping was stunned: "father, do you want to..."

Sheng Wei took a deep breath, picked up the phone and dialed the only phone inside: "hello... Is this Mr. C? Yes, OK, OK, thank you!"

After the phone call, Sheng Wei's face showed a little relaxed: "Mr. C will arrive in a minute and get ready."

Sheng Xia was half convinced and half suspicious: "is he... Really coming?"

About ten minutes or so, a black car stopped at Sheng's gate. Surrounded by more than a dozen people wearing black masks and black clothes, a man with a gold mask came to the door.

Sheng Wei immediately opened the door and bowed respectfully, "Mr. C, you're here."

The masked man didn't speak, just waved his hand, and then rushed in with his men.

The four men skillfully dispersed, closed all the curtains and guarded the four corners of the hall.

After determining the absolute safety, the masked man respectfully turned and bowed to an insignificant man behind him: "Mr. C."

Mr. C smiled. Half of his face under the mask seemed to laugh happily: "long time no see, Mr. Sheng."

"Don't dare!" Sheng was frightened.

This talent is the real Mr. C. Mr. C has always been mysterious. No one knows his real identity, and no one has seen his real face under his mask.

"You let me and the organization down very much." Mr. C touched the cobra ring on his index finger in a flat tone. "Mr. Chang is still there, and even lives very well. Is that your Sheng family's attitude towards completing the task?"

Sheng felt numb on his scalp and knelt down without hesitation and said, "please organize punishment!"

Sheng Xiaping was startled and hurriedly knelt down with him. He didn't dare to lift his head for fear of angering Mr. C

From the beginning, the Sheng family was loyal to the organization, and their task was to get close to Xiao Changye and completely defeat him on Xiao Changye's birthday. Everything was going well, but the sudden emergence of Zhengxing group completely disrupted the Sheng family.

As a result, the Sheng family and the company lost, and they didn't complete the task in the end.

After hearing Sheng Wei's report, Mr. C raised a finger and said, "the organization is very disappointed with you."

Sheng Wei dared not lift his head: "please give me another chance."

"The organization is not a toy to play with you." Mr. C said faintly, "for the last time, find out the person who leaked the list and seal the mouth of insiders, including Zhang Zheng."

Zhang Zheng is the only outsider who knows about it. His mouth must be sealed.

Sheng Wei took a careful look at Mr. C: "seal?"

"Yes," Mr. C chuckled, "do you know how to keep a person from saying something all his life?"

Sheng Wei shook his head: "no... I don't know."

"Just let him die? Understand?" Mr. C had a cold flash in his eyes: "that Zhang Zheng must die!"