"Sheng Shao!"

The housekeeper ran into the office with a trembling voice, "someone died..."

Sheng Xiaping was surprised: "how's it going? Zhang Zheng is dead?"

The housekeeper's hands were shaking and handed Sheng Xiaping the phone.

Sheng Xiaping picked it up and heard the man's vague and hoarse voice: "four million, one less point, I want your dog's life!"

After that, the man hung up the phone directly. Sheng Xiaping was confused: "this... Is this?"

The housekeeper sighed and explained, "the killer and Zhang Zheng fought in the barbecue shop, and then..."


"Zhang Zheng is fine... His man... Smashed the burning charcoal on the killer's face and knocked everyone out... One of them seems to be paralyzed and was still screaming when he was carried into the ambulance..."

For a time, Sheng Xiaping only felt that the world had collapsed. It was over. It was the second time

More than ten years ago, Wumeng was the most elite force representative in China, but naturally, there must be a shadow when there is a sunny face. The killer industry also rose at that time.

The subtle balance was finally broken when the employers gave money and the killers completed their tasks without interfering with each other. More than a decade ago, the new king of the killer world was a disciple of the Wu League. At her request, all killers were not allowed to take over people's lives at will or intervene in business affairs. Since then, the killer world has been silent for more than a decade.

Sheng Xiaping has always had a way to find this kind of killer who wants money but doesn't want life. They are not afraid of human life. They are the best helper to solve hostile businesses, but if they are entangled by them, it is also very fatal.

Just like now, the Sheng family is almost bankrupt, but they have to compensate the man for 4 million

Sheng Xiaping clenched his teeth and squeezed out a name from between his teeth: "Zhang Zheng!"

He must kill Zhang Zheng! He must feel his despair today!

"Sheng Shao," said the housekeeper in good time, "do you remember that Cheng Shi?"

"Don't mention him to me!"

"Zhengxing group held a press conference, and the person who announced the list of zosi will personally preside over the press conference. According to reliable information, Cheng Shi presided over the press conference."

Sheng Xiaping was stunned and said for a long time, "where is he now? Arrange a car for me! I want to go! Hurry up!"

The housekeeper bowed his head and said, "yes."

Cheng Shi is at work.

In fact, he didn't use him much. Basically, Li Yan took charge of all the big and small affairs.

A long time ago, Li Yan was also a high-ranking deputy director. Until he met Zhang Zheng, a rich and bossy boss, Li Yan formed the good habit of doing everything himself.

"It's time to get off work."

Before it was time to get off work, Zhang Zheng sent a message to urge.

Cheng Shi replied in tears and laughter: "I know Dong Zhang..."

"Go and accompany your wife. I'll go to the company to find Mr. He for dinner later!"

"Got it, got it."

Zhou Yuanxin looks lovely and has a pleasant personality. She is a group pet everywhere. He Bingbing is used to taking care of people. Of course, she prefers such a lovely and sticky little girl. As a result, every time Zhang Zheng wants to take he Bingbing to play, there will always be a little tail next to him.

Cheng Shi casually cleaned up the tidy desktop and left the office building while sending a message to Zhou Yuanxin.

"Well, it's coming soon." Cheng Shi smiled and sent out a voice, "darling, I'll pick you up right away."

"Yo, it's sweet now."

A voice with a sneer sounded.

Cheng Shi's face suddenly changed. He fiercely looked up and saw Sheng Xiaping leaning against the car, smiling at him and saying, "dare you get on the bus?"

"What are you doing here?"

"Something." Sheng Xiaping smiled, "are you afraid of me?"

Cheng Shi took a deep breath, opened the door and got into the car.

Sheng Xiaping smiled and got into the car from the other side and handed over a flue: "one?"

"No." Cheng Shi said, "what's the matter?"

"Aren't you afraid of me?" Sheng Xiaping said. "After all, I brought you so many painful memories."

"Not afraid." Cheng Shi said calmly.

If it weren't for Sheng Xiaping, Cheng Shi might not realize that he loves Zhou Yuanxin so much, and he doesn't know that silly girl would rather give up her life for herself.

Sheng Xiaping hehe: "get married soon. Can't you have a good past for such a happy period of time?"

Cheng Shi frowned displeased. "What do you mean? What do you want to say?"

"Press conference, I suggest you don't go." Sheng Xiaping lit a cigarette. "You're just a pawn of Zhengxing group. If you go, I can't guarantee that your good wife will become a cold body. Step back for your own good."

"I won't step back." Cheng Shi pushed open the door while lightly answering, "this time, I will never step back."

Because of his retreat, Zhou Yuanxin has left an ugly scar. Zhang Zheng is his life-saving benefactor. He won't shrink back this time.

The press conference arrived as scheduled.

In the office, Zhou Yuanxin wore a wide purple sweater and fanned Cheng Shi with long sleeves: "don't be nervous, don't be nervous! Come on!"

Zhang Zheng was amused: "you are nervous anyway."

Zhou Yuanxin suddenly collapsed and said, "I'm just worried about him! I don't care!"

Looking at Zhou Yuanxin, who is coquettish with his waist, Cheng Shi has only spoiled: "it's okay, it's just a press conference."

"I don't! I'm just worried!"

Watching the little couple show their love, Zhang Zheng silently eats lemon slices.

"Zhang Zheng." Xu Zihan said softly, "there are Sheng's family in the venue. Fight out?"

"No." Zhang Zheng shook his head, "let them make trouble."

Today's press conference will be perfect. He is sure of it.

It's Cheng Shi's turn to take the stage.

Cheng Shi took a deep breath and looked at the flashing lights and the dense crowd under the stage. He opened his mouth and said in a loud voice, "I announced the list of zos."

There was an uproar.

"How did Mr. Cheng get this list?"

"Why did you choose to publish anonymously for the first time?"

"What evidence do you have to prove that you organized and published this list?"

"Mr. Cheng..."

"Mr. Cheng..."

Cheng Shi was confused. Suddenly, his eyes fell on a purple figure in the distance, and his heart suddenly calmed down.

Zhou Yuanxin tries her best to show a great love with her arm. She wants to jump up and show Cheng Shi.

Cheng Shi suddenly smiled. He looked at so many reporters off the stage, and his panic disappeared. He said, "I..."

"Wait a minute."

Suddenly someone stood up under the stage: "may I ask?"

It was Sheng Xiaping. All the long guns and short guns gathered in the past: "what does Sheng Shao want to ask?"

"I just want to ask," Sheng Xiaping smiled at Cheng Shi. "What a man who married a bitch said is really believable?"