Niukang has blue tendons on his forehead.

What's going on? What... Someone really came?

Niu Kang only felt that there was a rush of anger in his heart. He looked at Zhang Zheng's smiling face and tried to comfort himself: calm down... Isn't that woman very rich? It's probably the money that the woman gave him, or the doorway in exchange for his body.

Niu Kang was relieved to think so.

He took a deep breath and tried to lift a smiling face to Zhang Zhengdao: "it's the first time I've seen such a young man who can consume his sister."

Hiding behind the bonsai, Xu Zihan, who was bored playing with her mobile phone, had a cold war. Was she mentioned?

Zhang Zheng squinted: "what do you mean?"

Niu Kang hehe: "your sister is very rich and looks good. Use her sister for a future... Tut tut."

Wang Qiang was confused again: "where did you get your sister?"

Are there so many people in Zhang Zheng's family?

Zhang Zheng listened happily: "well, my mind is full of pickled goods. People like you can also be deputy managers... Tut tut... You'll wait a minute."

Niu Kang watched Zhang Zheng dial a number and said carelessly, "Lao Liu, do you know a Niu Kang? Open it."

Niu Kang's eyes were split: "what are you talking about? I thought it would scare me! You... Don't be arrogant! I'll call the police! You're slandering me!"

Niu Kang was so flustered that he could even say slander.

Zhang Zheng was still relaxed. After a while, Niu Kang's mobile phone rang as promised.

Niu Kang looked at the mobile phone in his hand in horror. He looked up again to see Zhang Zheng's smiling face. He only felt terrible: "you..."

"Take it." Zhang Zheng smiled.

Niu Kang's hands trembled and carefully pasted his mobile phone to his ear: "manager?"

After a while, Niu Kang's face was as gray as death, and he knelt down on the ground.

Zhang Zheng looked at him condescensively and said, "have you found out about buying fake degrees and accepting gifts and lending usury?"

Wang Qiang looked at Niu Kang in shock: "this... Ah? Really?"

Niu Kang had no intention to explain. He immediately propped up his upper body and burst into tears: "I'm sorry! I'm sorry, young master Zhang! Boss Zhang! Please! I dare not dare again! I beg you!"

The bank has dismissed him, which is still a small matter. More importantly, the manager said that someone was going to send an accusation letter. The things in the letter can send Niu Kang directly in.

"Let's go."

Zhang Zheng ignored the eyes cast on him. He put his hands in his pockets and turned around and said, "let's go to dinner."

Wang Qiang looked back at Niu Kang, who was crying, and finally followed Zhang Zheng.

Xu Zihan stretched out and strode up.

Seeing the sudden appearance of Xu Zihan, Wang Qiang was shocked: "what's wrong with you... Where did you just go?"

Zhang Zheng explained: "her sense of existence is low and normal."

Wang Qiang was absent-minded. After a while, Wang Qiang hesitated and said, "I... Don't want to go to Zhengxing group..."

Zhang Zheng's eyelids jumped: "why? The salary of Zhengxing group is so high. Can't you plan your future with Lili in the past few years?"

"But..." Wang Qiang smiled bitterly, "am I going through the back door? I always think... I don't deserve it?"

"You don't deserve it?" Zhang Zheng said, "which university are you from!"

"Huayun... Huayun University..."

"How many points did you get in the college entrance examination?"


"More than 20 points above the score line! One point has killed thousands of troops. How many people have you killed? Now your grades are very poor? Aren't you in the middle and upper reaches? Now you still think you deserve it!"

After Zhang Zheng's deception, Wang Qiang was a little confused: "I seem... Can I try?"

"Be confident and get rid of the 'like'!" Zhang Zheng patted Wang Qiang on the shoulder and said, "you still came from the Central Plains. The admission results of the central plains are so terrible. Do you think you will be poor!"

Wang Qiang was confident. He looked at Zhang Zhengdao with blood boiling: "thank you! Good brother, please have a barbecue in the evening!"

"The one at the school gate?"


"What's the budget?"

"Open up and eat!"

They looked at each other and smiled, leaving behind their unhappiness and annoyance, and happily prepared for the interview in the afternoon.

In fact, it's OK not to have an interview, but Wang Qiang insisted on an interview. Although he didn't think the performance of the interview was very good, he had some confidence in himself at least.

In the evening, Wang Qiang took Zhang Zheng and Xu Zihan to a barbecue stand near the school.

Sitting on a folding stool and biting the fragrant mutton string, Wang Qiang thanked Zhang Zhengdao: "really, really thank you!"

"Thank you for what?" Zhang Zheng drank a few glasses of wine and looked as usual.

Wang Qiang has a little head: "good brother, all my life, when I develop... We are still good brothers!"

Zhang Zheng smiled and listened to Wang Qiang's nagging about the horse's mouth.

Xu Zihan sat aside because the stool was really hurt. A pair of long legs curled up and tilted aside. Under the hazy warm yellow street lamp, the white jade like skin seemed to linger on a layer of warm jade like luster.

The boys and girls who came and went couldn't help looking more.

Xu Zihan didn't notice. His long hair was tied into a high horsetail, revealing his exquisite side face, and ate mutton kebabs quietly.


A student full of wine came to Xu Zihan and said, "add a little?"

"No." Xu Zihan just raised his eyes and glanced at him.

Xu Zihan's eyes are not very big, but they are very narrow and long. He looks like a fox. Especially when he looks at people obliquely, his long eyelashes pull out a shadow like ink at the end of his eyes, and his eyebrows and eyes are full of cold and charming feelings.

The student seemed to be fascinated and even reached out to touch Xu Zihan's face: "beauty, you're so beautiful... Be my girlfriend. I'm a graduate student of Huayun University!"

"Self respect!" Xu Zihan raised his voice.

The student was stunned and took back his hand as if he had been sober for a few minutes, but he smiled and brazenly pulled a small bench to Xu Zihan's side and said, "sorry, beauty, you're so beautiful. I'm a little offended... But what I said is true! Do you want to consider being my girlfriend?"

Xu Zihan thought he didn't exist, but he kept saying, "really, I'm going to go to 49 cities to read a blog. Several large companies have opened 10000 monthly salaries to retain me. You should consider me!"

"Ah ah." Zhang Zheng noticed that something was wrong there and politely said, "you're disturbing people."

"None of your business!" the student scolded, "which onion are you?"

Zhang Zheng hehe: "who are you from?"

The student said proudly, "I'm the first Zhang Zheng in the Department of finance of Huayun University!"