Xu Zihan, who suddenly broke in, startled He Xiong and Li Quan.

Li Quan stared at the broken window and was shocked: "this... This is the third floor... How did you get in?"

"As president Zhang's bodyguard," Xu Zihan lifted his hair, "there's nothing I can't do."

"Swipe the card." Zhang Zheng threw the card on the ground, "800000, didn't he agree?"

He Xiong's heart clicked, but he still said, "no! Do you believe him? It's estimated that he came to cheat you!"

After much deliberation, Li Quan finally squatted down and picked up the card.

After brushing with POS, Li Quan looked at He Xiong with a shocked face: "really... There are 800000? Zhang Zheng, where did you get the money!"

Zhang Zheng hehe: "can I cheat you?"

He Xiong's face sank: "why, do you want to rob the place with which family? Do you think you can compete with which family with some money?"

Zhang Zheng didn't bother to lift his head: "Li Quan, go through the formalities quickly. The 800000 full amount has been hit. He family wants to buy land here, right? OK, I know. See you next time."

Zhang Zheng got up and left.

Li Quan quickly smiled and said, "Mr. Zhang, go slowly!"

He Xiong felt that he had lost face and scolded angrily: "you! Hehe, you will know the consequences against him!"

Zhang zhengtou didn't bother to answer.

After Zhang Zheng left, He Xiong scolded fiercely and called the housekeeper: "Hey, Bai Bo, please tell your father that the original land has been bought, and now you can only be nearby... What?"

He Xiong was stunned.

Bai Bo on the other end of the phone said helplessly: "young master... I have contacted the heads of other factories for a long time. I just got the news that all the factory sites near the Municipal Development Zone have been bought. Now I'm waiting for the one you're responsible for, if..."

He Xiong's scalp is numb.

This... How is this possible?

Huayun is not a particularly developed city, but its construction has been very active in recent years. It is expected to be among the second tier cities this year.

Therefore, the old factory near Huayun Development Zone has become a huge piece of fat.

He family had long liked the land of the beverage factory, so he asked young master he to negotiate in person. He thought everything was going well, but who ever thought

He Xiong was surprised. Was it Zhang Zhenggan? He has always felt that this name and that face are very familiar. Now think... He seems to be from Zhengxing group? In this way, where is he Bingbing in yin? Otherwise, why are people of Zhengxing group targeting who!

"He Bingbing... Zhang Zheng! You wait." He Xiong gritted his teeth.

Sooner or later, Zhengxing group will fall at the feet of he family!

And Zhang Zheng, he didn't pay attention to he family at all.

After writing the internship report and signing with Li Quan, he threw off his hand and completely ignored these messy things.

When ah Qiao learned that he had finished his internship, she had to take him to buy clothes.

Zhang Zheng cried and laughed: "sister a Qiao, I really don't need it..."

A Qiao held a round fan in one hand and lazily held up her mobile phone in the other hand and said, "no, you need it. I don't want my boyfriend to lose my face in casual clothes."


"Little Chang Ye's birthday party... Did you forget?" ah Qiao raised her eyebrow.

Zhang Zheng was stunned: "do I have to... Wear a formal dress?"

"Don't talk nonsense," ah Qiao said strongly. "Pick up your car and come here. Come here honestly."

Zhang Zheng couldn't but be obedient.

Ah Qiao didn't take Zhang Zheng to such a large shopping mall, but took him to an antique theme town built with a lot of money in the city.

Zhang Zheng is here for the first time, because it is generally a scenic spot for TV dramas or movies. Even in ordinary times, he can see a wave of photographers with long guns and heavy guns pouring in. Therefore, Zhang Zheng's impression of this place is that it is expensive, expensive to die.

A Qiao, dressed in a yellow cheongsam and holding a round fan embroidered with daffodils in her hand, led Zhang Zheng out of the car and went in.

It seems to be filming here. From a distance, you can see temporary tents and piles of professional equipment.

Zhang Zheng nodded in his heart: "sister ah Qiao, people are filming. They may not be able to get in."

"What are you afraid of?" ah Qiao shook her fan. "Do they dare to stop me?"

Zhang Zheng Yusai.

But seriously, no one stopped them all the way down.

Ah Qiao pushed open a carved door. Behind the wooden counter, a young man in a coat and gold wire glasses politely smiled at them and said, "sister ah Qiao, you're coming."

Ah Qiao nodded. Holding the counter with one hand, she jumped to the counter and sat down. Lazily, she crossed her legs and said, "find him some clothes that fit."

The young man nodded, "OK, sister Qiao."

Zhang Zheng looked around curiously. It was said that it was a shop. In fact, the interior decoration was more like an ancient restaurant, but the walls on both sides were full of all kinds of clothes.

After a while, the young man came out with a black dress: "how about this one?"

Ah Qiao nodded reluctantly and said, "it's OK. Zhang Zheng, go and try."

Although Zhang Zheng was not very interesting, he went to the fitting room to change. This is a black Zhongshan suit. The cloth is excellent and embroidered with a dragon's dark pattern. It is not obvious in the dark, but when there is light, he will see a dragon hovering behind Zhang Zheng's shoulder and neck.

Zhang Zheng's temperament itself is good, and he is tall enough. After wearing it, he really feels dignified.

"OK." ah Qiao knocked her chin with her fingertips. "Unfortunately, it's not a red dragon suit."

"What?" Zhang Zheng was stunned.

Ah Qiao smiled: "it's all right. Just this one. Pack it."

Zhang Zheng thought he was going to be escorted to try on the clothes for a long time. Unexpectedly, it was finalized so soon. Zhang Zheng didn't react when he took the packed clothes out.

"Go back and get ready." ah Qiao patted Zhang Zheng on the shoulder. "Don't embarrass me."

Zhang Zheng smiled bitterly: "sister ah Qiao, do you just don't trust me?"

"Well, yes."

Zhang Zheng smiled.

When he returned to the dormitory with his new clothes, before Zhang Zheng sat down for a while, Wang Qiang hated iron and steel and killed him: "you, you! What happened again?"

Zhang Zheng was confused: "I'm... OK, refreshed. What's the matter?"

Wang Qiang showed Zhang Zheng his mobile phone.

The mobile phone screen shows the school forum. A picture of Zhang Zheng and ah Qiao hanging together is impressively on the top. At the bottom is an exclamation: "no wonder he suddenly became rich! It turned out that he was fed on a soft meal!"