"What?" Zhang Zheng noticed something wrong.

Lolo's ears were full of children's thin cries. It was obviously overloaded for her to hear the voices of so many small animals for a time.

Zhang Zheng touched Lolo's hair and said, "aren't you feeling well? What's the matter?"

Lolo covered his head and said nothing.

Suddenly, Lolo straightened up and strode to the cage in the corner. She squatted down and reached out to touch a little orange cat inside. In her mouth, she whispered, "did you call me? I'm coming."

Just then, a foot in high heels suddenly stretched out and kicked Lolo on the shoulder: "get out! Nigger!"

Xu Zihan rushed forward and pushed the woman away. The woman's center of gravity was unstable and naturally didn't kick Luoluo.

Lolo was startled and sat down on the ground.

"Lolo!" Zhang Zheng's heart clicked and hurried to pick up Lolo.

"What are you doing? Healthy man!" the woman scolded hysterically. "Dare you push me? Do you know who I am? Dare you push me! Bitch! Apologize to me quickly!"

Xu Zihan's eyes were cold. She didn't know what to scold. Her subordinates consciously wanted to stretch out to the back, where there were several useless small sharp knives forever.

Lolo has a soft temper, but she is not Xu Zihan. If she is angry, she will take revenge. There is nothing wrong.

"Wait." Zhang Zheng shouted to Xu Zihan, "don't make trouble."

Although he also wanted to beat up the annoying woman, this is not the time to make trouble.

The woman looked at Luo Luo in Zhang zhenghuai with disgust and said, "nigger, have black blood, what bad luck!"

"How do you talk?" Zhang Zheng was a little angry. "No matter what her blood, is this the reason why you kick people at will?"

The woman hehe, lazily lifted one of her hair and said, "I just can't stand her. What's the matter?"

The woman was really jealous. She was jealous of Lolo's blond hair like gold and her eyes as blue and clean as the sea.

No matter how much she spends on dyeing her hair or how expensive she wears contact lenses, she can't get the effect of this advanced hybrid. Why can a nigger have it? For what? Why is such beautiful hair, such beautiful eyes and facial features not hers?

She was so jealous that she suddenly kicked Lolo.

Seeing that the situation here seemed to be wrong, as if it was going to quarrel, the clerk was finally willing to stand up from behind the counter. She hurried over, smiled and flattered the woman and said, "I'm sorry, Miss Hu, I'm disturbing your pleasure."

Miss Hu disdained and said, "it's really annoying."

The clerk said very well: "Miss Hu, there are the most advanced animals in the activity room in the corridor, which is most suitable for you. You can go in and have a look at it at will!"

Miss Hu snorted and said proudly, "it's almost the same. I'm in a good mood. I can spend more time with these little animals today. If it doesn't look good to take photos later, just wait!"

"Yes!" the clerk smiled attentively.

Miss Hu takes pictures every time she comes, and she takes pictures with the most expensive and purest kittens and dogs. Her circle of friends is full of exquisite photos, which are full of warmth.

But these lovely little animals are just her props.

Zhang Zheng didn't want to talk to her, so he bowed his head and asked Lolo, "are you okay? Let's go home."

He will certainly avenge this revenge, but not now. Now he has to be busy writing his paper. In case there is anything wrong waiting for him to solve, will he still write his paper?

"Don't go home!"

Lolo was very anxious: "you can't go home!"

She grabbed Zhang Zheng's sleeve and looked at him anxiously.

Zhang Zheng frowned: "what's the matter? Tell me what's the matter?"

"The cats are asking me for help!" Lolo whispered. "They are crying and shouting. It hurts. I can't go home!"

"Can you still hear the voices of animals?" Zhang Zheng was shocked. "Really?"

Lolo nodded hard.

From the moment she entered the store, crying completely surrounded her, so she had a headache and felt uncomfortable.

Zhang Zheng looked at the little animals in the store, and felt that what Luo Luo said seemed to be the truth.

"It's so eye-catching." Miss Hu scolded and turned to the inner room.

The shop assistant impatiently pushed Xu Zihan: "have the face to stay here? Get out quickly!"

How could Xu Zihan let her achieve her wish? Without hesitation, she grabbed the hand extended by the clerk and broke it hard.

The clerk gave a cry of pain and grinned to take his hand back: "it hurts! You dare to hit people! I'll call the law enforcement officer right away! You're finished! You're finished!"

Zhang Zheng said impatiently, "are you finished? We just want to see a pet."

Xu Zihan let go, the clerk pulled his hand back and said coldly, "look at pets? The cheapest one here is 2000. Do you have money to buy it? I know people like you best! Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

Zhang Zheng knew that this kind of guy who only recognizes money is everywhere.

He took out the black card from his pocket, shook it and said, "can't afford it?"

The clerk was silent.

Luo Luo squatted in front of the cage and looked carefully at a thin cat like a mouse in the cage. Her delicate eyebrows frowned more and more tightly.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Zheng whispered, "what do the little guys say?"

Lolo's voice was filled with tears: "they said... They are cold and hungry. They haven't eaten or drunk here. Some people beat them... They are so afraid... Brother Zhang Zheng, will you save them?"

Zhang Zheng hesitated.

It's not that he doesn't want to save, but there seems to be nothing wrong with the small animals here. He has no evidence. He can't go up and say to others, "the animals here accuse you of malaria cat".

Lolo stuffed his fingers into the gap of the thin cage. The wilting kitten in it suddenly came to spirit, struggled to move over, and rubbed Lolo's fingertips with his pink nose and small mouth.

"Don't be afraid." Lolo whispered, "brother Zhang Zheng is powerful. He can save you in a moment. Don't be afraid. I won't go, really."

Zhang Zheng leaned over and asked, "what are they talking about?"

Lolo repeated truthfully: "they say they are hungry, tired and afraid..."

Because the animals here are basically cubs, the meaning they can express is really limited.

Zhang Zheng has a headache.

Xu Zihan also came over and said, "what happened?"

"Luoluo said that the animals here were treated with malaria." Zhang Zheng said faintly, "but it's difficult to do without evidence..."

Suddenly, Lolo stood up and shouted nervously, "don't be afraid! I'll save you!"

With that, Lolo turned and ran.

Zhang Zheng grabbed her: "what's the matter?"

Lolo was about to cry: "a cat was beaten! It's asking me for help!"