Zhang Zheng was stunned: "big man?"

Ah Qiao said with a smile, "I told you you don't understand. That's it. Bye."

A Qiao hung up the phone cleanly, and Zhang Zheng was confused.

Zhou Xiaowan looked at Zhang Zheng with expectation: "how's Mr. Zhang?"

Zhang Zheng shrugged: "sister a Qiao didn't tell me the details. Go and see it later."

Zhou Xiaowan didn't speak, just nodded.

Zhang Zheng didn't care so much. After staying in the company for a while, he went back to school.

His thesis has been written down, but the tutor hasn't decided yet. Wait until all his things are solved before going to other things.

Back to school, Zhang Zheng asked Wang Qiang and found that Wang Qiang had already found a good instructor. He was still wondering: "didn't the teacher ask you?"

Zhang Zheng was confused: "ask me... What?"

Wang Qiang was even more puzzled: "how could it be? How could the teacher not ask you if you need guidance? You are the first in the whole department! If you guide you to write a paper, they must follow you!"

Zhang Zheng thought for a while and said, "maybe... They think I already have a tutor. Let's go and ask with me."

Wang Qiang nodded, "OK, let's go."

It is generally better to find a subject teacher to find a tutor, and Zhang Zheng's achievements are superior. It belongs to the type of teachers scrambling for guidance.

But as soon as Zhang Zheng opened the door of the office, all the teachers became busy, "Shua Shua" turned over the textbooks and wrote the teaching plan as a doctor's prescription.

Zhang Zheng frowned, but he still went to the teacher and said, "teacher, my graduation thesis..."

"The quota of my guidance is full." the teacher hurriedly pushed his glasses and said, "go find another teacher."

Zhang Zheng turned his head. He didn't know if it was his illusion. All the teachers seemed to be avoiding his sight intentionally or unintentionally.

Zhang Zheng frowned and said in a high voice, "teacher, who can take the time to guide my paper?"

"I'm not free. I'm going on a business trip."

"I'm not as skilled as a man."

"I can't..."

Zhang Zheng gritted his teeth, but said nothing. After thanking Wang Qiang, he hurriedly pulled Wang Qiang out of the office.

"What's the matter?" Wang Qiang wondered. "The teachers feel a little afraid of you. Have you done anything harmful?"

Zhang Zheng shook his head: "no... no, I seem to know."

Zhang Zheng had a headache. He patted his head and said, "I seem to... Know."

The teachers bought by Xu Jin had no face to stay in school. They cleaned up and left. No one asked, and the headmaster was dismissed. All this was put on Zhang Zheng's head by the crowd who didn't know the truth.

According to this view, Zhang Zheng has also "sent" away the "talents" of several teachers. Who dares to guide him?

"Ha ha ha!"

After learning the cause and effect of the matter, Wang Qiang made a merciless laugh: "it turns out that you are the legendary teacher killer, disrespectful!"

Zhang Zheng had a headache: "don't laugh at me! Think about what to do!"

Wang Qiang didn't know what to do, so they decided to sit in the library and write while checking materials with Wang Qiang.

"I'm worried to death." Zhang Zheng pinched the bridge of his nose and muttered.

"Come on, my college bully." Wang Qiang said slowly, "when you find a tutor, you just find a teacher to go through the motions. What's like us? We all really need a teacher to guide us. All right! Save it."

"What to save." Zhang Zheng was helpless. "Finish the paper quickly and it will be all right. This day... Alas... This downward trend, even the instructor can't be found!"

"To be exact," Wang Qiang said seriously, "the instructor doesn't want you, ha ha ha."

Zhang Zheng came forward and beat Wang Qiang: "make your mouth cheap!"

At this time, most of the students in the library came to look up materials and write papers. When they heard that Zhang Zheng didn't instruct his tutor, they couldn't help laughing.

"Really? No tutor?"

"How bad is this? I can't even find a tutor?"

"The whole department counts down? Hahaha, it's a miracle to graduate!"

Listening to other people's discussion and ridicule, Zhang Zheng's ears turned red. He bit his teeth and dragged Wang Qiang away: "go, go, don't lose face here!"

Wang Qiang smiled out of breath: "you have today, too."

Zhang Zheng gnashed his teeth: "laugh at me again and I'll smoke you! Hurry up! Help me think about what to do!"

"I don't know." Wang Qiang raised his eyebrows. "Oh, I thought I couldn't catch up with you. Now I suddenly find that I can write slowly."

Zhang Zheng was angry: "you... You wait, I can find a bunch of mentors right away. Believe it or not?"

Wang Qiang shook his head: "I don't believe it."

Zhang Zheng took it seriously. He immediately cut a picture of the balance of his mobile phone account and sent a post to the school forum. The picture said, "ask for a paper instructor for one million."

At first, there were questions at the bottom. As a result, several students went to check and found that the picture was not P. they immediately fried the pot. This post instantly became the most popular post. There were many teachers volunteering and a group of people shouting "666".

Zhang Zheng looked at Wang Qiang proudly: "did you find it immediately?"

Wang Qiang clenched his teeth: "you! You cheat! What a hero is the ability to use money!"

Zhang Zheng shrugged: "anyway, I found it. What can you do?"

Wang Qiang was so angry that he asked, "you! You... Forget it, your move really works, but how do you choose so many teachers?"

Zhang Zheng looked and said, "these teachers... I think half of them are the teachers who just rejected me. Hey hey, just in time."

Zhang Zheng immediately replied at the bottom of the post. I hope all teachers can introduce themselves to him in a private letter and interview and select the favorite teacher tomorrow.

This speech immediately set off a small high trough. Everyone was curious about whether it was true that this one million yuan was looking for a tutor.

At this time, in the office, the teacher who had previously refused Zhang Zheng secretly sent a private letter to Zhang Zheng, in which he was very proud to introduce himself.

At this time, someone nearby said, "some students have to spend one million to find a thesis instructor, or in the finance department."

"Really?" the teacher smiled dryly. "It's really rich. Maybe it's fake."

"Who knows."

Someone suddenly said, "does it have anything to do with me?"

The teacher was relieved that no one would compete with him. That's a million. Asking won't drop a piece of meat.

"By the way," said the teacher, "did you ask?"

"Why did you ask him?"

"No fun."

"Who believes it."

And their mobile phones are stopped on the page of private letters at this time.