Zhang Zheng hurriedly explained: "I! I just came to apologize to you!"

"What else?"

"What else? And... I want you to be my thesis instructor, OK?"

Ye Qingzhu pushed his glasses again, but the expression on his face was much softer: "child, go back."

Zhang Zheng was stunned: "why?"

"I won't be your tutor." Ye Qingzhu smiled. "You are a good child with high understanding and don't go astray. Your graduation thesis is a major event that determines your future. If you let me be your tutor... You will only miss your future."

"No!" Zhang Zheng said seriously, "I really want you to be my instructor!"

"Forget it, forget it."

Ye Qingzhu smiled bitterly and waved his hand: "go back. I'm not a big man. I'm just a waste that even my family can't protect well."

Zhang Zheng wanted to say more, but ye Qingzhu had turned and left.

Zhang Zheng stood alone in the stairway for a long time.

It was late when he got home.

Lolo fell asleep on the sofa with viva in her arms. As soon as she heard something moving in the porch, she sat up straight and said with a smile, "brother Zhang Zheng is back!"


Zhang Zheng smiled and sat down on the sofa. "I'm back."

Viva jumped down from Lolo's arms, climbed neatly onto Zhang Zheng's shoulder and licked Zhang Zheng's face with his tongue. Zhang Zheng couldn't cry or laugh: "all right, all right, you're a cat. Viva, how can you be like a dog? Can you live up to your name?"

Lolo sat aside, her long blond hair hanging gently on her shoulder. She tilted her head and looked at Zhang Zheng with a pair of sea like blue and bright eyes: "brother Zhang Zheng, why are you unhappy?"

Zhang Zheng was stunned. Finally, he sighed and said all the things today.

"Well." Lolo nodded like a little adult, "brother Zhang Zheng, go and help the teacher."

"How can I help?" Zhang Zheng sighed. "Mr. Ye is really unpopular among the students. I can't come to the door one by one and force those students to like Mr. Ye."

"But how can ordinary students go to the teacher's house all the time?"

Zhang Zheng was stunned.

Ye Qingzhu's daughter said that the Ye family has always been bullied, and ye Qingzhu and Mrs. ye have never thought of calling the police. At that time, he thought it was the student's hand, but now think about how it is possible that the student can force a family for several years, and dare not make any resistance?

"There must be ghosts in here!" Zhang Zheng patted his forehead. "I'm really confused! Why didn't I think of this! Lolo, you're too smart! You've made great contributions!"

Lolo smiled and said, "this is brother Zhang Zheng's suspicious idea, but you didn't notice it."

"It's... you've made great contributions! I'll go to school tomorrow to find out what's going on!"

Seeing Zhang Zheng's lively appearance, Luo Luo also smiled. She turned around and said curiously, "why... Sister Zihan didn't come back with you?"

Zhang Zheng was stunned: "ah? Zihan? I don't know. She should be busy. I haven't seen her these days... I'll find her after I'm busy."

Zhang Zheng said that action is action. He ran to school early the next morning.

Although Ye Qingzhu is also from Huayun University, he doesn't teach finance, but has always been an ancient Mandarin teacher in the most biased south campus. Zhang Zheng hasn't been there much at ordinary times, so he doesn't know anything about Mr. Ye. If it hadn't happened this time, Zhang Zheng wouldn't even know who Mr. Ye is.

Zhang Zheng came to the South Campus and looked around for a long time without a destination.

Which building does Ye Qingzhu have classes in? Where is it?

"Zhang Zheng?"

A pleasant cry came from behind.

Zhang Zheng turned his head and saw that he was indeed an old acquaintance.

Xu Tianai smiled and waved to Zhang Zheng, "Why are you here? Aren't you a student in the finance department? There's no class today?"

"No." Zhang Zheng smiled and shook his head, "what about you? Why are you here?"

Xu Tianai tilted his head and blinked: "I took an ancient language class."

"You still learn that?" Zhang Zheng was shocked.

Xu Tian loves music: "I was a professional in opera before. Although I turned to vocal music, my love for the quintessence of the Chinese nation has not decreased at all."


Chatting, Zhang Zheng suddenly reacted: "the ancient language teacher... Is his surname Ye!"

Xu Tianai nodded suspiciously, "yes, how do you know?"

Zhang Zheng patted on the forehead: "I've found the right place... In this way, I actually..."

He told Xu Tianai what he wanted to know about ye Qingzhu. Xu Tianai nodded and said, "well... I know some."

"Really? Great!"

They found a shady place to talk slowly.

Xu Tianai said: "Mr. Ye is very nice. Although he is a little old-fashioned at ordinary times, he is gentle to our students on the premise that he can't make mistakes, but... He has never been rated."

"Rating?" Zhang Zheng frowned.

"Yes," Xu Tianai said, "Mr. Ye's scientific research achievements can be rated for a long time, and they are the kind that has been stable! But... The school leaders don't know why they have been suppressing Mr. Ye and blocking Mr. Ye's rating again and again. The reason is to give the opportunity to new people, or let Mr. Ye wait. Mr. Ye is also a good tempered teacher and change to other teachers..."

Xu Tianai is still saying, but Zhang Zheng has realized that it is wrong: "why should school leaders always suppress Mr. Ye? Even if they are biased, it won't be like this."

Xu Tianai shook his head: "I don't know."

Just then, Zhang Zheng suddenly saw a familiar figure: "eh? Isn't that Xu Zihan?"

Xu Zihan looked left and right as if she was looking for something. Suddenly, she hurried to the back of a teaching building and disappeared.

Zhang Zhengzheng wondered why the people who hadn't seen her these days. Seeing her suspicious deeds, he quickly caught up with her: "Zihan! Where are you going!"

Zhang Zheng stopped abruptly before he took a few steps.

Because he saw that ye Qingzhu, who should have been in the classroom at this time, bowed his head and hurried to the office building.

But he had nothing in his hand.

Zhang Zheng frowned and felt wrong. He had to give up chasing Xu Zihan and turn to chasing Ye Qingzhu.

Ye Qingzhu was silent. He went all the way to the fourth floor of the office building and finally stopped in front of a closed office door.

Zhang Zheng hid behind the wall and looked carefully.

Ye Qingzhu didn't mean to go in, but stood in front of the door, waiting and silent.

I don't know how long it took, but a dull male voice rang from behind the door: "come in."