"We are absolutely honest!"

Huang Mao's resolute way.

Zhang Zheng nodded: "really, come with me."

A group of gangsters looked at each other for a few eyes, and finally hesitated to get up and follow Zhang Zheng.

Zhang Zheng took a group of people to the police station. The Yellow haired people were stupid: "this... We don't want to squat in the police station!"

Zhang Zheng tutted lightly and said, "who let you go to jail? Even if you steal, how can you beat people without being punished? Do you prefer me to solve it privately with lynching?"

Huang Mao shut up.

Zhang Zheng went in and called out the young law enforcement officer and said, "these are the thieves who robbed my teacher's thesis."

The law enforcement officer was stunned: "what's going on?"

"They turned themselves in."

Zhang Zheng's face remained unchanged.

Huang Mao gritted his teeth and nodded: "yes... We stole it and we beat people."

"OK..." the law enforcement officer said in a panic, "go in and take notes."

Because ye Qingzhu didn't mean to investigate, and what was lost was not valuables, these thieves were criticized and educated.

Zhang Zheng and Xu Zihan stared at the door of the police station and took them away when Huang Mao came out.

Back in the shabby little yard again, Zhang Zheng sat where Huang Mao sat before, carefully looked at the small gangsters and said, "how old are you?"

Huang Mao looked at the others and said, "I'm twenty-three."

"Twenty one."



After everyone reported to Zhang Zheng, they found that the oldest of these people was only 23 years old. Huang Mao was the oldest in them. These little gangsters even had 16 or 17 people.

Zhang Zheng looked at two of the 16-year-old children and asked, "if you don't go to school well, mix with society here? Still be a little gangster? What about your parents?"

The two children bowed their heads.

Huang Mao said, "we are all villagers who come from other places to work."

"Come to work?" Zhang zhengle said, "is this what you call working? Mixing society is working?"

Huang Mao also lowered his head and stopped talking.

Zhang Zheng saw something wrong and said, "what's going on? Make it clear."

Huang Mao sighed and said, "we... Are all workers in Jin's factory."

"Jin family?"

Another big family.

According to Huang Mao, they all worked in their hometown, but they listened to the propaganda of the Jin family, so they gathered together to work in the Jin family factory here.

Who knows not only that there is no five insurances and one fund, but also no salary of 3000 per month. Every day there is a high-intensity factory assembly line work, but the accommodation and food are poor.

Huang Mao is the older of them. He also took them to ask for salary, but he was beaten out.

Being in a foreign land and suffering from malice and the pressure of not daring to return to their hometown to disappoint their families, these young people abandoned themselves and were willing to stay in this small yard and be a little gangster doing nothing.

"You want to take revenge on society." Zhang Zheng tut Tut, "you took revenge on a lonely man. You not only had an unhappy life, but also hurt kind people."

Huang Mao bowed his head and dared not speak.

Zhang Zheng took a deep breath and said, "you can mix here, right? Is there any evidence?"

Huang Mao immediately took out his mobile phone and said, "there are three groups of thousands of people here. There are almost most of the small gangsters in Huayun city. I'm still in charge."

Zhang Zheng looked, as if it was really the same thing.

In fact, he doesn't want to deal with these gangsters, but if they can help themselves, it's another matter.

Isn't this little gangster who spreads all over Huayun city like ants just like a huge information network?

Zhang Zheng thought for a moment and said, "I can work for you, but there are two conditions."

"Really?" Huang Mao was skeptical.

Xu Zihan said, "boss, he has three listed companies. If you don't believe it, you can ask about the name of Zhang Zheng."

Outside, Xu Zihan will give enough political face every time.

Huang Mao they discussed in a low voice for a while, and finally nodded firmly: "OK! Boss, what do you want!"

"First, absolutely obey me," Zhang Zheng raised a finger. "I will be useful to you in the future. You can't have any objection, but don't worry, I'm a serious person and won't let you do anything against the law."

Huang Mao nodded and said, "we promise! What about... Two?"

"Go to the teacher and apologize," said Zhang Zheng with a smile. "Go to my face and apologize."

They looked at each other, but they agreed obediently.

Zhang Zheng escorted them downstairs to Ye Qingzhu's house, called Ye Qingzhu down and said, "teacher, they have come to apologize."

Huang Mao hardened his head and bowed 90 degrees to Ye Qingzhu in embarrassment: "teacher, I'm sorry! We shouldn't steal! We shouldn't hit people!"

More than 20 people bow together. How can the scene be described as spectacular.

Ye Qingzhu was startled: "Zhang Zheng, this is..."

"It's all right." Zhang Zheng smiled. "I turned myself in. I know it's wrong, right?"

Huang Mao shouted at them in unison, "yes! Teacher, we are wrong!"

Zhang Zheng shrugged his shoulders.

Ye Qingzhu pushed down his glasses and said, "since we all admit our mistakes, we should be punished. Zhang Zheng, you said it's OK."

Zhang Zheng nodded: "of course, no problem, what do you think?"

"No problem!"

The earth shook with shouts.

Ye Qingzhu smiled and said, "that's OK. One person will read the Tao Te Ching again and give it to me in a week. OK."

Huang Mao was stunned. They only have the highest education here.

Zhang Zheng was also stunned: "why punish them?"

Ye Qingzhu said faintly, "otherwise? If you beat them and scold them, they will commit crimes if you don't punish them. This punishment method can make them remember not to be evil and not too cruel. Why not?"

Zhang Zheng nodded, "that's reasonable."

A group of gangsters scratched their heads and didn't know what to do.

They come out to work. What's the use of copying these.

"I have some knowledge in my stomach. I'll be more confident when I go out." Ye Qingzhu smiled. "I think there are several children among you. Why don't you go to school?"

"My family is poor. I come out to work to raise my brother and sister."

"My father and mother said that reading is useless. It's better to come out and make money."

Ye Qingzhu sighed and said, "it's good to read more books. You children, look at my classes when you're free. Don't pay."

A few children, you look at me, I look at you, and finally nodded.

Zhang Zheng knew Ye Qingzhu had a good heart, but seeing ye Qingzhu's handling, he couldn't help but sigh that ye Qingzhu was really a Bodhisattva.

If he is willing to come to Zhengxing group, it would be better.