"What's up?" Ye Qingzhu read again and again. "Have you finished the paper?"

"After the change, I'll show you later."

"Well, what do you say, say it."

Zhang Zheng took a deep breath, hardened his head and said all at once: "that is... I have a company, which is not small, but I just lack talents like you, so I want to invite you to work in our company! The treatment will certainly give you the best!"

Ye Qingzhu closed the book, smiled and said, "forget it, I'm not a business material."

"Teacher, you..."

"I haven't been interested in doing business for a long time." Ye Qingzhu said with a smile, "you are very smart. You are a business material. I believe you can do well."

Zhang Zheng couldn't cry or laugh: "teacher, I'm sincere."

"I am also very sincere."

"Teacher, give me a chance."

"Forget it."

Zhang Zheng relied on Ye Qingzhu. Ye Qingzhu also had a good temper and said with a smile: "really, I don't like doing business..."

Zhang Zheng clenched his teeth and determined that ye Qingzhu had to agree today.

So Zhang Zheng tried his best to explain how short of talents his company was. In the end, he directly began to sell miserably, and ye Qingzhu believed it. He worried and asked Zhang Zheng whether he wanted to support him with some money.

Zhang Zheng couldn't cry or laugh.

As they chatted, they talked away and began to talk about economic issues.

Ye Qingzhu believes that although Huayun city seems to be dominated by Zhengxing group, the foundation of Zhengxing group is not stable at all, and he guesses that the so-called families who make friends with Zhengxing group are evil wolves eyeing the fat meat of Zhengxing group.

Zhang Zheng was surprised that most people don't know about business. Moreover, ye Qingzhu, an ancient Chinese teacher, can infer such an accurate conclusion from the news from the newspaper, which can show that ye Qingzhu is definitely not ordinary people.

Zhang Zheng felt he had found treasure.

They were chatting, and ye Qingzhu suddenly hung up the phone.

Hanging up too suddenly, Zhang Zheng was stunned and hurried to send a message asking: "what's the matter, teacher?"

Ye Qingzhu didn't reply.

Zhang Zheng felt something was wrong. He immediately stood up and called Xu Zihan: "Zihan! Something's wrong! Go to the teacher's house!"

Xu Zihan was stunned and immediately tied up his long hair and said, "OK."

Originally, Xu Zihan was playing games without doing anything during the holiday. Zhang Zheng said that if she had something to do, she wouldn't want to take a holiday. She went straight to drag racing to find Ye Qingzhu.

There was no one in Ye Qingzhu's family. The girl who just woke up from a nap opened the door.

Zhang Zheng and Xu Zihan looked at each other and gently asked Nan Nan, "Nan Nan, where's your father?"

"Go to find my mother." Nan Nan yawned.

"What about your mother."

"Class at school. Come back from work at six."

Zhang Zheng felt something wrong: "then why did your father go to your mother?"

"I don't know."

Xu Zihan came forward and said, "where is your mother's school?"

Nannan is young but very smart. She immediately ran back, took out her mobile phone and found a location and said, "here."

Zhang Zheng hurriedly wrote down the positioning and hurried there with Xu Zihan.

Mrs. Ye teaches in primary school, and Nannan also told Zhang Zheng that Mrs. Ye seems to have been bullied in school. Every time Mrs. Ye is bullied, she will call ye Qingzhu, and ye Qingzhu will hurry to get there when she receives the call.

Zhang Zheng looked uneasily out of the window and said, "no... it's what I think..."

In the primary school, the students are still in class. Ye Qingzhu hurried into the school and ran all the way to Mrs. Ye's office to knock on the door and ask, "is Dong Yuan there?"

The teachers in the office knew Ye Qingzhu. When they saw him coming, they bowed their heads and dared not say anything.

Ye Qingzhu was anxious: "where's Dong Yuan? Where's my wife?"

A young male teacher whispered, "director Qian... Called away."

"What!" Ye Qingzhu thought, "when?"

"Twenty minutes ago..."

Ye Qingzhu had no time to thank him and hurried out.

In fact, Dong Yuanchang is not particularly good-looking, but his facial features are warm and moist. He is gentle and generous, and his temperament is extremely outstanding.

Because of the acquiescence of the dragon family, the leaders in the school who have indiscriminate thoughts about Dong Yuanben are even more unscrupulous. Dong Yuan has no choice but to ask Ye Qingzhu to come to the rescue every time.

This time, too, but ye Qingzhu seems to be late.

Ye Qingzhu bit his teeth, looked up at the office building in front of him, and rushed up recklessly.

He remembered director Qian. He was the one who harassed Dong Yuan every time! Even he came to provoke himself.

But as soon as he ran downstairs, two security guards stopped him: "stop! You can't go up!"

"I'm a professor at Huayun University." Ye Qingzhu calmed himself down. "I'll come to your leader for something."

The two security guards looked at each other and said, "it's you who stopped!"

"Why don't you let me up!"

Ye Qingzhu was worried: "why? Who let you stop it? Is it director Qian?"

"Don't ask." the security guard said in some embarrassment, "we really can't let you go up. If we let you go up, we'll lose our jobs."


"Lao Ye!"

Hearing a scream, Dong Yuan ran down the stairs in a panic.

Her face was pale, her long hair was scattered behind her, and her shirt collar had collapsed.

She threw herself into Ye Qingzhu's arms and the whole person was shaking.

Ye Qingzhu hugged Dong Yuan and said softly, "it's all right, it's all right."

Dong Yuan choked and couldn't say a word.

Just then, a well-dressed middle-aged man came down from upstairs and said faintly, "pull her over."

One of the security guards immediately came forward and pulled Dong Yuan out of Ye Qingzhu's arms.

"Lao Ye!" Dong Yuan panicked.

Ye Qingzhu hurried forward to pull Dong Yuan back, but it was useless. Another security guard immediately rushed over and pressed Ye Qingzhu on the ground.

"Dong Yuan!"

Ye Qingzhu struggled frantically.

It's no use. Dong Yuan was dragged away by the tough.

"Lao Ye." director Qian tut Tut, "just give up. I like yuan yuan for several years, and even commit myself to this small school for her. What's the matter? Don't I deserve her?"

With that, director Qian turned away with a sneer.

Ye Qingzhu can only watch director Qian's back disappear in the stairway.

"Let go of me!"

Ye Qingzhu struggled desperately.

But he is only a thin and weak teacher. How can he be compared with a security guard with tendons and flesh.

Can't he protect anything?


The security guard fell heavily to the ground when he heard the dull sound of heavy objects hitting his body.

Ye Qingzhu was stunned and helped him up with one hand.

The security guard still wanted to get up, but he was severely trampled on the ground.

"You dare to get up and try." Zhang Zheng threatened coldly.