Yunzhan and others hardly dare to look up under Zhang Zheng's gaze. Even the most publicized people on weekdays can't look at Zhang Zheng.

They still remember what they did. After all, what they did is not aboveboard. Even strictly speaking, it is not too much to scold a villain.

Don't say that each is his own, or life is forced.

For money, they attack people they don't know at all. They have no moral position. Now they are caught by the Lord. Is there anything more embarrassing than this?

"My name is Zhang Zheng, the founder of the teacher-student network. The article on the teacher-student network is my teacher's, and the person you encourage fans to attack today is my teacher."

Zhang Zheng's words were a little harsh.

"I know you are hired, not spontaneous, and I don't blame you. It's all for life. But you have caused me losses. I don't care about the financial losses, but you must compensate for the loss of reputation."

Zhang Zheng looked at the leading cloud exhibition and put forward his own requirements.

"President Zhang, we know what to do. Please rest assured that President Zhang will eliminate this storm as soon as possible."

Yunzhan is worthy of being an elite in the industry. It was ready almost when Zhang Zheng asked.

"Everyone, move and practice your team. All the remarks against President Zhang are diluted. All the news about the teacher-student network and ye Qingzhu are deleted immediately. The atmosphere group immediately drives the fans and holds the teacher-student network hard for me."

After arranging his tasks, yunzhan didn't stop, but came to another computer.

Turn on the camera and aim at yourself.

"Hello, everyone, this is yunzhan. Here I want to say sorry, sorry, my fans, my family and my friends. In the past few days, I have been smearing black leaves and green bamboo teacher. At the same time, I am disseminating bad comments on the teacher-student network, attacking the teacher-student network with rumors and harassing the informant.

Here, I solemnly apologize for the above two, because I was confused and spread rumors on the Internet, which brought you great losses... "

Yunzhan's apology is moving in words and deep in emotion. If Zhang Zheng hadn't been watching him, almost all of them were moved by his words.

"It's a talent."

Zhang Zheng looked at yunzhan's apology and couldn't help but have some love.

"Mr. Zhang, what else can I do to remedy it?"

Yunzhan's attitude is very low.

"It's OK. Let's see the fermentation of public opinion."

Zhang Zheng also knows that the current practice of cloud exhibition is the most appropriate way.

The remedial measures are now very timely and perfect. The next step is to see the trend of public opinion.

At this time, the external public opinion has indeed received the influence of yunzhan's apology.

Many fans were shocked to know what the cloud exhibition team did.

The fans who were originally on the black teacher-student network have 10000 curse words to say.

It was your boss Yun who wanted to attack the teacher-student network. Now we have fired, but you surrendered.

More fans are actually watching the excitement. Now there are more delicious melons, and everyone has flocked to the new era studio.

All kinds of abuse and slander. If the curse is useful, yunzhan may have turned into a mass of pus.

Although many fans just eat melons and won't go to the real black teacher and student network and spade Lilan, there are still a large number of fans who still stubbornly implement their plans.

The teacher-student network immediately received a large number of posts, resulting in the jamming of the whole website. A few minutes later, due to too much background data garbage, the whole server went down.

This is not the worst. When the teacher-student network was attacked by fans all over the country, the supervision department under the Ministry of culture has sent leaders to interview the teacher-student network.

Zhang Zheng did not participate in the interview. He was just the boss of the teacher-student network, not the only person in charge. Naturally, someone came forward when he saw the public.

But even so, Zhang Zheng was still busy, and the fire in his heart could not be sent out.

This made him hate Zhang Xincheng even more. It was that person who made him so busy.

Find a chance to dig him out. I don't know if Xi Xi can find out the foundation of Zhang Xincheng.

With many efforts, the angry fans finally got under control.

Especially in the case of repeated apologies of cloud exhibition, the fans talked and replied to their reason, and the bad comments on the network gradually became less and less.

However, there are still some brain powder, still desperate to attack the teacher-student network.

Among them, yunzhan has the largest number of brain powder, and these brain powder think that yunzhan's apology video is threatened.

At this time, yunzhan can't say whether he was moved or angry. These brain powder was originally the tool he used to fight on the Internet, but now what these fans did moved him. He didn't expect that he still had so many true love powder.

Facing such lovely and stupid fans, yunzhan said he was powerless.

He doesn't want to break the hearts of his fans or cheat them. These fans who still fight for him are his last guardians.

Even if the cyber violence has completely ended and lost, he wants to keep these fans.

Zhang Zheng knows the current situation of the cloud exhibition team in detail and knows that they have done their best.

Yunzhan's apology even made him cry.

All the efforts were made. Unexpectedly, they were defeated by brain powder.

Just as Zhang Zheng was frowning, a phone call from little Chang Ye woke him up.

"Zhang Zheng, why are there comments against you and the teacher-student network on the Internet? Don't you say you have controlled the team behind that?"

Little Chang was disappointed with Zhang Zheng's speed.

"Lord Chang, it's really a mistake this time. Now there are no forces behind it. All the comments on the Internet are spontaneous acts of some brain powder. Even if cloud launches more apology videos, it's estimated that those people will not give up. It's really that cloud exhibition's past image has done too well. Now, once it is exposed, many people don't believe that."

Zhang Zheng reluctantly told little Chang ye what was inside.

"You can't be polite to those people who insist on going their own way. Don't they worship cloud exhibition? Don't they do what cloud exhibition says? Then destroy the cloud exhibition in their hearts. You can find some black materials of cloud exhibition, preferably the one that touches the bottom line, and let them stink completely in the entertainment circle. In this way, those fans will be more comfortable without the goal of worship?"

Little Chang's strategy was fatal and directly grasped the root of the matter.

As long as Zhang Zheng does what he says, the whole thing will be solved perfectly.