After talking to he Bingbing and getting his careful advice, Zhang Zheng drove to he Yanyan.

Seeing he Yanyan, the little girl's skin was wandering in front of a shopping mall.

"Brother in law, are you here?"

He Yanyan saw Zhang Zheng's car and stood by the roadside waving.

"Where is the stalker you said?"

As soon as Zhang Zheng saw he Yanyan's look, he knew that he had been fooled by the little girl's skin again. His face was beaming and radiant. There was no trace of panic about being followed, even if he had just come out of a beauty salon?

"Just now I still felt that someone was watching me. Brother in law, please walk with me. I'm so scared."

When he Yanyan heard Zhang Zheng's question, she suddenly became pitiful. Coupled with her delicate face and aggrieved expression, she was very pitiful.

"If there is no tracker, I will go back. Your sister is still waiting for me. Besides, who dares to do anything to you in public?"

Zhang Zheng said with the same expression as a straight iron man and a steel mountain.

"Brother in law, just accompany me!"

He Yanyan grabbed Zhang Zheng's arm. Her attractive figure rubbed her arm and swayed like a water snake. With her sweet voice, she instantly captured the eyes of many men in the street.

"Stop, stop! OK, I'll walk with you. I'm short of time. I can only stay with you for a while. You're not allowed to be a demon again."

He Yanyan almost broke Zhang Zheng, a straight man of iron and steel, with his superb killing skill. Just now, his brother-in-law didn't call his soul away.

"My brother-in-law is the best. Thank you!"

He Yanyan jumped and wanted to print a thank-you on Zhang Zheng's face.

Zhang Zheng dodged flexibly.

"Keep your distance, or I'll turn around and go."

Zhang Zheng once again imposed several layers of psychological barriers on himself to minimize the influence of he Yanyan.

"Well, brother-in-law, let's go to the mall. I haven't bought cosmetics and clothes for a long time. My clothes are out of date."

He Yanyan headed for the mall. Zhang Zheng wanted to stop her and was afraid of being repeated by her old skills. She had to follow her.

If there is anything that men fear most in the world, the top ten must be shopping with women.

He Yanyan entered the mall, just like inserting bee wings. She went here and there for a while, but she didn't buy anything.

Miss shopping guide can also see that he Yanyan came from a rich background. She not only doesn't urge, but shows the quality of high-end shopping malls.

"He Yanyan, what do you want to buy? If you don't have money, I'll give you a card and you can buy it. If you don't like it, we can go home."

Zhang Zheng was really a little tired. This sister-in-law was as hardworking as a bee and didn't mean to rest.

If it hadn't been for seeing what she was fishy, Zhang Zheng would have left her long ago.

"Buy, brother-in-law, I'll buy it right away."

He Yanyan was urged and finally had the meaning of stopping.

After stopping for a while in a Chanel counter, he chose a lipstick and ended his shopping.

"You buy such a small thing?"

Zhang Zheng felt that he should not believe her. What lack of cosmetics and clothes are all lies.

Her main purpose should be to kill him.

"Brother in law, I've been shopping for a long time. I'm a little hungry. I've bought this with all my money. Can you invite me to dinner?"

He Yanyan used her unique skills again.

He bit his lower lip and frowned slightly, as if he had endless resentment in his heart. The waves in his beautiful eyes seemed to be able to soak water.

"What do you eat?"

Zhang Zheng can ignore this, said with a hard heart.

"Let's go and eat casseroles. There are them in the mall."

He Yanyan prayed.

"Well, lead the way."

Zhang Zheng continued to be cruel.

With Zhang Zheng's approval, he Yanyan seems very happy, enchanting and colorful, leading the way in front.

Hong Kong Style casserole is a popular snack in the mall.

They sat opposite each other. He Yanyan took off her coat and showed her attractive figure.

Unfortunately, he is facing Zhang Zheng, who has achieved great success as a boy. He has no desire not only physically, but also mentally.

"Brother in law, how did you adopt Lolo? I heard that single men are not allowed to adopt girls?"

The pot boy hasn't come up yet. He Yanyan is bored and talks.

Zhang Zheng had relaxed his vigilance at this time. Besides, it was not a secret. He blurted out the story of him and Lolo.

Then he Yanyan talked about Xu Zihan again. His words seemed like a curious child.

There was no secret about it. Although Zhang Zheng felt strange, he answered her questions honestly.

The two chatted one by one. Zhang Zheng didn't notice that an open recording pen had been placed in he Yanyan's bag.

The boiled rice was crispy and the dried bamboo shoots soup was delicious. Zhang Zhenggang was hungry and ate it in a chat with he Yanyan.

Just as Zhang Zheng was happy to eat, a man with colorful hair came over and stretched out his hand to grasp he Yanyan.

"Ah, brother-in-law!"

He Yanyan is facing the man and screams in panic.

"What are you doing?"

Zhang Zheng's hands were like steel hooks and firmly grasped the man's arm.

"Who is your TM? Let go of me."

The colorful boy was grabbed by Zhang Zheng's arm and twitched again and again, but he couldn't take it back. He couldn't help scolding angrily.

"Who do you want to be?"

Zhang Zheng pulled and twisted the colorful boy and knelt down.

"Ouch, you're going to let me go. You want to die. If you have the ability, report your name."

The colorful boy was still shouting on his knees.

"Remember, my name is Zhang Zheng. Use your skills. I see how you let me die?"

Zhang Zheng pushed the colorful boy to a fart pier. At this time, many people in the restaurant were watching here.

Several companions of the colorful boy also ran to help.

"He Yanyan, if you dare to play with me, I won't let go... Wait, what's your name?"

The colorful boy stood up. He Yanyan was the first to scold. Later, he felt a little wrong and looked at Zhang Zheng strangely.

"My name is Zhang Zheng. Why did your mother mention me to you?"

Zhang Zheng smiled and flirted with the colorful boy.

"Oh, my God, are you Zhang Zheng? Gather around the brothers, we are developed!"

The colorful boy seemed to have discovered the new world and encouraged his friends to surround Zhang Zheng.

"It's really hard to find a place. It takes no time to get here. Zhang Zheng, you're finished. You know? You offended the third childe of the Xiao family. As long as I tie you up, the Xiao family can reward me heavily. Ha ha ha, he Yanyan, you're really my lucky star."

The colorful boy shouted excitedly.

"I'm glad to see you. I don't know. I thought the Xiao family gave you shit. Are you sure you can catch me and the Xiao family can do you good?"

Zhang Zheng looked at the colorful boy and felt anxious about his IQ.

"You don't have to convince me. All Jinling knows that you have offended the Xiao family miserably. As long as I tie you up, I believe the Xiao family will thank me. At that time, the whole Jinling will spread my name Li Li, ha ha ha."

Li Li, a colorful boy, can already think of accepting the reward from the Xiao family and embarking on the peak of his life.

"Your surname is Li? I don't know what your family does. Who's your father?"

Zhang Zheng is curious about what kind of family can educate such wonderful flowers.

"I'm not afraid to let you know. Stand up and listen. My father's name is Li Gang, vice president of the bank. When you are sunk by the third childe of the Xiao family, remember my name. My name is Li Li."

Colorful boy Li Li answered Zhang Zheng's question quite arrogantly.

"Vice president of the bank! Are you the second generation of officials? I don't know which bank president Li works in? Maybe I met your father once."

Zhang Zheng continued to tease him.

"I tell you, my father is the president of Jinling southern bank. Now you know you're afraid. Didn't you brag with me just now? Today you know the heavenly king Lao Tzu, and I have to tie you up and give you to the Xiao family."

Li Li believes that Zhang Zheng asked about his father's background for fear that he would give him to the Xiao family.

"I called your father's Bank for 500 million. Call home and decide whether to do it to me."

Zhang Zheng thinks Li Li is a child at best. Even if he is tall and like an adult, his IQ determines that he is a child who has not grown up.

In order not to let him hang his father, Zhang Zheng decided to give him one last chance.

"Five hundred million? Ha ha, five hundred million. Do you think I haven't seen money? If you have five hundred million, I'll tell you my last name, brothers, give it to me."

When Li Li heard Zhang Zheng say that he had transferred 500 million yuan to his father's Bank, he immediately laughed and trembled.

"Stubborn! Zihan?"

Zhang Zheng now feels that Li Li should not be given any chance. He should have been dealt with just now.

The mentally handicapped child always doesn't believe his words. It seems necessary to educate his family.

"You will regret it."

Zhang Zheng looked at the colorful boy Li Li and said.

As a guy who takes prudence as his motto, how can he go out without a bodyguard.

On the way here, Zhang Zheng has informed Xu Zihan.

If everything goes well, go shopping. Xu Zihan naturally doesn't have to show up. If there is any accident, Xu Zihan can rush up at the first time.

Poor group of young people in their twenties, how can they be opponents of little sister strange force.

Before a meeting, a group of young people were put to the ground.