Recently, when Luo Yongsen woke up in a dream, he would repeat a terrible sentence that he couldn't accept in his heart:

"Zhang Zheng, is he really so rich?"

Zhang Zheng, on the other side, has come to their school to attend the graduation ceremony.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he returned to the classroom, he was pointed out in the back.

Zhang Zheng hasn't been back to school for a long time because he is busy with the company. Isn't he here? What happened?

Or was he chosen as the student's representative to speak at the graduation ceremony? But he looked at the faces of his classmates as if they were not what he thought.

"Zhang Zheng, you know you're coming back, man. I really miss you."

When Wang Qiang saw Zhang Zheng coming, he came forward with a punch to express his deep miss.

"I don't want you, but I want the big torch chocolate ice cream you bought for me. Ha ha"

Zhang Zheng deliberately teased Wang Qiang.

Wang Qiang hit again: "how did you do your thesis defense? I haven't even seen you. Don't take it seriously."

"Yes, I've already finished it online. I can't separate big things from small ones."

Zhang Zheng took Wang Qiang's shoulder and the two came to the basketball court for a battle.

While walking, Zhang Zheng asked Wang Qiang, "what happened to the school? When I came, I found many students pointing and talking behind me?"

"Do you feel it? I didn't want to tell you this mess."

Wang Qiang picked up the basketball, patted it hard and said.

"I thought it was a good thing, but I was not elected as a student representative to speak, ha ha"

Zhang Zheng grabbed the basketball, a hook, and the speed of entering the basket was accurate and fast.

Wang Qiang grinned: "all good things have to revolve around you. You are the sun? But then again, if I don't know you, I will believe what the students pass on. I know your boy's ability. The paper is definitely not a pass for cheating."

"It's a waste of words. Can I do this for a broken paper defense? I Zhang Zheng don't lack this performance. Who's his grandmother's nonsense? I said to point out to me. It's painful to have nothing to do."

Zhang Zheng cursed, but basketball was still superb. Even Wang Qiang was a little jealous because he always scored every shot.

"But another thing, I also think it's very strange. You just have the ability. Where did you get so much money? To tell you the truth, to what extent have you developed with that rich woman Jin Jiajia?"

Wang Qiang blinked mysteriously, clutching the basketball in his hand. Instead of giving it to Zhang Zheng, he wanted to find an accurate answer.

"What rich woman, what Jin Jiajia, Yin Jiajia, I Zhang Zheng is a rich man. What am I looking for that rich woman for? Besides, my wife he Bingbing, a lady of the family, is as beautiful as heaven.

A rich woman is equal to a fat woman, which is very suitable for you. Wang Qiang, a rich woman, is a natural couple. Ha ha "

Zhang Zhengyi hit Wang Qiang's basketball on the ground and continued to throw blue sweat.

Zhang Zheng's explanation stunned Wang Qiang:

"If you don't play, it's up to you to perform. Since you play, I don't throw in. Usually it's not like this. It's all your fault. I can see that you are my bad friend, Zhang Zheng."

After Wang Qiang finished, he ran to buy a large torch and mineral water, leaving Zhang Zheng sitting on the basketball rack and thinking for a while:

"It's awesome. I haven't been here for months. I've been passed on like a devil. What a mess."

Just thinking, Wang Qiang himself opened a big torch and enjoyed it like a blind bear licking corn.

The two were chatting. No matter how Zhang Zheng explained it, Wang Qiang still seemed to believe it. He always stubbornly thought that the rich woman Jin Jiajia had countless connections with Zhang Zheng.

"Wang Qiang, Zhang Zheng, the graduation ceremony has begun. What are you two still waiting for?"

The head teacher couldn't find them and shouted loudly when he saw the figure.

Graduation ceremony.

Zhang Zheng and Wang Qiang rushed over at the sound. Han Tianyu, the student representative elected by everyone, was giving a high speech.

In the first half of his photos, not only Zhang Zheng, but also Wang Qiang yawned.

"Wang Qiang, why do you choose Han Tianyu to speak on behalf of students? This guy is not a reliable product at ordinary times. Why should he speak on behalf of you?"

Zhang Zheng asked Wang Qiang with some annoyance.

Wang Qiang smashed his mouth: "I don't know much about this guy. I'll ask you later."

Zhang Zheng, the fat sister nicknamed Xiaobo, knows that she is usually infatuated with Korean male stars. There are few major and minor events in school that she doesn't know.

And as long as it is what she knows, it will not become a secret in her heart. Maybe this is why she is relaxed and fat.

"Little radio, little fan, why did you choose Han Tianyu to speak as the student representative of our class?"

Wang Qiang is very clever. He said before that his nickname was afraid that it would not be successful. On the contrary, it would be bad for fat sister to punch and kick.

So then came a little fan girl. Sure enough, the little radio was in full bloom:

"I hate it, great Xia Wang. You have something to talk about, but you have to tell me first. Where did I fascinate you?"

The little radio blinked and looked reluctant.

"Er! This..."

Wang Qiang's face turned red as if he were speechless.

"With big eyes and double eyelids, you can see a beautiful person. This is one of them."

Fortunately, Zhang Zheng saved the scene in time, otherwise it would really stop.

"What about the second?"

In order to show that her eyes were bigger, the little radio gave a few calls by the way and almost threw up Zhang Zheng and Wang Qiang.

"This is the second..."

"As beautiful as Yang Guifei!"

Wang Qiang finally came up with a decent word and amused the little radio at once:

"What did you say... Oh, that Han Tianyu, right? I heard that he started the company immediately after graduation and has successfully financed. What group is it... Zhengxing group, yes, that's it, so..."

"Zhengxing group? Are you sure?"

Zhang Zheng was shocked. A few days ago, his subordinates reported to him that a college student in their school wanted to raise money. He had a good idea and asked Zhang Zheng whether to invest in him.

Zhang Zheng immediately agreed, because he was an alumni after all. Unexpectedly, it was Han Tianyu.

What's more for the small radio here? Han Tianyu on the stage doesn't have to say his entrepreneurial dream:

"Dear students, dear teachers, finally, I'll tell you another good news. After many efforts to write implementation plans and find investment channels.

My next step is to set up a new energy company invested by Zhengxing group and become a subordinate website of the teacher-student network. Welcome to work in my company.

I Han Tianyu will recruit talents, share win-win results and seek common development. "

Han Tianyu said that the teachers and students under the stage were thunderous applause.

The little radio even screamed: "Han Tianyu, I love you, oh, oh, wow!"

She turned her head and looked at the position of Zhang Zheng and Wang Qiang: "look, I'm right. This Han Tianyu is the most promising boy in our class."

At the end of the graduation ceremony, Zhang Zheng waited for Han Tianyu at the door of the venue to explore how this man was?

"Hi, Han Tianyu, congratulations. I got Zhengxing's investment. I'd like to ask you about the new energy company."

Zhang Zheng is very modest and polite. Unexpectedly, Han Tianyu's eyes narrowed and he didn't want to look at Zhang Zheng directly:

"Mr. idiot is here. My company is mainly founded by tough guys. A little white face like you who depends on rich women for soft food, I'm not interested and have no time to talk to you for the time being."

Han Tianyu looked at Zhang Zheng with disdain and said with a mocking tone. The students around him who please him also echoed and laughed at Zhang Zheng.

Without saying anything, Zhang Zheng picked up his mobile phone and sent Cheng Shi a wechat.

"Shout, I still want to record. I haven't heard enough. I have a lot of vocabulary here. I don't want to reward you any more?"

Before Han Tianyu could reach Zhang Zhengpeng, his mobile phone suddenly rang:

"Hello, yes, I'm Han Tianyu. What? The money promised to invest in me has failed. What the hell is this?"

The person who called him was Cheng Shi, general manager of Zhengxing group.