About Wang Qiang's marriage with Lin Lili, the war of words continued.

Lin's father and mother see that they can't say anything about Zhang Zheng, and the signs point to Wang Qiang:

"If you don't believe that you are a loser, you can't even manage your own driver. Can you protect our daughter?"

Lin's father, who knew he was wrong, bit back, and Lin's mother muttered:

"Lin Lili, let me remind you for the last time. Hurry to come with us. People like Wang Qiang pretend to be rich, but they are actually as timid as mice.

If you follow him in the future, you will have to live with your belt. We have worked hard to raise you. Do you want to see you live like this? "

Then he made a cruel move. No conscientious daughter could see her mother crying for herself.

If so, Lin Lili let go of Wang Qiang's arm.

At this time, the white-collar man Jiang Zhong who had been calling came over with a proud face.

"Wang Qiang, there's no need to put on airs here. I've just asked someone. You two are just graduated poor students, rich young masters and shit.

Uncle and aunt, if Lili really lives with this boy in the future, I can guarantee that she will buy a steamed bread. Lili will have to find out where it is cheaper in the future.

To put it bluntly, Wang Qiang is a poor man. "

Hearing Jiang Zhong say this, the Lin family's parents have more confidence:

"I knew you were not a good thing."

Lin's mother said and went to drag her daughter's hand again.

"What's more funny? His clothes and this car are borrowed to make money. Wang Qiang, can I provide you with a copy of your family certificate?"

Jiang Zhong, a white-collar man, ridiculed Wang Qiang even more recklessly.

Zhang Zheng knew that his friend Wang Qiang was an honest man. At this time, he was very embarrassed and wanted to bite himself and bleed.

I felt like I had fallen into the 18th floor of hell. I secretly cursed that I was unlucky and deserved to live such a miserable life.

Zhang Zheng saw Wang Qiang's despair and sadness and wanted to stab them:

"What are you yelling about here? You are born with golden eggs? People always have to struggle. Wang Qiang's future life will only be better, not worse than you."

Zhang Zheng squinted and looked at Jiang Zhong with contempt. The white-collar man showed this move again. It goes without saying that he wanted to forcibly take Lin Lili away from Wang Qiang.

Jiang Zhong smiled contemptuously: "two college students without neat hair lose their identity compared with me, the most potential white-collar worker of Liu's group.

Uncle and aunt, don't bother with them and take Lili away. I'll find someone to teach these two hairy boys a lesson later. "

"Mao boy? Jiang Zhong, you show off that you have anti investigation ability. Have you inquired about my Zhang Zheng's identity?"

Zhang Zheng's eyes were cold and hard and forced Jiang Zhong and others.

"I don't care who you are. Maybe you're a rich woman who's blind. It's possible for you to hold your thighs. Hahaha"

Jiang Zhong really didn't want to die. He poked the pain of Zhang Zheng. The school had already spread a lot of rumors about him, saying that he was close to the rich woman Jin Jiajia.

Today, I ate the bear heart and leopard courage in this ginger. Dare you say something about it?

"Jiang Zhong, you fucking want to die!"

Zhang Zheng then rushed over and dragged Lin Lili back to Wang Qiang.

Zhang Zheng then picked up his cell phone to call Xu Zihan and asked her to bring some bodyguards.

Seeing that Zhang Zheng was upset, Lin's mother hysterically didn't want to drag her daughter like life:

"I really don't believe it. Do you dare to rob people in broad daylight?"

Lin's father also rolled up his sleeves and prepared to fight with Zhang Zheng and Wang Qiang to recapture Lin Lili.

At this time, there was a sudden roar of two powerful vehicles in the field. Xu Zihan and three or five bodyguards drove here.

"Sorry, Mr. Zhang, we're late."

Xu Zihan will give full face to the government on such an occasion.

"It's neither early nor late. Just right, Wang Qiang. Take Lin Lili to Zhengxing to report first. Leave the rest to me. The car belongs to you. Drive away."

Wang Qiang knows the strength of his friend Zhang Zheng. He can only obey. After all, it is most important to keep his girlfriend safe first.

He took Lin Lili's hand and left. Jiang Zhonghe and Lin's parents came forward to block him. They were firmly bound by Xu Zihan and several bodyguards. They couldn't move at all.

Seeing someone coming, Jiang Zhong hurriedly shouted for help:

"Come on, rob people in broad daylight. Come and save people."

Unexpectedly, Jiang Zhong's cry for help really had an effect. Several small gangsters in the crowd recognized the white-collar man:

"Shout, isn't this manager Jiang of Liu's? What's going on?"

He piled up a flattering smile for the little gangster and walked to Jiang Zhong.

"Ball master, thank you for being here. Come and help me. You also know my position in Liu. I can't live without the benefits of my brothers."

Jiang Zhong said that as soon as the bad looking gangsters heard that it was good, they immediately fought with Xu Zihan and others.

Not to mention these little gangsters, even if there are another group, they are not Xu Xianv's opponents.

With a wave of Zhang Zheng's hand, Xu Zihan hit several small gangsters at a distance.

"Jiang Zhonger, look what this thing is in my hand? Can you recognize it?"

Zhang Zhengliang produced a black gold card, which was a gift from his adoptive father.

Jiang Zhong's rat eyes suddenly condensed and tightened, and the anxiety in his heart was written on his face.

Jiang Zhong, whose face was very white, used a sentence to describe it most appropriately. Yellow mud fell into his crotch and collapsed like shit.

The Lin family's parents won't think of it until they die. Seeing Jiang Zhong's shit that life is worse than death, they know that Wang Qiang's backing is not generally hard.

It was too light to say that the intestines regretted being green. They stopped being arrogant and turned half of their black hair into white hair.

At this time, Zhang Zheng's mobile phone suddenly rang like an old monk. At first glance, it was a video sent by adoptive father Liu Guoquan.

Zhang Zheng deliberately picked up his mobile phone and showed it to the white-collar man Jiang Zhong:

"How's it going? Do you know this man?"

Seeing Liu Guoquan's face, Jiang Zhong was like a dog begging for mercy. Zhang Zheng looked at waves of rivers and seas in his stomach.

Liu Guoquan didn't know who he was. He shouted Zhang Zheng's name on the other end of the phone.

"Mr. Liu, I'm here."

Zhang Zheng smiled at the Lin family's parents and Jiang Zhong and went to the side to tell Liu Guoquan something important.

"Zhang Zheng, what are you waiting for? Be compassionate. Clean up the Xiao family quickly. Seeing that they exist in Jinling for a day, I'm not comfortable for a day.

In addition, there must be someone behind the Xiao family to support them. This person should be found out as soon as possible. We should work together to make them disappear in the world as soon as possible, won't we? "

Zhang Zheng certainly regarded this as a top priority:

"Don't worry, my adoptive father. I'll never miss the firewood cutter. I've already begun to layout the Xiao family!"