Red scorpion tissue.

"You look like a dead fish. It's strange that I don't want you. Get out of here quickly. You have to find a way to pay off the debt your husband owes."

"Hong Si, you son of a bitch, I said, I have no money, no money, don't bother my children, Wuwuwuwu..."

Zhang Zheng pretended to be a black hearted businessman looking for Hong Si to launder money, while Xu Zihan pretended to be his girlfriend.

The two men heard their voices before they saw each other.

Most of the places where people do this kind of business are built in the wilderness. They look shabby on the outside, but in fact they are resplendent inside.

It's completely like the residence of a fake king. There are so many bodyguards and thugs.

He stepped forward and stopped Zhang Zheng: "who are you looking for? This is where you can come at will?"

"The third master introduced it. Please inform me."

The sound insulation of this kind of building is quite poor. Hong Si in the room already heard Zhang Zheng's voice and shouted:

"Let them in. The third master called me."

Seeing Zhang Zheng and Xu Zihan entering the door, the two second and third masters around Hong Si immediately extended their hands to the cold and glittering dagger around his waist.

Zhang Zheng smiled coldly, and his eyes just touched the thin woman with messy hair on the bed.

The woman's clothes were untidy and dull. Her desperate eyes also looked at Zhang Zheng and Xu Zihan.

Hong Si is a burly man with a beard that shows the extreme evil of the male. He gets up from the woman and spits a mouthful of thick phlegm on the ground, scolding with hatred:

"Shit, stinky watch, get out of the way!"

Seeing this ferocious look, Zhang Zheng still sat down at the Diaoyutai and squeezed out some friendly smiles:

"Fourth master Hong, right? I was introduced by the third master. Please take care of me for the first time."

"Sit down."

Hong Si coldly let Zhang Zheng play with the things he was wearing on his wrist.

Zhang Zheng looked up and was shocked to find that Hong Si of the red scorpion organization was also wearing a watch with a cobra badge.

Zhang Zheng's face suddenly flushed with anger, but everything focuses on the overall situation. He doesn't come to scare the snake today. When the time comes, he will catch all these enemies wearing the same things.

Hong Si raised his head and looked up and down at Zhang Zheng and Xu Zihan. He looked arrogant and said:

"Do you want to launder money? I thought you were an old guy with vicissitudes. I didn't expect you to be a young eggplant. Where did you get the money?"

Zhang Zheng looked at the thin woman and didn't respond.

Hong Si understood in an instant: "what are you two doing? Kick this woman out of my house. I don't want to see her again. If I see you again, I have to chop you into meat."

When the woman was taken away, Hong Si didn't forget to say cruel words.

After the woman left, Zhang Zheng winked at Xu Zihan. She also followed out and deeply realized that Zhang Zheng would not ignore such a thing.

Seeing Hong Si's men go far, Xu Zihan catches up with the thin woman.

"Fourth master, since there are only you and me in the house, I won't hide it. I Zhang Zheng was the door-to-door son-in-law of he family. A few days ago, a batch of bonds of he family were mysteriously robbed.

In fact, I did it. I colluded with several people on the road and hacked Ho's house. So now I'm looking for you to get all the money from the black. "

Zhang Zheng pretends to be a treacherous villain, and his acting skills can be called a national first-class actor.

Hong Si glanced his lips carefully as he walked:

"Your boy is really good enough to eat inside out. How much does it cost to wash?"

Such a thing as Zhang Zheng said is very common in the world, so it did not arouse any doubt of Hong Si.

Zhang Zheng was calm, took small steps forward and whispered:

"The bonds are worth ten million."

After hearing this, Hong Si immediately showed a happy look in his eyes. He had something in his mouth. It was obvious that he was calculating something?

He turned his sinister eyes and swept Zhang Zheng like a poisonous snake:

"Wait a minute. I'll ask my second son to call."

As soon as Hong Si's voice fell, the second son he said had come into the house.

Hong Si waved his hand and the second son leaned forward. He whispered a few words. The second head went out to another room to make a phone call.

In less than ten minutes, the second came into the house and reported: "boss, do everything according to your instructions."

Hong Si waved again and motioned for the second to go out and wait.

He smiled and poured out two cups of tea made by his subordinates: "all the guests are guests. Brother, have a cup of hot tea."

Zhang Zheng took a symbolic sip. With Yu Guang, he found that Hong Si was beating his knee with his fingers and looking at himself.

"Little brother, for the sake of the third master, this money laundering is a discount for you. Only 10% of the money is deducted. It also takes some money to manage up and down, doesn't it?"

Hong Si's crafty manner makes Zhang Zheng no stranger.

He was able to cope with such a scene: "the third master is a righteous man. You must be no worse than his friend the fourth master. Zhang Zheng is grateful here."

"Hahaha, the mouse is eating the ball. You're welcome. Drink tea."

Hong Si smiled with a successful manner.

"Fourth master, you have great powers. How about washing some money for me?"

Zhang Zheng straightened his waist, suddenly stretched his neck forward and asked mysteriously.

"It's too little. What's the strength of washing? If you don't toss around enough, don't wash it."

Hong Si thinks you are a redundant son-in-law. What big money can you have? It's just hiding some money. I want to wash it out through Hong Si's hands. Joke, can I do business without making money?

While Hong Si was disdaining, Zhang Zheng stretched out three fingers and said solemnly:

"Then wash another 30 billion!"

"30 billion? Still billion? Are you kidding!"

Hong Sijing's chin was falling off.

Zhang Zheng thought that since Hong Si had such a great ability to launder money and he was wearing the cobra watch, it must have something to do with the object he wanted to avenge.

He must find a way to explore the depths to see where the mysterious source is?

"The fourth master is joking. Who will make fun of the money? You heard me right. Next, I'll ask you to wash another 30 billion for me."

Zhang Zheng's confident appearance surprised Hong Si for a long time. Then he stammered:

"You, you really have so much money? No?"

Hong Si's eyes were full of doubts.

"As long as the fourth master can wash, I can take out this 30 billion."

Zhang Zheng's eyes were close to Hong Si's wolf eyes. His four eyes were opposite, full of suspicion and calculation.

The color of doubt in Hong Si's eyes was more intense. He said clearly and secretly, "I don't believe that your son-in-law can take out so much money at once. Who can get it?"

Zhang Zheng, however, suddenly laughed and said, "the fourth master doesn't believe me? Then dare you tell me your account and see if this real gold and silver will enter your account?"

As soon as the words came out, Hong Si was thrilled and moved, his lips moved, and he seemed to want to say something, but as a result, he swallowed the words that came to his mouth.