Chapter 304

Name:Super Working Man Author:e lang
Qian Duoduo said to Qin Yuanbing: "Brother Qin, Yang Liuqing and I happened to find them in the square today. If it weren't for Yang Liuqing, I thought they were really in trouble at home and needed the help of the society. I didn't think there was a hateful criminal gang behind them. There are many similar situations in the society. Obviously, the crime is under people's eyes It happened, but it didn't attract people's attention. So I wonder if you officials can remind the police below and let them pay more attention to these things, especially children. I'm afraid that few parents are so cruel to let their children wander into society and beg for a living. As long as the grass-roots police really shoulder their responsibilities, If you want to manage and dare to manage, such social tragedies will be much less. "

Qin Yuanbing nodded with a serious expression and said, "Duoduo, I remember what you said. I also understand that many of us who are policemen have not done well. I will urge the brothers below and report to the leaders above in time."

Qian Duoduo also nodded and patted him on the shoulder: "brother Qin, the two little guys are still infusion. Otherwise, I'll take them out to buy some food and clothing. We have to go upstairs to see some friends. Please send someone to take care of them. I'll see them tomorrow."

At this moment, Qian Duoduo doesn't know that the two abducted children will help him in the future far more than he imagined.

Murong Xue took out hundreds of yuan from her body and handed it to Qin Yuanbing. "Brother Qin, take this money first and buy some food for Lingling and Kaixin."

Qin Yuanbing refused and said, "Xiaoxue, no need. Our police station has this fund."

"This is my personal intention and what I should do as a sister."

Qin Yuanbing had to accept it.

"Big brother, you must come to see us tomorrow."

When the little girl saw that they had a lot of money to go, she was very reluctant and looked tearful.

"Lingling, the big brother will come to see you." Qian Duoduo promised with a smile, leaned down and kissed the little girl on the face. Then he turned and kissed the little boy.

Murongxue and Ding Xiaomei also promised to kiss the little girl and the little boy.

Several people said goodbye to them and went out.

Three people took the elevator and went up to the sixth floor.

In the ward on the sixth floor.

Yang Chuan and Lin Nan ordered takeout and were having dinner.

Qian Duoduo gently opened the door and smiled and said, "brother Chuan and sister Nan."


Yang Chuan hurriedly put down the dishes and chopsticks and stood up with a crutch.

Qian Duoduo takes Murong Xue and Ding Xiaomei and walks to them.

"Brother Chuan and sister Nan."

Murongxue smiled with Ding Xiaomei and took the initiative to greet Yang Chuan. They were very friendly and had no estrangement at all.


Yang Chuan and Lin Nan are flattered and don't know what to do. Yang Chuan is also 25 years old, as old as Murong Xue, and Lin Nan is 24 years old, as old as Ding Xiaomei.

Yang Chuan and Lin Nan had some doubts about Qian Duoduo's words. Now they fully believe them and are very happy for Qian Duoduo in their hearts.

Several people talked for a while, went to see several other brothers, and then went downstairs and drove away from the hospital.

It was already evening when I returned to Jinyuan community, and the sky darkened.

Qian Duoduo cooks. Murong Xue and Ding Xiaomei go upstairs to take a bath. The two girls take a bath and go downstairs. The food is ready.

The three happily ate. Murong Xue said, "Duoduo, let's invite a nanny. You can't cook every morning and evening."

Ding Xiaomei said, "please invite aunt Chun back again. I think aunt Chun is very good and cooking is delicious."

Murong Xue shook her head: "I called aunt Chun and gave her a raise. She refused. She said she was afraid at home alone. The last thing hit her too hard."

Ding Xiaomei nodded and said, "that's true. An ordinary rural woman has never seen such a bloody scene. I'm afraid it will take a long time to eliminate this shadow."

Qian Duoduo said: "Sister, you don't have to hire a nanny. It's good for the three of us to live together. I'll finish the food for the three in a moment. I'm not tired at all. During the day, you should say hello to the property management of the community, give them more money and let the community security guard come here more. If you hire another nanny, people won't do it when they hear about the things here 。”

Murong Xue nodded and said, "yes, our villa has become a dangerous house in the community, and almost everyone in the community knows it. In the past, sooner or later, there were people walking here, and now there are few people."

Ding Xiaomei said, "Duoduo, I think so. You cook every morning and evening, I wash dishes and chopsticks, and I leave the housework to sister Xue and me."

Qian Duoduo said happily, "OK. Sister Mei, as long as you are willing to do housework, it will be a model of a good wife and mother in the future. I won't be lazy. Let's do housework together."

Murong Xue and Ding Xiaomei nodded.

Everyone was having dinner and was very happy.

Murong Xue said, "Duoduo, there is no problem with the clothing company now."

"No problem. Sister, where are you?"

"We are still quite normal here. Except for chaopin company, everyone is in a stable mood. The work of all departments and companies is carried out in an orderly manner. The personnel adjustment of the head office has also been preliminarily completed. I am the chairman of the company, Uncle Zhang is the vice chairman and President, and my aunt and father transferred back to the head office, who is the vice chairman and senior vice president of the company, We have to discuss the staffing arrangements of specific departments tomorrow, and then work out the documents. "

"Sister, what about the shares of sun Wancheng and Eric?"

Murong Xue murmured: "Sun Wancheng has a lot of shares in the company, just under me. After the personnel adjustment of the company is successfully completed in two days, I will ask the company's lawyers to find them in the detention center. According to the law, their shares can be retained in the company all the time, of course, they can also be transferred. I mainly look at their meaning. If they are transferred, our shareholders can share it with each other For one thing, it will be more convenient for us to buy all their shares. "

"Cui Shun, did they do anything?"

"They were calm and didn't move."

Ding Xiaomei interposed: "Cui Xiajian was locked up in the detention center. The old man may not be in the mood to play."

Qian Duoduo shook his head: "this old guy is not such a simple person. He must have a plan behind his back."