Chapter 518

Name:Super Working Man Author:e lang

The crowd was in an uproar.

This is a great news. The villagers are both excited and skeptical when they look at Xue Zhilan.

"Smelly girl, it's just sensationalism and talking nonsense!" Xue Rengui scolded, turned to Qian Duoduo and said, "Hey, you taught my daughter to say this?"

Qian Duoduo smiled and nodded.

"Smelly boy, aren't you hurting my daughter? If she can't do it, the whole village won't scold her!"

LV Cuiying was also worried and looked at her husband: "Rengui, you hurry up and stop Zhilan. We're not the village head. Let Zhilan take the civil service exam next year!"

Xue Rengui stepped forward.

Qian Duoduo took him by the arm and said with a smile, "uncle and aunt, it's good to be a village head. The village head is an official. Civil servants run errands for those who are officials. Many civil servants have worked all their lives and haven't been an official. Where can they be compared with being a village head."

Xue Rengui stared: "we can't lie to be the village head!"

"Uncle Xue, how do you know it's a lie? What if we realize it?"

"Nonsense! Open your mouth is 20 million. Where did you get 20 million?"

"Uncle Xue, 20 million will scare you. You have to stand firm and don't fall later."

Xue Zhilan continued to speak on the stage:

"Second, I also want to promise you that our village will introduce 200 million funds to carry out large-scale tourism development of the moon river in qianjiawan. These two projects can attract thousands of people to work. People in the village no longer need to work in other places. They can earn money at our door and completely change the face of poverty and backwardness in our village."

Two hundred million!

All the villagers were stunned.

Two hundred million, for many people, is a huge astronomical figure.

There was no noise at the scene.

"Cut, brag!"

Wang Changxin didn't believe it at all. He leaned his mouth and said something recklessly.

Not only he, many people think Xue Zhilan is bragging. Everyone knows that Qian Duoduo is helping her behind her back, but he has nothing else to take except fighting.

Wang Changxin has a large-scale tea factory, which can be seen and touched.

Of course, Xue Zhilan's commitment is much stronger than Wang Changxin. Unfortunately, it is false, big and empty.

People began to talk again.

Yang Chongguang smiled and said to Xue Zhilan, "Zhilan, you have to tell everyone what to do if your promise hasn't been fulfilled in the past two months."

Up to now, Xue Zhilan also went out of her way, took the microphone and said seriously: "Fellow villagers, I Xue Zhilan is an adult, not a child. If I say it, I will be responsible for it. If I don't fulfill my promise in the past two months, I will take the initiative to resign from the post of village head, even the deputy village head, and let other capable people in the village do it. If you believe me, vote for me. If you don't believe me, who won't force me 。”

Xue Rengui broke out and scolded, "smelly girl, if you're crazy and don't even do the deputy village head, the village officials in the past two years are not doing it for nothing. There's no discount for the civil servant examination next year. I don't agree! You don't want to be the village head now!"

Qian Duoduo touched Qian Dazhuang.

Qian Dazhuang immediately understood, raised his hand and said loudly, "I agree with sister Zhilan to be the village head. In order to lead everyone to get rich, sister Zhilan has put her life's future on. Such a village head is the village head who works for everyone sincerely. I agree 200 percent."

"I agree."

"I agree."

Qian Duoduo, Qian Xiaojun and Qian Kexin all raised their hands.

"Zhilan, come on!"

Jia Xiuling also raised her hand.

Xue Rengui shouted anxiously, "Hey, you guys are full. You're not helping Zhilan. You're hurting her! Villagers, I beg you, don't raise your hands. My daughter doesn't have that ability. Don't believe her!"

The villagers are hesitating.

Qian Duoduo raised his hand and said calmly: "Fellow villagers, we support deputy village head Xue now. It won't do us any harm. Two months later, if deputy village head Xue can't fulfill her promise and resign herself, we can also choose Wang Changxin as village head, and we can continue to enjoy his promise. In this way, we can catch both sides. Why not?"

The villagers nodded.

Soon, hundreds of villagers at the scene raised their hands, more than just now.

Xue Rengui pointed to Qian Duoduo, stared and said, "smelly boy, in front of all the villagers, my ugly words are ahead. From now on, my daughter is yours. No matter how you toss, I don't care!"

Then he took LV Cuiying's hand and angrily walked out of the crowd.

"Uncle Xue, Aunt Xue..."

Qian Duoduo shouted.

Xue Rengui didn't look back.

Qian Duoduo had to smile bitterly and lie in the trough. He wanted to do something good for the village sincerely, but now he got himself in and forced me to marry a beautiful village head as his wife.

Oh, it's really a headache. I have a flood of beautiful women around me. One wave is not flat, and another wave rises again. What should I do?

Qian Duoduo put his hand down and rubbed his head sadly.

Wang Changxin pointed to Xue Zhilan and said loudly, "Xue Zhilan, I'm waiting for you to step down in two months!"

After that, he walked out of the crowd angrily with several hard core villagers who had been following them.

The remaining villagers raised their hands to show their support for Xue Zhilan as village head.

Xue Zhilan looked at her parents in a daze. Her mood was a little complicated. She knew that her parents were really angry. She didn't even believe it, even herself.

Yang Chongguang took the microphone in her hand and said loudly with a smile: "now I announce that from now on, Comrade Xue Zhilan will officially become the head of our happy village. Everyone gives a warm welcome."

Pop pop

There was a warm applause in the square, and the villagers were all smiling.

Qian Duoduo also put away his messy thoughts, clapped his hands and looked at Xue Zhilan with a smile.

Now, the first step has been successful.

As long as there is a team of the two village committees he is satisfied with, he can cooperate well with the beauty group.

Next, he will go back to Jincheng, find Murong Xue, Zhang Shulin and others, let them visit Xingfu village, make use of qianjiawan's unique karst landform and fragrant lake resources, and vigorously develop tourism, electric power and tea finishing industry.

Xianghu is unique in the world. No enterprise has set foot in this field. He believes that once developed, it will cause an international sensation. No matter how huge forces on the earth can prevent its development.

Unless aliens invade!

This possibility is almost zero.