Chapter 723

Name:Super Working Man Author:e lang
Qian Duoduo took out his mobile phone and looked at the time. "It's almost eleven o'clock. Sister Mei and Qing'er, let's buy some vegetables and go to Aunt Liang's house for a simple meal. Aunt Liang will be very happy."

The two girls naturally nodded in agreement.

"Taxi." Qian Duoduo stopped a taxi and three people went in, "master, go to Jiangbei farmers' market."

A few minutes later, the taxi arrived at Jiangbei farmers' market.

Jiangbei farmer's market is the largest farmer's market in Jiangbei District. It provides food baskets for hundreds of thousands of citizens in Jiangbei District. Almost all vegetable vendors in several towns around Jiangbei District take goods here.

Liang Wanru's home is in Jiangbei District, and Du Juan works in a sub district office in Jiangbei District.

At 11 a.m., the business of the farmers' market is booming. Many citizens buy some fresh vegetables and go home to prepare lunch.

In front of an egg stall, a middle-aged woman over 50 was busy weighing eggs for customers.

In her stall, there are hundreds of eggs.

Next to the booth, there were several customers, including old men, old women and middle-aged people.

Although the middle-aged woman is only in her early fifties, her hair is gray and looks a little old, but she is also very capable. She skillfully weighs eggs and introduces her products to customers:

"... eggs, I have the best eggs in the city. They are all native eggs collected from Longtou town and native eggs for chickens under the forest. They taste good, are nutritious and the price is reasonable. Six yuan a kilo, eggs..."

The onlookers also gave her eggs a good evaluation:

"This egg is really delicious. I bought a kilo of real native eggs yesterday. This is the second time."

"It's my second time."

"Native eggs are better than improved eggs."

"There are many chicken farms in Longtou town. They are all raised under the forest. The eggs over there are good."

Customers buy eggs one catty and two catties.

Middle aged women are busy, but they are also very happy.

Although the profit of a kilogram of eggs is only a few cents, at the end of the day, there is no problem selling 200 kilograms of eggs, and there is still an income of more than 100 yuan.

A fat middle-aged woman came to her stall, brutally squeezed away several customers, stood in front of her, put one hand on her waist, pointed to her, and shouted, "Hey, I told you not to sell eggs yesterday. Why don't you listen!"

"Why should I listen to you," said the middle-aged woman calmly. "This stall is not yours. It's rented to me. I can sell whatever I'm willing to sell. What's in your way?"

The fat woman turned and pointed to several customers with a shrewish look: "roll, roll, no one is allowed to buy eggs here! What do you stare, roll, there are egg sellers over there! I have a grudge against this woman. Today is revenge. None of you are allowed to help. If anyone helps, you will kill your whole family! Roll!"

Seeing her fierce appearance, several customers didn't want to get into trouble, so they turned and left one after another.

White headed women saw that their business was doing well. When fat women came, they all turned yellow. Of course, they were very angry, "Hey, who are you? You drove all my customers away!"

"Melon lady!" the fat woman pointed to the white headed woman with an arrogant face. "I'll tell you clearly. All the people who sell eggs in this market are from our family. Outsiders don't want to come in! There's no problem if you want to do business here, but you can sell other things, vegetables and fruits. You're not allowed to sell eggs, do you understand!"

The white headed woman said, "you're monopolizing the egg market. You're a vegetable bully. It's illegal. I'll sue you!"

"Melon lady, you can sue!" the fat woman glared at her fiercely, leaned forward and lowered her voice slightly: "Madam Gua, I warn you, since I dare to come forward, I won't be afraid of you telling me! Who are you? I've heard clearly. Your name is Liang Wanru, a retired teacher. The man has died of cancer. He has only one daughter, Du Juan, who works in the neighborhood office and hasn't been married. Your family lives at No. 11 Anju road. If you're not sensible, you push around and be a fool The glass of your house has been smashed! Be careful that your daughter is raped! "

Liang Wanru trembled. After her husband died, her daughter was her heart. In order for her daughter to live a happy life in the future, she came out to sell eggs. How can she tolerate others bullying her daughter.

"Dare you!" Liang Wanru pointed to the fat woman and glared, "if you dare to bully my daughter, I'll fight with you!"

"Hum!" the fat woman held her hands in her arms, her nostrils facing the sky, looked at Liang Wanru proudly, "Liang Wanru, if you really think of your daughter, don't sell this egg!"

"No." Liang Wanru is not a scary woman. It's impossible for a fat woman to scare her. "I've talked to the chicken farm in Longtou town and paid a deposit of more than 5000 yuan. Now I can only buy eggs and can't sell other things."

The fat woman roared, "smelly woman, have you never done business? You don't understand the rules in the market!"

Liang Wanru is not afraid at all: "the market has rules of the market, free trade, fair trade, not your fat lady has the final say! You get out of the way, do not block my business!"

"Smelly woman!" the fat woman was angry. She grabbed two eggs and hit Liang Wanru hard.


Two eggs hit Liang Wanru's forehead, and the egg white and yolk flowed on her face.

This scene happened to be seen by Qian Duoduo more than ten meters away.

"Aunt Liang!"

Qian Duoduo was surprised and angry. He ran to Liang Wanru quickly.

Ding Xiaomei and Yang Liuqing are buying ribs. Before they react, he has run away.

Liang Wanru wiped her face with her hand. She was so angry that she trembled: "fat woman, don't run, I'll call the police!"

With that, he took out his mobile phone and was ready to dial 110.

"Smelly woman, you dare to call the police, I'll let you report!" the fat woman grabbed two eggs, raised her hand and prepared to hit Liang Wanru.

However, as soon as her hand was raised, a big hand grabbed her neck and lifted her fat body high. A cold voice came from her ear: "smelly woman, believe it or not, I'll cut off your neck!"

The fat woman's feet are a foot high from the ground and weigh at least 150 kilograms. She is carried by Qian Duoduo in her hand as if she were carrying a chicken.

"Hmmm..." the fat woman's neck was pinched tightly and could not speak. She just kicked her feet and struggled hard.