Chapter 821

Name:Super Working Man Author:e lang
Qian Duoduo had already touched two coins in his hand. As soon as the gunshot stopped and his fingers bounced, the two coins flew out of his hands and shot into the foreheads of the two gunmen.

The two gunmen screamed, threw their pistols and fell on their backs to the sky.

The remaining gunman had turned to Qian Duoduo's side and saw two companions fall. He was not alarmed at all. He was well-trained and pulled the trigger at Qian Duoduo.

Qian Duoduo grabbed the body in front of him and threw it at him.


The bullet hit the body.

At the same time, the body also knocked the gunman to the ground.

Qian Duoduo flew up and kicked the gunman on the head. The gunman suddenly fainted.

Because he wanted to stay alive, Qian Duoduo didn't kick him to death.

In a short time, he solved four guys. Qian Duoduo stared at the white coat with glasses. Seeing his trembling appearance, he knew that this man had ordinary force and could not pose a threat to him.

Moreover, this white coat is holding a scalpel, wearing gloves, and his hands are covered with blood. Most of them are the doctor who is in charge of the knife.

Qian Duoduo strode to the doctor, his eyes like a knife, staring at him coldly.

Doctor Zhang retreated again and again, holding the scalpel, but he was shaking all over: "you, you, you... Don't come over!"

Qian Duoduo hurried forward, grabbed his collar and asked in a deep voice, "who's your boss? What's his name?"


The scalpel fell to the ground.

Dr. Chen shivered: "I, I, I... I don't know!"

Qian Duoduo raised his fist: "say it quickly, don't say I killed you!"

Suddenly, he felt great danger. There was a disorderly sound of footsteps in the corridor outside, no less than four or five people.

"Daniel, hide quickly!"

Qian Duoduo turned back and shouted at the cow.

Niuyu hurried behind him and grabbed his clothes as before.

He knows that these guys have guns in their hands, which is far from ordinary street gangsters. Compared with his three legged bastard's eight fists, he can't fill people's teeth.

As soon as Niu Zhen hid behind Qian Duoduo, Jin Xin broke into the operating room with four or five people.

Qian Duoduo grabbed Dr. Chen and stood in front of him. At the same time, he felt two coins in his trouser pocket and pinched them in his hand.

As one of the most powerful self-defense weapons, he always has coins on his body, ranging from seven or eight to two or three.

Five people broke in. Only two people had guns. The other three were daggers. As long as they killed two gunmen, the other three were a piece of cake.

Jin Xin held a pistol and looked at Qian Duoduo. There were several corpses lying on the ground. Two of them were blood cracks on the forehead, as if they had been stabbed by someone. He couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart: concealed weapons! This guy has strong concealed weapon Kung Fu. He escaped three companions with guns with his bare hands. He is definitely not an ordinary person!

At the same time, he also saw from the clothes with a lot of money that this man was the one who had just bought it from brother Jiu.

How can such a strong skill fall into the hands of brother nine?

Is he undercover?

"Who are you?"

Jin Xin looked the same, holding the pistol tightly, facing Qian Duoduo, he asked in a deep voice.

Beside him, one companion held a pistol and the other three held daggers. Everyone looked at Qian Duoduo covetously, waiting for the boss's order and ready to attack at any time.

Qian Duoduo looked calm and said coldly, "bearded, I should ask you, who are you?"

Doctor Zhang cried in panic, "brother Xin, help me!"

Jin Xin's face was calm: "Doctor Zhang, don't worry. He can't run with so many of us."

"Hum, brother Xin..." Qian Duoduo suddenly raised his hand and struck first. The coin in his hand shot out and flew to Jin Xin's forehead.

Jin Xin is not an ordinary person. When he saw that Qian Duoduo raised his hand, he knew that there must be a concealed weapon in his hand, and his head deviated immediately.


The coin shot on the security door behind him, bounced back heavily and landed on the ground in front of him.

Seeing that the beard easily avoided the coin, Qian Duoduo was also surprised: this beard is not simple! Since his debut, no one has ever avoided his coins!

In his hand, coin is a sharp weapon to kill people. Now it doesn't work for the first time!

It seems that we must not be careless!

Qian Duoduo secretly strengthened the guard.

Jin Xin glanced at the coins on the floor and snorted coldly: "boy, you have good Kung Fu. How much do you have? Let's make it out together."

Qian Duoduo had an idea and said coldly, "beard, I'm a policeman of the criminal investigation team of Donghai police station. We've investigated you for a long time. Now we have all your criminal evidence. In a few minutes at most, my colleagues will arrive. You'd better put down your weapons and surrender obediently, otherwise, you'll be dead!"

Just then, there was a faint sound of a siren outside: Wuer Wuer

Jin Xin was surprised. He thought there was a policeman coming here, and suddenly pulled the trigger——


A bullet went into Doctor Zhang's chest.

"Brother Xin, you... You..." Doctor Zhang pointed to Jin Xin, trembling, spewing a mouthful of blood from his mouth, his head tilted, and he died.

"Brothers, withdraw."

Jin Xin waved his hand and ran out of the room first.

The other guys scrambled and ran outside.

"Want to run, no way!" Qian Duoduo threw Dr. Zhang on the ground. His body flashed and jumped a few meters away. He grabbed the collar of the last guy running, waved his fist and hit him on the head.

The guy immediately burst his head and fell to the door.

Qian Duoduo stepped over his body and continued to chase outside.

Niu Zhen also ran with him, ran to the door, bent down, picked up a dagger and bravely followed Qian Duoduo.

Bang Bang

A guy saw Qian Duoduo chasing after him and fired two shots back.

Qian Duoduo dodged the bullet, saw the cow following behind him, and hurriedly shouted, "Daniel, lie down!"

The cow quickly lay on the ground.

In the blink of an eye, the guy had rushed out of the basement.

Qian Duoduo bent down, picked up a dagger and continued to chase forward.

The cow also got up.

Jin Xin took three men and ran to the yard outside. He was relieved to see that the police car had not arrived yet.

Dozens of meters below the yard is the sea. There is a speedboat on the beach. They can run to the beach and leave by speedboat before the police arrive.

"Big beard, stop!" Qian Duoduo also chased out of the basement.

Bang Bang

Jin Xin raised his pistol and shot Qian Duoduo without hesitation. Before leaving, it's best to kill this hateful undercover and do business in front of the boss.

Moreover, this place is relatively quiet. Even if you shoot, it won't attract the attention of ordinary people.