Chapter 936

Name:Super Working Man Author:e lang
Late at night, on the highway 300 kilometers away, a large truck was running fast.

In the dark, a fierce figure chased the big truck behind, grabbed the carriage of the big truck and quickly climbed up.

The driver of the truck was so absorbed in driving that he didn't see the situation behind him.

Needless to say, this tough figure is Duan Zhengxiong who escaped from prison.


At Su Hong's home, the two talked until midnight. Su Hong couldn't stand it, so he lay on the sofa and fell asleep.

Qian Duoduo bent down and picked her up. Su Hong woke up again and opened his eyes: "Duoduo..."

Qian Duoduo smiled: "sister Hong, I'll take you to bed."

"No, the last night, my sister will be here with you." Su Hong shook her head gently, and her eyes were full of tenderness.

"Well... I'll hold a quilt for you." Qian Duoduo had to put her down and ran to Su Hong's bedroom. He quickly held a quilt out and covered her.

Su Hong lay beside Qian Duoduo. She felt very secure in her heart. After a while, she fell asleep.

Qian Duoduo kept watching her sleep. Seeing that it was already one o'clock in the evening, he yawned, stood up, walked around several rooms and inspected them. Then he returned to the living room, sat on the sofa, closed his eyes, tilted his head and fell beside Su Hong, with two heads next to each other

At 3 a.m., the truck drove to the Donghai toll station.

The toll station is brightly lit. Even at 3 a.m., there are more than ten police cars parked on the roadside of the toll station. At least a dozen heavily armed and armed police are at the toll station, checking the vehicles entering the East China Sea one by one, very carefully.

Two policemen with submachine guns climbed into the back car to check.

Several other policemen flashed flashlights and checked under the frame.

A policeman knocked on the cab, let the two drivers get off, looked carefully, took a picture of Duan Zhengxiong and asked one of the drivers, "master, have you seen this man carefully?"

The driver looked carefully and shook his head: "No."

"This is an escaped prisoner. He is vicious and cunning and does great harm to society. If you have seen him, you must not hide it."

"Officer, we really haven't met."

Both drivers shook their heads.

Duan Zhengxiong was certainly not stupid enough to get off at the toll station, but jumped out of the car when he was only a few hundred meters away from the toll station, quickly left the highway, ran for a while and ran to the seaside.

A few minutes later, Duan Zhengxiong ran to the seaside. He hid in the mountains and forests for five or six hours and lay in the coal truck for more than three hours. He was dirty and itchy. Now he just wanted to take a good bath.

Duan Zhengxiong jumped into the sea, took off his prison clothes and plunged into the water

In the night sky, Duan Zhengxiong clenched his fists and his eyes radiated hatred, like two wolf eyes. He cursed fiercely: "paralyzed, Su Hong, you have ruined my life. I will kill your whole family, and none of them will be let go!"

Duan Zhengxiong took a good bath, put on his prison clothes and climbed to the shore.

He has lived in the East China Sea for twenty or thirty years. Naturally, he is very familiar with the situation in the East China Sea.

Half an hour later, Duan Zhengxiong appeared near a house with a pistol.

This house is an ordinary two-story building with a white car in the yard.

"Woof, woof..."

Just entering the yard, a rhubarb dog barked and rushed in front of him.

Duan Zhengxiong flew out and kicked the rhubarb dog to the wall of the hospital. The rhubarb dog screamed and fell to the ground without a sound.

The barking of the dog woke up the people in the room. The light in the room on the second floor was on. A middle-aged man in his pajamas ran to the balcony outside and shone around with a flashlight. When he saw a dead dog lying in the yard, he couldn't help shouting, "who? Who?"

As soon as the voice fell, a figure appeared on the balcony, dressed in wet clothes, and his face was very gloomy, like a water ghost.


The middle-aged man was scared to death when he saw the sudden figure.

Duan Zhengxiong hurried up and grabbed his throat. With a click, the middle-aged man fell soft to the ground.

At this time, a woman's voice came: "Lao Jiang, what's the matter? What do you see? Is there a thief?"

Duan Zhengxiong stood at the window and looked inside. He saw a middle-aged woman getting out of bed and coming out.

This woman is not too old. She looks very good. She can just satisfy her greed.

Duan Zhengxiong stepped over the middle-aged man's body and strode to the room.

As soon as the middle-aged woman came out of the living room, she bumped into Duan Zhengxiong. She stared and didn't make a sound. A big hand had covered her mouth.

The middle-aged woman suddenly heard a bang in her head and fainted with live fear.

"Smelly woman, it's useless."

Duan Zhengxiong kicked the middle-aged woman. He didn't hurry. He checked in each room. If there were people in the room, naturally he couldn't get rid of his poisonous hand and killed them all.

Four bedrooms upstairs, no one.

Duan Zhengxiong ran downstairs. There was no one downstairs.

It seems that there are only two people living at home in this house. The old man died and the children went to school or work outside.

Duan Zhengxiong relieved himself, opened the door, dragged the dead dog into the house, closed the door, went upstairs, bent down, picked up the middle-aged woman, walked into the bedroom, threw her on the bed and began to peel her clothes

The sky was bright. Su Jianqiu got up early and went to the corridor outside. He saw the light in the living room. He walked gently. He saw Qian Duoduo and his daughter lying on the sofa, with their heads next to each other and sleeping. His daughter was covered with a quilt, but Qian Duoduo was not covered with a quilt. His clothes and pants were well dressed.

Su Jianqiu shook her head and sighed silently. The two young people were old-fashioned, not open at all, and never achieved the effect they wanted.

"Smelly boy, you don't even cover the quilt, and you're not afraid of catching a cold." the old man bent down and moved half of the quilt out to cover Qian Duoduo.

As soon as the quilt was moved, Qian Duoduo and Su Hong woke up almost at the same time.

"Who?" Su Hong exclaimed.

Qian Duoduo got up and grabbed Su Jianqiu's wrist.

"Ouch..." Su Jianqiu cried out in pain.

"Uncle Su, it's you!" Qian Duoduo quickly let go.

Su Hong also sat up.

Su Jianqiu rubbed his wrist. "Smelly boy, you have a strong hand. You're like a steel pliers. You almost didn't crush my bones."

"Uncle Su, I'm sorry, I was too careless." Qian Duoduo apologized quickly.

Su Hong said, "Dad, why are you here?"