Chapter 1032

Name:Super Working Man Author:e lang
"Secretary Zhao, on behalf of Duoduo, happiness company and happiness village, thank you for your enthusiasm. Our happiness company will be officially open in a week. Please cut the ribbon for us at that time."

"Ha ha ha, it must be." Zhao Zhiyuan's face was happy.

Liu Guodong pulled Yang Chongguang aside and said reproachfully, "Chongguang, Qian Duoduo wants to come back. Why don't you tell me? We can arrange a time in our city to pick him up. If we hadn't just inspected at the airport today, we would have missed it."

Yang Chongguang smiled: "Uncle, it's all right. Duoduo is very easy to get along with. He doesn't have airs. He doesn't like those senior officials in the province, let alone those big bosses of the world's top 500. He won't have any opinions on you because you didn't come. Moreover, he just goes home, not invited by your municipal Party committee and government. If you specially come to welcome him home, it's hard to say it , maybe the province knows that you will be criticized. "

"We are not afraid of criticism. As long as Duoduo can do a good job in the happy village and develop the happy company, it is better than anything."

"Look, the plane!"

"Come, come, come back!"

"Duoduo is back!"

There was cheering in the audience, and everyone looked up at the East sky.

"Duoduo! I miss you so much..." Ding Xiaomei muttered to herself, tears in her eyes.

"Duoduo, you're back at last!" Murong Xue murmured to herself again, with tears in her eyes.

"A lot!" Yang Liuqing and Xue Zhilan screamed with excitement, and they jumped straight in their arms.

"Smelly boy, I'm not disappointed at last!" Ding Feng murmured to himself, with a happy smile on his face. As a former police chief, he relied on his own efforts to handle a major case that shocked the whole country. Of course, he felt very proud and proud.

"My grandchildren and great grandchildren are coming back!" Qian Minggui, an old birthday star in his 100s, was even more happy.

In the eastern sky, a white plane flew closer and lower, and then landed slowly on the runway of the airport.

A few minutes later, Qian Zhenkun, Xia Xiaotian, Zhu Fengxian and others walked out of the cabin door and down the gangway with the flow of people.

Qian Zhihao still had a thick bandage wrapped around his head and face.

Piao Piao can't walk because she has a wound on her leg. Qian Duoduo carries her on his back and puts her arms around his neck. She looks happy, which is different from the image of loneliness and indifference in the past.

Qian Zhenkun stepped down the gangway and was very excited: "after ten years, he finally came back!"

Zhu Fengxian took his arm and said with an angry smile, "now you have achieved your wish."

Qian Zhenkun smiled and hugged her waist.

Xia Xiaotian, Ruan Xiaolin, Xia Yuhe, Su Hong and Su Jianqiu all came to Jiuzhou for the first time and looked at the surrounding scenery with great interest.

Although Qian Duoduo was floating on his back, he was very relaxed. Looking around, he couldn't help shaking his head: "Alas, it's my first time to fly and to Jiuzhou airport. This airport is too bad. It's more than half worse than Shuanglong airport. It's too disappointing!"

Qian Zhihao also glanced: "yes, the airport is dirty, messy and small. It's basically the same as ten years ago. I've never seen such a bad airport. Bah, bah, bah."

Qian Zhenkun said, "smelly boy, this is your hometown that has raised you for more than ten years. What do you think of this and that? As the saying goes, children don't think the mother is ugly, dogs don't think the family is poor, and you should be grateful to your hometown. Besides, don't you see that there are construction sites everywhere in this airport. Are you expanding? It will be beautiful after it is built."

Zhu Fengxian smiled kindly and said, "look, once you return to your hometown, everything is good. Your hometown feelings are going to explode."

Qian Zhihao said, "Dad, you love your hometown so much. You should kneel on the soil of your hometown, hold a handful of soil and cry for a while, or I'll think you're pretending."

Qian Zhenkun stared and rolled up his sleeve: "smelly boy, you've only been honest for a few days, and you're not obedient. I won't clean you up!"

"Sister he, help me!" Qian Zhihao hurriedly took Xia Yuhe's hand and hid behind her.

Everyone laughed.

Xia Xiaotian kuanhe's way: "Jiuzhou is not only a third tier city, but also an inland city. Although the airport is small, it can still meet the needs of a small city. The larger the airport, the greater the various expenses. The small airports in many cities are in a state of loss, which brings great pressure to the local government. Therefore, many small cities are very cautious in building airports, especially in Inland in the Midwest. "

Qian Zhenkun nodded and his face became heavy again: "yes, Jiuzhou is a small city after all. It is the same third tier. There is still a big gap compared with coastal cities."

Qian Duoduo shook his head: "no, this airport is far from meeting the needs of Jiuzhou's future development. At least it should be planned according to the standards of Donghai airport. I have to say hello to those officials in the city. This expansion should be re planned."

Qian Zhenkun immediately scolded and said, "Duoduo, don't talk wildly. What kind of person are you? How can the leaders in the city listen to you? Don't blow the rusty cowhide."

Qian Duoduo said positively, "Dad, I'm not bragging. I just want them to plan again."

"Forget it, I won't argue with you. You're a kung fu master. I can't beat you and run away from you, but I remind you that you'll lose sooner or later if you boast so much."

"I'm not bragging."

Su Jianqiu said, "Duoduo, I think your idea is still very good. You are bold and ahead. I support you."

Xia Yuhe said with a smile, "Duoduo, is it too exaggerated for a small city to build an airport as big as the East China Sea?"

"Uncle Xia, I don't exaggerate at all. I stand high and see far."

"If you stand tall and look far, I think Piao Piao is. Now Piao Piao looks farther and higher than you." Xia Xiaotian joked.

"Uncle Xia, don't make fun of me." Piao Piao lies on Qian Duoduo's back and is a little shy.

Everyone talked and laughed and walked out of the terminal.

As soon as they walked out of the terminal, they were silly. They saw hundreds of people standing densely in the square in front. Everyone raised a small red flag in their hands and shouted in unison: "Duoduo, the most handsome! Duoduo, the most handsome! Duoduo, the most handsome!"

These are all the girls and boys in the village, as well as many police and armed police special agents!

In front of the crowd, Murong Xue, Ding Xiaomei, Yang Liuqing, Xue Zhilan and so on were all there.

There are even a group of senior officials in the city, such as Zhao Zhiyuan and Liu Guodong.

Everyone was beaming and smiling.