Chapter 1237

Name:Super Working Man Author:e lang
Qian Duoduo didn't dare to be careless, so he hurried back, and Kaman escaped his fist.

Two people fought fiercely in the square with one punch and one foot.

Zhao Xiaowu, Yan Meiyu, Jiang Zilong, as well as many bodyguards and security guards, spread out one after another, gathered together, watched them nervously and were ready to take action at any time.

Lin Jiahui followed Qian Duoduo's phone call, immediately took more than a dozen policemen and drove three police cars to the direction of Ping'an town.

Because Qian Duoduo didn't explain how powerful Hongye villa was, Lin Jiahui didn't ask his superiors for instructions. In general, with more than a dozen policemen, it's enough to deal with ordinary criminals.

Qian Duoduo and song Jinghong fight more and more fiercely. Both of them have their own strengths. Song Jinghong is stronger than hard work. Qian Duoduo is light and light. His lightness is much higher than song Jinghong. Song Jinghong can rarely hit him.

Qian Duoduo's fist and foot often fell on Song Jinghong. Although it didn't cause fatal damage to him, it also made him look embarrassed.

More than ten minutes later, the victory and defeat had been divided. Qian Duoduo became braver and braver. His fists and feet kept falling on Song Jinghong. Song Jinghong was tired of parrying.

Song Jinghong finally couldn't stand it. He jumped out of the battle circle. With a wave of his arm, he roared loudly: "give it all to me and catch the boy!"

At the command, a dozen bodyguards and security guards shouted in unison, holding electric batons, and rushed to Qian Duoduo.

"Shit, the tiger doesn't get angry. Think I'm a sick cat!"

Qian Duoduo jumped up, swept two high sweeps in a row, and two or three security guards fell at his feet.

After a while, seven or eight people lay on the ground.

However, the security guards were not frightened by Qian Duoduo's Kung Fu. Under the supervision of song Jinghong, they rushed at him.

Moreover, the security guards around got the news and continued to rush to this place to join the battle group.

A few minutes later, the number of security guards in the square reached 50 or 60. Most of them were holding electric batons, a few were holding double barreled shotguns, and some were holding homemade pistols.

In addition to the security guards, many idle people also came to watch the excitement.

Facing dozens of security guards, Qian Duoduo was not afraid at all. He became braver and braver. Wherever he went, someone must fall.

Ten minutes later, more than twenty or thirty people fell on the square, and there was a scream.

Zhao Xiaowu and Yan Meiyu didn't know that Qian Duoduo was so powerful. They were stunned. They were completely different from their confidence in winning when they just entered Hongye villa.

"Paralyzed, I killed you today!"

In a moment of anger, song Jinghong was determined to kill. He grabbed the Double Barrel Shotgun in the security guard's hand and roared, "get out of the way!"

The security guards heard the roar of the boss and withdrew from the regiment.

Qian Duoduo was having a good time. He couldn't help feeling puzzled when he saw the security guards retreating one after another. Suddenly, he saw song Jinghong holding a gun. The black muzzle of the gun was aimed at himself and shouted: no!

Qian Duoduo jumped up in a hurry.


The gun went off.

A dozen steel ball bullets flew to qianduoduo.

Although the Double Barrel Shotgun belongs to the shotgun, in fact, its power is even more powerful than the ordinary rifle, and its sound is huge, with strong lethality and deterrence.

The only disadvantage of the double barrel shotgun is that it is slow to load ammunition, and it can only load two rounds of ammunition at a time, with steel balls sandwiched in the ammunition.

Of course, these steel balls didn't hit Qian Duoduo.

Qian Duoduo jumped three or four meters high and just landed on the ground. Song Jinghong pulled the trigger again. Qian Duoduo was forced to jump again

"Call me and kill him!"

Song Jinghong missed two shots, angry and angry, and roared wildly.

Several bodyguards and security guards took up shotguns or pistols and shot at Qian Duoduo

Boom, boom!

Bang bang!

Fierce gunfire suddenly rang out in the square.

Qian Duoduo tried his best to dodge and jump. For a time, there were dangers

At the critical moment, two sharp screams sounded in the sky——



With two sharp screams, a huge eagle swooped down with one wing and swept down four or five security guards with great power

Qian Duoduo just landed and was very happy: brother Diao is coming!

On the asphalt road outside, three police cars are getting closer and closer to Hongye villa. Lin Jiahui sits in the police car and hears the banging sound in front of him. He already feels bad.

The driver Hu Quan said, "Lin Suo, this is the sound of gunfire."

"Yes, it was gunfire."

"According to Qian Duoduo, the red leaf villa should be hundreds of meters ahead."

"A lot of money is probably in trouble. Hurry up!"

Hu Quan stepped on the accelerator and the police car sped up.

Soon, a red antique building appeared on the side of the road ahead, and the gunfire became louder and louder.

Suddenly, they saw a huge dark shadow in the air and rushed down towards the red building

Hu Quan was surprised and exclaimed, "Lin Suo, what's that?"

"How do I know? Shit."

"I'm afraid there are ghosts here."

While talking, the police car has driven to the square.

The gunfire inside continued, but it was obviously sparse and not as fierce as it was just now.

A dozen policemen jumped out of the car, took out pistols or batons and rushed inside.

Soon, the police rushed to the place where the gun rang. They were stunned by the scene in front of them. They saw a huge eagle taking off in mid air, flapping its huge wings and hula, sweeping down four or five people. There were people lying on the ground in the square, and dozens of people ran around with their heads in their arms

God, that's a ghost!

This is a big bird!

Song Jinghong was frightened by the big bird. He stood there for more than half a minute. He saw the big bird fan down more than a dozen security guards. Then he woke up and pointed a double barrel shotgun at the big bird.

Qian Duoduo saw it clearly. He jumped up quickly, jumped four or five meters high, rushed at Song Jinghong and kicked him on the wrist.


The gun went off and all the bullets missed.

Song Jinghong dropped his hand and the double barreled shotgun fell to the ground.

Song Jinghong howled, waved his fist and rushed at Qian Duoduo. The two fought together again.

After a while, Da Diao had solved more than 30 security guards and hovered in the air, looking for an opportunity to attack song Jinghong.

Yan Meiyu and Zhao Xiaowu were already scared to death. Both of them were grabbed by the sharp claws of the eagle on their backs and lay on the ground shouting.

Lin Jiahui was stunned with a group of police for a while. Finally, he saw that Qian Duoduo was standing with a tall man.

At this time, only the two of them were still standing in the middle of the square, and the rest were lying on the ground, howling.

In addition, the eagle hovering overhead, with two strong and sharp claws, is ready to kill prey at any time. The unspeakable strangeness and terror of the whole scene makes people tremble.