Chapter 1400

Name:Super Working Man Author:e lang
Qian Duoduo rubbed her head and felt pity: "girl, in the future, even if I die, I can't do that."

"Boss, you won't die." Tang Xiaoxiao rushed into his arms.

Qian Duoduo hugged him for a while and asked softly, "girl, which stone did you hit?"

Tang Xiaoxiao raised his head and pointed to the front right: "that's the one."

Qian Duoduo took her hand and walked to the stone.

The stone is more than one meter high and two meters wide. It is like a hill. It is a real boulder.

Because it hasn't rained during this time, a pool of black blood can be clearly seen under the boulder.

"Girl, this thing should be forgotten, forever."

"I can't forget."

"I'll teach you how to forget. Step back."

Qian Duoduo pushed Tang Xiaoxiao behind him, suddenly waved his fist and hit the center of the boulder with all his strength.


Tens of thousands of kilograms of boulders were torn apart and turned into a pile of rubble.

"Boss, your hand!" Tang Xiaoxiao screamed and ran to Qian Duoduo for fear that his hand would be destroyed.

She grabbed Qian Duoduo's right hand. Qian Duoduo's right hand was intact without any injury.

Tang Xiaoxiao stared round and looked at the pile of rubble in front of him: "Wow! Boss, you're great!"

Qian Duoduo rubbed her head again: "girl, no matter what difficulties you have in the future, you have to hold on. There are no difficulties in the world that can stop us."


Tang Xiaoxiao nodded obediently, his eyes full of worship for Qian Duoduo.

When I met Qian Duoduo two months ago, their Kung Fu was not much worse. Now there is a huge gap, just one sky and one underground.

Qian Duoduo walked to the cliff in front of him.

Tang Xiaoxiao took his hand and never left.

One meter in front of the cliff, Qian Duoduo stopped and looked at the abyss in front of him: "that day, I fell from this position."

"That day, if Grandpa hadn't stopped me, I would have jumped from this place. There was no way to hit the stone. Boss, you can destroy the stone, but you can't destroy the cliff."

Qian Duoduo turned and smiled: "I can't destroy this cliff, but I can let you stop the idea of jumping off the cliff. I make you feel terrible when you think of it."

"What's terrible? Just jump as soon as you close your eyes. If people want to die now, more than 90% choose to jump from a building."

"You really don't feel terrible?"

"I'm not afraid anyway."

"OK, let's try." Qian Duoduo picked her up.

"Boss, what are you doing?"

"Jump down."

"Boss, you're crazy!"

"I'm crazy. I'll choose a crazy move for you." Qian Duoduo said, holding Tang Xiaoxiao and jumping off the cliff.


Tang Xiaoxiao screamed loudly, closed his eyes, and the wind blew by his ears.

The screams of horror echoed among the surrounding mountains.

Soon, the wind stopped. Tang Xiaoxiao was dizzy, but he didn't feel any pain.

Tang Xiaoxiao opened his eyes and saw Qian Duoduo's treacherous smiling face.

"Boss, we're not dead?"

"What do you say?" Qian Duoduo put down Tang Xiaoxiao. "Although some people are not dead, their faces are pale and bloodless, as if they were dead."

Tang Xiaoxiao landed on his feet, looked up at the mountain towering into the clouds in front of him, and looked at Qian Duoduo's cunning smile. He was so angry that he rushed at Qian Duoduo.

The two were too close. Qian Duoduo was caught off guard and was knocked down in the grass by her.

Tang Xiaoxiao rode on him and beat him with a pair of fists: "boss, you're too much. You almost scared me to death! I'll kill you, kill you..."


Qian Duoduo didn't resist. He laughed proudly and looked very happy.

Tang Xiaoxiao's fist fell on him. It didn't feel like tickling.

Tang Xiaoxiao thumped and stopped. Because he was frightened again, he was out of breath, his chest fluctuated and stared at Qian Duoduo coyly.

Qian Duoduo smiled and said, "girl..."

"Shut up." Tang Xiaoxiao glared at him fiercely, leaned down, blocked Qian Duoduo's mouth with his own lips, put his hands around his neck, and clamped Qian Duoduo tightly with one foot.

"Oh, oh, oh..."

Under Tang Xiaoxiao's fierce offensive, Qian Duoduo soon fell

Murongxue hurried into Ding Xiaomei's office with excitement.

Ding Xiaomei has just been pregnant for two months. Her stomach is not obvious. She still insists on going to work. She still holds the post of director of Xingfu police station.

"Xiaomei." Murong Xue's face was full of joy.

"Sister Xue." Ding Xiaomei stood up, "sister Xue, you're so happy. What's the good news?"

"Xiaomei, I have good news for you. I'm pregnant."

"Ah, really?"

"Really." murongxue handed the diagnosis to Ding Xiaomei. "Xiuling just checked me. It's been two weeks."

Ding Xiaomei took the diagnosis and looked at it carefully. She was very happy: "great, sister Xue, you have two weeks and I have two months. There is not much difference between us. Our two pregnant mothers have company, and our children will have company in the future."

"Mm-hmm." Murong Xue nodded again and again, couldn't help but burst into tears. "Xiaomei, I have children. I think I'm so happy!"

"Yes, happiness! I am also very happy! We are all very happy!"

The two girls hugged each other tightly, with tears in their eyes. The taste of happiness filled their mature hearts.

Dong Dong Dong——

There was a knock on the door outside.

The two quickly separated and wiped the tears in their eyes.

Just separated, the door opened, and Yang Liuqing stood at the door.

"Qing'er." since it was Yang Liuqing, they had nothing to hide. They said hello almost at the same time.

Yang Liuqing went in, took the door with him, looked at them crying and laughing, and was very confused: "sister Xue and sister Mei, what's the matter with you, crying and laughing?"

Murong Xue walked over and took her hand: "Qing'er, I'm pregnant."

Yang Liuqing was stunned: "sister Xue, are you pregnant?"

Ding Xiaomei handed the diagnosis book to her: "look, sister Xue has just been checked out from the hospital. She is two weeks pregnant."

Yang Liuqing immediately smiled and held Murong Xue's hand: "sister Xue, congratulations ha. I know, in fact, you've wanted a baby for a long time. Now you've finally got what you want. I'm also happy for you."

Murong Xue nodded.

"Look at you two. You are so happy to be a pregnant mother. You look like two children and cry." Yang Liuqing took out a paper towel and wiped the tears in Murong Xue's eyes. In front of them, he looked like a big sister.