Chapter 1402

Name:Super Working Man Author:e lang
Ding Xiaomei asked, "sister Xue, are you sure Duoduo and Xiaoxiao are right here?"

"I saw that they really came this way. It was more than an hour before and after that."

"I'm afraid they have gone back for more than an hour."

Yang Liuqing said, "if they do that, they must find a hidden place. Let's look separately."

Then he walked to a big stone in front of him.

Behind that big rock, there are enough to hide two people.

Murong Xue and Ding Xiaomei also walked to the two big stones.

A few minutes later, the three men searched the small hillside. There was no sign of Qian Duoduo and Tang Xiaoxiao.

The three people gathered together again. Beside Tang Xiaoxiao was the boulder that broke his head. Next to the boulder, there was still a pool of black blood and fresh footprints.

Looking at the black blood stains, the three men remembered the picture ten days ago and couldn't help a burst of silence.

No one can forget such a tragic day.

For a long time, Ding Xiaomei said, "the footprints are still fresh. They must have come."

"Where have they gone?" Murong Xue shouted, "Duoduo, Duoduo..."

"Duoduo, Duoduo..."

"Brother, brother..."

Ding Xiaomei and Yang Liuqing also shouted.

A few hundred meters below the cliff, Qian Duoduo and Tang Xiaoxiao have finished. They have just put on their clothes. Before they have time to be warm, there is a clear cry in their ears.

Qian Duoduo was excited and patted his head: "no, my sister, they're coming."

"I'll come as soon as I come. What's to be afraid of?" Tang Xiaoxiao looked indifferent.

"Girl, no way." Qian Duoduo was worried. "My sister is bleeding from me. She and I have a good heart. As long as I am excited, her blood will boil. When we do this, she will know. My sister knows, and Meijie and Qing'er know. They won't agree. They don't agree. The consequences are a little serious."

"Well... Let's hide." Tang Xiaoxiao was also a little worried, thinking of Yang Liuqing's warning to her and Ding Xiaomei's running away from home.

"I can't hide. My sister knows we're here."

"What about that?"

Qian Duoduo thought for a while and turned his eyes: "girl, let's find a way to deceive my sister and them."

"What can I do?"

"Now, let's just pretend..."

Tang Xiaoxiao closed his eyes and fell on the grass.

Qian Duoduo ordered her acupoints, picked her up, looked at the hundreds of meters high cliff, jumped up dozens of meters, landed on a protruding rock and continued to rise

On the hillside, Murong Xue, Ding Xiaomei and Yang Liuqing shouted a few times. Murong Xue said, "forget it, Xiaomei and Qing'er. Maybe they really went back, and we'll go back."

"I'll call and see where they are." Yang Liuqing took out his cell phone.

However, just took out the mobile phone, a dark shadow suddenly appeared under the cliff and flew up high, startling all three of them.

I saw that the shadow flew several meters high and fell to the ground. It was a lot of money.

Just a woman in the arms of Qian Duoduo.

"Sister." Qian Duoduo shouted.


Three girls ran towards him.

Running to Qian Duoduo's side, he saw that the woman in his arms was Tang Xiaoxiao, but she hung her head, closed her eyes, her lips were dark blue, her face was pale, her hair was messy, and she was covered with a lot of soil and dead grass.

"Duoduo, what's the matter with Xiaoxiao?" Murong Xue asked hurriedly.

Qian Duoduo gasped heavily. He sat on the ground with Tang Xiaoxiao in his arms. He had a lot of dirt and weeds on his body and sweat on his forehead. He looked very embarrassed, nervous and tired: "Sister, after you left, Xiaoxiao wanted to go to the hillside here. I came with her. She confessed to me that she liked me and wanted to be with me. Considering your feelings, I didn't promise her. The girl kept me crying, and then... Then jumped off the cliff when I was unprepared."


The three girls were surprised.

Murong Xue squatted down and called out: "smile, smile..."

Ding Xiaomei and Yang Liuqing also squatted down, their eyes full of concern.

Ding Xiaomei stretched out her hand and explored under Tang Xiaoxiao's nostrils. There was a faint breath, "Duoduo, Xiaoxiao, is everything okay?"

"I didn't have time to catch Xiaoxiao, so I had to jump down with her. There were a lot of rocks below. Fortunately, Xiaoxiao didn't fall on the stone. She fell in the grass and fainted at that time. My lightness skill was strong and nothing happened. I quickly healed Xiaoxiao's injuries. It took me a while. It should be all right now."

All three girls were relieved.

Murong Xue looked at Tang Xiaoxiao's pale cheek and was distressed: "Duoduo, this girl is really passionate about you. In the future, you must treat her well and can't live up to her affection for you!"

Ding Xiaomei sighed, "this girl is really stupid. What's the big deal? You have to die. Again and again, you want to turn us into sinners!"

Yang Liuqing sat down on the ground and felt as if she had collapsed. She kept panting: "I wish I hadn't died! I wish I hadn't died! Oh, I'm scared to death! Xiaoxiao girl, don't try to die again. I'm afraid of you. After you wake up, have a good life with my brother. I won't stop you. I accept you. The three of us accept you..."

Qian Duoduo was surprised and said, "Qing'er, what do you mean?"

Murong Xue said: "Duoduo, since the last thing, the whole village knows that Xiaoxiao likes you. You take care of Xiaoxiao these days. We also know that you like her. In fact, I have already had this psychological preparation. You are good with Xiaoxiao. I don't object."

Ding Xiaomei said frankly, "I don't object. I understand your feelings very much. Moreover, Xiaoxiao is also a very good girl. I like her very much."

Qian Duoduo was surprised: "sister, sister Mei, it turns out that you all..."

Tang Xiaoxiao also raised her ears. Although she closed her eyes and was ordered by Qian Duoduo, she looked pale, comatose and dying. In fact, she could hear everything and was pleasantly surprised in her heart.

Yang Liuqing said, "brother, I didn't agree originally, because the girl has been against me. I'm uncomfortable, but now I really convinced her. To be honest, the girl's loyalty and persistence to feelings can't even compare with me. She has a lot of places worth learning."