Chapter 1503

Name:Super Working Man Author:e lang
Li Mingyi and others are not fools. In a few days, they have also made clear the situation of happy village. The location where they park is also a dead corner of monitoring. The police in the monitoring room can't see their car.

For the time being, there was no movement in front of Murong Xue's villa, even the car of several people of the shark gang.

"Shit, aren't these sharks going to kidnap Murong Xue and Yang Liuqing? Where have they gone now? There's no ghost." Li Mingyi scolded softly.

Wang Kui said, "brother Yi, Xingfu village is well defended. There are police, joint defense team, special forces and people from Tangmen. They won't advise and sneak away when they know these situations."

"If you run, you can't run to the temple. I'll kill all the people of Huwei group."

Zhang Jin said, "it's impossible. They can't run. If they want to run, they won't inform us. Let's wait patiently."

Several people waited patiently.

Boss shark and others drove a car to the substation of Xingfu village.

Xingfu village substation is located at the foot of a remote and quiet mountain. It is a small 35kV substation, which mainly supplies power to the whole village of Xingfu village. The substation is also included in the national grid. The management of the substation belongs to Jiangbei District Power Supply Bureau of Jiuzhou city.

There are only seven or eight employees in the substation. They usually manage the power consumption of Xingfu village to ensure the power safety of the whole village. Although these employees are not employees of Xingfu group, like the secret service Squadron, everyone enjoys the subsidy of Xingfu group every month.

Several employees do not belong to the villagers of Xingfu village, let alone the executives of Xingfu group. They are all married people. Some live in the employee apartment building of Xingfu village, some in Jiuzhou urban area and some in Yishan town.

Every night, the substation keeps two employees on duty.

Shark second drove and stopped on the road outside the substation.

The substation has a high fence. There is a three-story villa tens of meters outside the fence, which is the office building of the substation.

Shark boss, shark fourth and shark fifth got out of the car, leaving only shark second in the car, ready to pick them up at any time.

Three people look around. There is no one around. Two hundred meters away is happiness Avenue. More than 100 meters ahead of happiness Avenue is the high-speed railway station of happiness village.

It can be said that this small road is specially built for the substation of Xingfu village.

The three men walked boldly to the substation office building.

They have already inquired. The happy village is full of monitoring, especially in the villa area. To successfully take Murong Xue and Yang Liuqing away, there is only one way to destroy the monitoring of the whole village, and the only way to destroy the monitoring of the whole village is power failure.

When the three people walked to the office building thirty or forty meters away, they could see a camera in the left and right corners of the upstairs.

Shark took out his pistol, put on a silencer, bang bang, two slight shots, and two cameras broke in response.

The three men trotted down to the office building.

"You two go upstairs and hurry up. I'll deal with the patrol here."

Shark four and shark five promised and easily turned to the second floor.

Shark boss stood below and looked at the movement on the road.

In the monitoring room of Xingfu police station, several policemen stared at the monitoring screen in front of them. One of them was Qian Xiaojun. Qian Xiaojun found that the image in the lower left corner suddenly became blank. He quickly picked up the walkie talkie in front of him and called: "patrol, patrol."

"The patrol is."

"The monitoring of the substation location suddenly disappeared. Go and see what's going on."


The two patrolmen closest to the substation immediately rode motorcycles to the substation.

Shalao four and Shalao five have already found out the situation of the office building. The first and second floors are all offices, and the third floor is conference room, accommodation and lounge. The two men went straight up to the third floor and knocked on the door of an accommodation room.

For a while, there was no sound in it.


Shark five kicked the door open with a heavy kick.

There was a big bed in the room. The light was dim. A middle-aged man was lying on the bed. He was awakened by the sound of kicking the door and was climbing out of the bed.

Shark four and shark five ran in and a bright flashlight shone on him.

"Who are you?" the middle-aged man exclaimed, stretching out his hands to block the strong light.

"The police handle the case." shark old four ran over, grabbed his arm, pulled him up, and a black muzzle hit his forehead.

The middle-aged man almost peed and said in horror: "Hey, comrade police, you caught the wrong person. What crime did I commit?"

Shark five took out a roll of sealing glue, rushed forward, couldn't help but say, clattered, and soon sealed his mouth tightly.

Then he tied his hands from behind.

The middle-aged man was wearing only a pair of underwear, and his throat was purring. He couldn't say a word.

Downstairs, boss shark saw two motorcycles coming from a distance. Knowing that the patrol team in the village had arrived, he held a dagger in his hand and made full preparations.

Two motorcycles quickly drove in front of him and stopped two or three meters away.

A patrol got out of the car, carried an electric baton and walked to boss Shark: "Hey, who are you?"

The shark boss suddenly waved his hand, whooshed, and a dagger shot out.

The distance was so close that the patrol didn't expect it at all, and didn't have a chance to dodge. It was impartial and shot right in his throat.

The poor patrol, without saying a word, leaned over and fell down.

A patrol member in the back just got out of the car and saw his teammate fall to the ground. He hurried forward and bent down to hold him: "Zhang Bing, what's the matter with you?"

The shark jumped forward, waved his big fist and hit him on the head.

The patrol members of Xingfu village were selected by thousands of people and had a certain Kung Fu foundation. The patrol member lowered his head and found that a cold wind was coming. He suddenly felt bad. He quickly put down his companions, turned over and rolled, and escaped the fist of boss shark.

The shark jumped into the air, jumped at him again, rode on the patrol and put his hands around his neck.

The patrol members struggled desperately and resisted desperately. They fell to the ground and rolled on the road.

Shark boss took out his pistol and put it on the patrol's chest. With a bang, a bullet went through the patrol's heart and shot out of his back.


A stream of blood gushed from the throat of the patrol, opened his mouth and vomited on the shark boss.

"Shit!" old shark lifted his body, got up and kicked heavily.