Chapter 1514

Name:Super Working Man Author:e lang
Qian Duoduo was greatly moved. At this critical juncture, the people of Tangmen can do this. They are broad-minded and dignified. "Let me see how Xiaoxiao is."

Qian Duoduo gently pushes open the door and enters the ward.

Tang Zhengtai, Tang Jingtian, Tang Jinghe and Tao Chunxia all entered the ward, while the rest stayed outside because the ward needed to be quiet.

There are two nurses in the ward taking care of Tang Xiaoxiao.

Tang Xiaoxiao was lying on the hospital bed, his eyes closed, his face pale and unconscious. There was an infusion bottle and plasma hanging at the head of the bed, and a drop of blood was slowly dripping into her vein. There are many life monitors around. On the screen of the ECG scanner, a heart rate line fluctuates slowly, showing that her heart rate is very weak, almost dying.

Qian Duoduo looked at Tang Xiaoxiao's pale face and couldn't help feeling distressed for a while. He sat at the head of the bed, pinched her wrist, felt her pulse and frowned tightly.

At this time, Qin Houlin pushed the door in.

Qian Duoduo stood up and said, "Dean Qin, is my sister okay?"

"The chairman's operation has been completed and there is no problem. Now the most important thing is Xiaomei and Xiaoxiao. They lose too much blood and the bullets are still in their heart and lungs. They need surgery in time. More time, more danger, but their current physical condition can't support complex surgical projects, so the situation is particularly serious."

Qian Duoduo immediately stroked his sleeves: "Dean Qin, you immediately take my blood and give sister Mei Xiaoxiao a blood transfusion."

"We also need to test your blood."

"No, after drawing blood, give them blood transfusion immediately."

"Duoduo, don't be impulsive. Blood transfusion is a very rigorous work. It can't be enough for casual blood transfusion."

"How long does the inspection take?"

"About half an hour."

"No, half an hour is too long."

"It will take at least 20 minutes."

"Dean Qin, listen to me. My blood is definitely different from that of everyone in the world. I need you to draw blood for me immediately and give blood transfusion to sister Mei Xiaoxiao immediately. I will bear all the consequences."


"Dean Qin, stop talking." Qian Duoduo raised his hand and interrupted him with firm eyes.

"Uncle Tang, you see?" Qin Houlin looked at Tang Zhengtai and others and asked for their opinions.

Tang Zhengtai and others looked at each other, but still hesitated.

Everyone knows the rigor of medicine.

Qian Duoduo sincerely said, "Grandpa Tang, believe me, I won't harm Xiaoxiao and Xiaomei. This killer suddenly attacked them. It has something to do with me. I will never let Xiaoxiao have any accident with Xiaomei. I will defend them with my life."

Tang Zhengtai finally nodded: "Dean Qin, promise more. No matter what happens, we won't blame you."

"OK, we'll draw blood right away."

Qin Houlin immediately asked the nurse to bring the blood drawing equipment and quickly drew a tube of blood on Qian Duoduo's arm, about 50ml. The nurse replaced the blood sent by the blood bank and immediately put the 50ml fresh blood into the blood transfusion bag.

Qian Duoduo said, "speed up the blood transfusion, twice as fast as usual."

The nurse adjusted the speed of blood transfusion, and drops of fresh blood with hot gas quickly flowed into Tang Xiaoxiao's body.

Qin Houlin had drawn out a second tube of blood and hurried to Ding Xiaomei's ward.

In less than two minutes, Ding Xiaomei also changed into fresh blood with a lot of money.

Qian Zhenkun, Ding Feng, Tang Zhengtai, Tang Jinghe and others stood in front of the hospital bed and watched the movements of Ding Xiaomei and Tang Xiaoxiao nervously.

Qin Houlin also temporarily stopped drawing blood and stared at the ECG scanner. He was afraid that in case of any accident, he would be ready for first aid at any time.

Qian Duoduo ran to Ding Xiaomei's room for a while and ran back to Tang Xiaoxiao's room for a while. He was calm on the surface and worried in his heart.

50 ml of fresh blood was dripping in less than ten minutes. There was no obvious change in both patients.

"Dean Qin, continue."

Qian Duoduo rolled up his sleeves again.

Qin Houlin continues to draw blood

After another ten minutes, 50 ml of fresh blood dripped into the arms of the two girls.

At this time, a magical scene appeared. The ECG scanners of the two girls showed strong fluctuations in the heart rate line, which was much better than before.

Qin houlinton said happily, "well, Xiaomei's heartbeat is strong!"


Qian Duoduo, Qian Zhenkun, Ding Feng and others were relieved.

In another room, the people of Tangmen were also relaxed.

Tang Zhengtai stroked his beard on his chin and smiled: "what you said is right. His blood quality is really very special, far more than ordinary people like us. No wonder he has stepped into the peak of ancient martial arts at such a young age. His achievements will definitely be above the ancestors of Tai Chi and Dharma Zen master in the future."

Tang Jingtian, Tang Jingdi and others nodded and believed.

Qin Houlin said happily to Qian Duoduo, "Duoduo, we still need to continue infusion, and then observe for a period of time. When their heart rate tends to stabilize, we can operate on them."

Qian Duoduo said, "how much blood do they need?"

"Everyone needs at least 200 ml more."

"Give them 300ml each. In addition, my sister, Qing'er and Zhilan have also lost a lot of blood. Give them 200ml each, which is very good for their physical recovery."

Qin Hou Linton was surprised: "Duoduo, you have already pumped 200 ml, and now you have to pump 1200 ml at once. Together, you have already pumped 1400 ml, accounting for almost half of the body's blood. This is absolutely impossible. For a normal healthy person, the maximum amount of blood drawn each time is 500 ml. as a last resort, you can't exceed 600 ml."

The rest of the people were also very surprised. 1400ml of fresh blood, but how many bowls!

Qian Duoduo was very firm: "Dean Qin, sister Mei, they shed so much blood for me and almost lost their lives. What is my only more than 1000 ml of blood? If they need it, I will drain all my blood without hesitation."

Ding Feng was greatly moved. His eyes were wet and patted Qian Duoduo on the shoulder: "good boy, I don't see the wrong person. Xiaomei stays with you. I'm completely relieved!"

Tang Bilian was even more tearful.

Qian Duoduo said, "Uncle Ding, Meijie, their blood will not flow in vain. I will find out the mastermind behind the scenes, avenge Meijie and pay tribute to the dead of two electrician brothers and two joint defense team brothers. I want them to pay for their blood!"