Chapter 1517

Name:Super Working Man Author:e lang
People listened quietly.

"According to our preliminary investigation, the specific process of the matter is probably like this. At about 3 a.m. this morning, our patrol met three of the five killers in the square. They came out of the happiness hotel. The patrol interrogated them. The three killers said they had something urgent at home and wanted to go home. Then a car drove to the happiness square to pick them up, three of them The killer got into the car. According to the monitoring display, the car drove directly to the substation and stopped at a monitoring dead corner... "

Ding Feng introduced the whole story for half an hour.

Zhao Zhiyuan said, "it seems that it was thanks to Xiaoxiao, Xiaomei and Tangmen last night. Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable."

Liu Guodong said: "yes, under the sudden attack of several killers, Xiaoxiao and Xiaomei almost paid the price of their lives to protect the safety of her sisters. This kind of friendship between sisters is very valuable. Master Tang played a decisive role. A Tang clan saved many people's lives."

The crowd nodded.

Liu Jin continued: "I received a call from Lao Ding at 3:30 a.m. and immediately sent more than 100 public security and criminal investigation police to Xingfu village, and then reported to the relevant leaders in the city. At 4:30 a.m., Xu Chao and I rushed to Xingfu village to conduct a detailed investigation of the case together with Lao Ding."

"We found the ID cards of five killers. They are all from Dongguang. The oldest is 31 years old and the youngest is 24 years old. We contacted the Dongguang police. They all have no legitimate occupation. They have left home for a long time and their family don't know what they are doing. However, they have a common feature. They are all martial arts lovers. When they were young, they all learned Kung Fu. Some people I'm addicted to martial arts and haven't even finished high school. "

Qian Duoduo asked, "Liu Ju, where are they from Dongguang?"

Liu Jin said, "Xu Chao knows the specific information."

Everyone looked at Xu Chao.

Xu Chao opened the computer and introduced them one by one: "the five killers, the oldest of whom is 31 years old, named Ma Xiaoping, live in group 3, Xingshan village, Hukou Town, Shenguang City, Guangdong Province, with high school culture and unmarried; Jiang Dawei, 28, lives in No. 30, East Street, Hukou Town, Shenguang City, Guangdong Province, with junior high school culture and unmarried..."

Xu Chao spent several minutes introducing the identity information of the five killers.

Qian Duoduo frowned and thought: "three of the five killers are from Hukou town. Hukou town has a developed economy and strong folk customs. Local people like to practice martial arts. Most of them learn kung fu in Huwei martial arts school."

Xu Chao was stunned: "how do you know?"

"I've been in Hukou town for a while. Huwei martial arts school is very famous in Hukou town and is also the most famous martial arts school in Guangdong Province. Now Huwei martial arts school has trained thousands of disciples and grandchildren, covering all walks of life."

"What are you doing in Hukou town?"

"It's about another case. Sister Zhilan's brother Xiaogang has been working in Hukou town. Under the coercion and inducement of others, he embarked on the road of black boxing. As a result, he was killed in the ring."

"It's against the law to fight black fist."

"I know. So I've been in Hukou town these days to secretly investigate and control the boss behind Xiaogang's black fist."

"Have you got any results from your investigation?"

Qian Duoduo said calmly, "brother Chao, let's not talk about this first. We mainly discussed the case last night. What else useful information about several killers?"

Ding Feng said, "Ma Xiaoping said a word before biting his tongue to commit suicide. He said that he had pity on their shark gang. They would not do this business if they gave them 10 billion."


Liu Jin said: "according to the Dongguang police, the shark Gang is a professional killer organization. Its whereabouts are secretive and it has committed many homicides. The Dongguang police have been looking for members of the shark Gang, but they have not been able to grasp their details. We are identifying the DNA of several killers and passing it to the Dongguang police at that time. After comparison, we can be completely sure."

Xu Chao said: "we found mobile phones from several killers. They don't have many numbers stored in their mobile phones, mainly several people between them. Recently, they often contact two others, one is boss Yi and the other is Jiu Ye."

"Ninth master!" Qian Duoduo frowned again. "Does this guy have anything to do with the shark Gang?"

Xu Chao didn't understand: "Duoduo, do you know the ninth master?"

"The ninth master is the boss of Huwei martial arts school, the chairman of Huwei group and Lu Hu."

"If these killers really learned Kung Fu in Huwei martial arts school, it's not surprising that they have contact with the boss."

Qian Duoduo nodded: "that's true."

"We investigated these two people through our mobile phone number. Jiuye's name is indeed Land Rover, from Hukou Town, and he is the chairman of Huwei group in Shenzhen and Guangzhou. Yi's boss is Zhang Huasong, a 30-year-old from the suburbs of Kyoto. Ordinary people do some small business in the city. The Kyoto police contacted Zhang Huasong. His ID card has been lost, and he himself is from morning to night every day , I was busy, I did some small business honestly, and I didn't have any deep hatred with anyone. "

Qian Duoduo said without hesitation: "there must be a problem with the righteous boss. He falsely used someone else's ID card to get his mobile phone number. Have you called the righteous boss to lock his position?"

"We called when we found this clue. The other party's mobile phone didn't answer, and turned off the phone immediately."

"Where's the ninth master?"

"The ninth master also asked the Shenzhen Guangzhou police to investigate on his behalf. There is no news to reply to us now."

Qian Duoduo shook his head and smiled bitterly: "it's no use. The ninth master has a very close relationship with Shenzhen and Guangzhou police. Sometimes Shenzhen and Guangzhou police need his help to solve cases. Many Shenzhen and Guangzhou police have learned Kung Fu in his martial arts school."

Liu Jin, Xu Chao and others were surprised.

"Duoduo, how do you understand so clearly?"

"I also have cooperation with Shenzhen and Guangzhou police." Qian Duoduo didn't want to talk too much and turned the topic, "Liu Bureau and brother Chao, I think the biggest problem is boss Yi. Most of this person is the mastermind behind the scenes, and his family must have money. Otherwise, five sharks can't work for him."

Everyone nodded.

"When you call boss Yi, he turns off the phone immediately, which proves that he knows that the actions of the five sharks have been exposed and dare not contact. At the time of the incident, he is likely to be near Xingfu village. This guy is very cunning. You can only find this person through the clue of Zhang Huasong, and see if there is any record of him staying in Xingfu hotel or the hotel near the mountain town 。”