Chapter 1638

Name:Super Working Man Author:e lang
Annie nodded: "OK, no problem. I agree with you. We can make money and make a comeback."

Song Zhongyuan smiled bitterly: "make a comeback... 10 million US dollars, I'm afraid there's no chance to make a comeback."

Annie encouraged her husband: "honey, don't be discouraged. I believe you will. Under your leadership, we will make a comeback."

Looking at his wife's firm eyes, song Zhongyuan was moved for a while. He couldn't help holding his wife's hand: "Annie, thank you."

"Honey, we are husband and wife. You're welcome."

"Honey, don't worry. I'll cheer up for you and the autumn moon."

Annie smiled and nodded.

Song Zhongyuan also smiled.

When the door of the ward was opened, the two men rushed in. Turning around, they saw that it was their daughter Anne and long Qiuxia, a member of the dragon soul team. The two girls looked excited.

"Dad, mom." song Qiuyue flew to her parents like a happy bird.

"Uncle song, aunt Anne." long Qiuxia also ran to say hello.

Annie stood up with a kind smile on her face: "Qiuyue, Qiuxia, you are all here."

"Dear mommy, I love you." song Qiuyue kissed her mother's face, bent over and kissed her father's face, "Dear Dad, I love you."

Seeing his daughter so happy and happy, song Zhongyuan was puzzled: "Qiuyue, why are you so happy and picked up the treasure?"

Song Qiuyue sat at the head of the bed: "Dad, we almost died today."


Song Zhongyuan and Annie were shocked.

"That bastard Daniel really wanted to blackmail us 20 million. He insisted that we dropped the blue and white porcelain bag and found a fake to deceive them..."

Before he finished, song Zhongyuan scolded fiercely: "Daniel of dog day, their blue and white porcelain is a fake!"

"Dad, listen to me. Daniel insisted that we had lost our bag. Brother long and brother Hu fought with them and beat them to the core. We called the police. Unexpectedly, even the police helped them speak and wanted to arrest us to the police station..."

Song Zhongyuan couldn't help but interrupt: "this is expected. The relationship between the Black Hawk group and the New York police department is already very good."

Annie asked anxiously, "Qiuyue, have you really been arrested at the police station? What did the police do to you?"

"Mom, they didn't take us to the police station. The Black Hawk group also sent hundreds of mercenaries to bully us with the police to kill us all. Ha ha... At the critical moment, God came." song Qiuxia was beaming and elated. She didn't look like being bullied at all.


Song Zhongyuan and Annie looked at each other. Looking at their daughter's happy appearance, they were very confused.

Long Qiuxia stood by and looked at them with a smile.

Song Zhongyuan looked at long Qiuxia and said, "Qiuxia, what's going on?"

Long Qiuxia said with a smile: "Uncle song, at the critical moment, in fact, the people sent by No. 1 arrived, drove away hundreds of policemen and mercenaries and saved us all."

"The man sent by No. 1 is so powerful?"

"Of course. Very powerful, especially powerful. With him, we don't have to worry about anything."

Long Qiuxia spigot Road: "Dad, our hotel was messed up by mercenaries. Now we are looking for workers to decorate it. Brother Qian said that after the decoration, he will ask shi Krone to cut the ribbon for us and Daniel to double compensate for all our losses. Our Tang and song hotels will soon be prosperous and prosperous, with wealth in all directions The source is rolling in. "

Song Zhongyuan didn't believe it at all and said angrily, "nonsense, how can the American president cut the ribbon for our small hotel."

"Dad, I believe brother Qian, he will do what brother Qian said."

Annie wondered, "Qiuyue, who is brother Qian?"

Long Qiuxia said, "aunt Anne, brother Qian was sent by No. 1."

Annie and song Zhongyuan came to understand.

Song Qiuyue took her mother's arm and said coquettishly, "Mom, I've fallen in love with brother Qian. I want to marry him."

Long Qiuxia immediately said, "Hey, everything comes first, come first. It's clear that I fell in love with brother Qian first. You stand aside and can't rob me."

Song Qiuyue hugged her shoulder and smiled, "sister Xia, I have an idea. Brother Qian has five girlfriends in Xichuan, but there are only two of us in New York. Now we can have a fair competition. We can try to win him as soon as possible and let his girlfriends in Xichuan drink the West and north wind."

Long Qiuxia thought for a moment, grinned, pointed to song Qiuyue and said triumphantly, "Qiuyue girl, you will lose. Brother Qian is an authentic Oriental beautiful man. He will like an authentic Oriental beauty like me and won't like a hybrid beauty like you."

Song Qiuyue raised her eyebrows and skimmed her mouth: "that's not necessarily. A beautiful eastern and Western hybrid beauty like me tastes different. I can't say brother Qian likes it more."

"It's impossible. Brother Qian must like me. I'm older than you." long Qiuxia stood up with confidence.

Song Qiuyue glanced and straightened her chest: "mine is not small."

"I have more temperament than you."

"My temperament is not bad."

"My skin is better than you."

"I'm white and tender. This is the biggest advantage of mixed race beauty."

"I graduated from a famous university and can speak eight languages. I have more connotation than you."

"I'm charming and sexy. This is the killer mace against men."

Song Zhongyuan couldn't laugh or cry with Annie. Song Zhongyuan shouted, "Hey, you two stop talking. I've got goose bumps all over."

Annie was very curious: "who is brother Qian? It seems that you two are possessed by magic. There is no reserved girl at all."

Song Zhongyuan said, "Annie, you hurry to go and go through the discharge formalities for me. I want to leave the hospital immediately. I also want to see what is sacred about brother Qian. Our baby daughter has always been good. Now how can he become a monster."

Song Qiuyue stamped her feet in anger and shouted angrily, "Dad, are you my father?"


Long Qiuxia smiled happily, gloating. Her eyebrows raised and became more proud.

Anne promised and hurried to go through the discharge formalities.

In the hexagonal building, a spacious office, Ashton George locked his eyebrows and walked up and down with his hands on his back.

Beside him, frank and Wilson stood side by side, with bandages on their heads and a look of resentment.