Chapter 1644

Name:Super Working Man Author:e lang
Annie was also very worried and said, "yes, Duoduo, like Zhang long, they know so well that skron's palace can not only prevent people and bullets, but also take missiles from the sky. How can you do it?"

The couple just heard about the power of Qian Duoduo and didn't see it with their own eyes. Naturally, they have such concerns.

However, no matter how strict the defense of the American Palace is, it's just for some ordinary killers. It's not too much trouble for a powerful warrior like Qian Duoduo.

Qian Duoduo smiled and asked, "Uncle song, how long did it take you to save this hotel in the United States?"

"Our family was originally in the East China Sea. Our family was in average condition. More than 20 years ago, I was at Donghai University. Annie went to Donghai university to study. We fell in love. Later, she got married and gave birth to Qiuyue. Annie also became the nationality of our great China country. When Qiuyue was 6 years old, Annie's parents were seriously ill. Our family went back to New York to take care of her parents. We rented a facade and opened a hotel in Chinatown for two years Later, her parents died one after another and left us a small legacy. We were used to the life here. We sold the house in the East China Sea and pieced together more than $1 million to buy the facade here and build this small building with Chinese ancient style. Therefore, our Tang and song hotel has been for 13 years. "

"Uncle song and aunt Anne, it's not easy to create this industry for more than ten years?"

Song Zhongyuan nodded: "yes, it's not easy. We get up early and work late. We work more than ten hours a day, especially for the two or three years of taking care of her parents. We're really tired."

Annie was very emotional and said, "in the three years when my parents were ill, my husband and daughter were very filial and considerate in taking care of my parents, so that my parents enjoyed a real happy life in their later years. They were very satisfied, and my parents' neighbors were also very envious. I loved my husband and daughter very much."

Annie said, and kissed her husband on the face, without taboo or shyness.

Song Zhongyuan hugged his wife and kissed her on the face. The deep love between husband and wife is self-evident and obvious.

Qian Duoduo said with great feeling: "Uncle song and aunt Anne, you have worked hard for more than ten years to create this industry. Now you are going to be blackmailed and forcibly occupied by others. There is no doubt that this is an unreasonable and angry thing. As far as I know, there are at least 600000 Chinese and overseas Chinese living in Chinatown, New York, and no less than 3 million Chinese and overseas Chinese living in the whole United States. Look at the whole world More than 30 million Chinese and overseas Chinese live in different countries and regions. Many of these Chinese and overseas Chinese, like you, have been excluded, bullied and insulted by the local people. This is naked discrimination. "

Everyone nodded.

Song Zhongyuan said: "yes, this phenomenon is indeed very common. Chinese compatriots often complain to me. I have no better way except to comfort them and help them within my ability. Therefore, I often feel that I am the president of the New York Chinese Chamber of Commerce. Alas..."

Song Qiuyue said, "my middle school is in Chinatown, surrounded by children of Chinese and overseas Chinese. I don't feel much yet. After going to college, local students often bully me and scold me as a kind of Chinese. They let me go back to China and annoy me. I beat them hard. Slowly, there are fewer people bullying me."

Long Qiuxia raised her fist and said, "yes, if you can solve things with your fist, you can solve them directly with your fist. Others bully me, so do I."

Annie pointed to them and said with an angry smile, "you two have the same smell."

Long Qiuxia put her arms around Song Qiuyue's shoulder and smiled: "we are not only like-minded, but also like-minded. I originally wanted to marry Qiuyue as my wife."

Song Qiuyue stared at her: "you think beautiful. I won't be your wife. I want to be brother Qian's wife."


Everyone laughed kindly.

Qian Duoduo smiled, looked at Song Zhongyuan and Annie, and said seriously: "Uncle song, aunt Anne, so my plan is to take the opportunity of the smashing of your hotel to invite the dung beetle out and severely teach frank and Daniel, the Jackal father and son, to breathe a sigh of relief for the 700000 Chinese and overseas Chinese in Chinatown, New York and the 3 million Chinese and overseas Chinese in the whole United States. So no matter what difficulties and obstacles, I will do it, and, I'll do well. "

Song Zhongyuan and Annie nodded.

At this time, all talents know Qian Duoduo's mind. He is not only for the song Zhongyuan family, but for thousands of overseas Chinese.

People even admire money.

Song Zhongyuan was very forthright and said, "Duoduo, you let go and do it boldly. We'll listen to you. It's a big deal. We'll move back to the East China Sea and start all over again."

Qian Duoduo nodded with a smile and looked at Zhang long: "brother long, what about Ashton George?"

"Ashton George and most defense officials live in the hexagonal building. The hexagonal building is also very heavily guarded, but it is still much worse than the palace."

Zhao Hu said, "we also found out George's specific home address. It's at No. 13, 6th floor, North Building of the hexagonal building. He lives there with his wife."

Zhang Long added: "the sixth floor is above the middle. The six buildings of the hexagonal building are all 10 stories high."

"No. 13, 6th floor, ha ha, great."

The height of the tenth floor is no more than 40 meters. For Qian Duoduo, it is a side dish of bean sprouts.

"What's his wife's name?"

"EVA Jones."

"Is it beautiful?"

"Of course. EVA means smart and beautiful, and she is only in her 30s, which is a mature and charming age." Zhang long was puzzled: "Duoduo, why do you ask?"

Qian Duoduo's face showed a secret smile: "Hey, the more beautiful, the better, the younger, the better."

Long Qiuxia shouted, "Hey, you're not interested in that old woman. I'm only 23 years old."

Song Qiuyue immediately said, "I'm only 21 years old."

"Ha ha..."

There was another burst of happy laughter.

Qian Duoduo looked embarrassed. "What are you thinking? How can I be interested in EVA? My taste is not that strong."

"Then why do you ask so clearly?"

"Hey, hey, I'm not interested in EVA, but someone is very interested in her."


"Dung beetle."

"Skron? How do you know?"

"Hey, hey, I guess."