Chapter 1771

Name:Super Working Man Author:e lang
Geng Qingyuan also paid special attention to the beautiful Luo Lisa. Six months later, she was promoted to become the section chief of the comprehensive section of the municipal government office. A year later, she was transferred to the reception office of Longdu government as the deputy director. Before long, she righted the position of director. At a young age, she became a deputy department level cadre.

People are really envious of Rosa's rocket promotion. However, everyone knows that Geng Qingyuan is her hit noble. Geng Qingyuan has repeatedly said in public that he is destined for Rosa. He always treats her as a daughter. It's not surprising that people have such a godfather as a mayor.

However, no one knew that the night after Luo Lisa became the chief of the comprehensive section of the municipal government office, Geng Qingyuan hugged her in a senior suite of the hotel.

At that time, she naively thought, let's give him the first time, even if it was to repay his rescue and kindness to her.

But later, Geng Qingyuan not only wanted her for the first time, but also possessed her countless times. Only then did she really understand Geng Qingyuan's intention to support and take care of her all the way; At that time, she finally saw Geng Qingyuan's ugly and sinister face, but she was powerless.

More than once, she wanted to put down everything she got and escape from Geng Qingyuan's palm, but she was unwilling to lose all the moments she bought with her youth. She returned to an unknown world and lived a mediocre life. It was a height that ordinary people couldn't get with their life.

Later, Geng Qingyuan gave her a promise. He said he only wanted to have her for three years and give her complete freedom after three years. So, in order to make this promise that she didn't know whether it was true or not, she followed him with humility and concealment from all her relatives and friends and her boyfriend.

And all this, even if it deceived everyone, did not deceive the eyes of executive vice mayor Jing Chuhe.

A year ago, she just became the director of the reception office of the listed government. Not long ago, Geng Qingyuan was denounced. The relevant departments in the province implemented double regulations on Geng Qingyuan through secret investigation. In the office building of the municipal government, Geng Qingyuan was taken away in full view of the public.

A few days later, the city held a meeting of leading cadres. Someone from the Organization Department of the provincial Party committee announced that jingchuhe was the acting mayor of Longdu. Two weeks later, jingchuhe officially became the mayor of Longdu through the election of the Municipal People's Congress.

After Geng Qingyuan was double regulated, she was always trembling for fear that her scandal with him would be exposed, affecting her family, work and her reputation.

However, that day came.

On that day, jingchuhe officially became mayor of Longdu City, so he took several officials to investigate in other places, one of whom was her.

At night, they stayed in a five-star hotel arranged by the local government.

As the only woman in the delegation, she lived alone in a room.

Jing Chuhe, as mayor, also lives in a separate room next to her.

At night, Rosa took a bath, wore pajamas and sat on the sofa in her room watching TV.

Around ten o'clock, Rosa was trying to sleep, bang bang——

There was a soft knock on the door outside.

Rosa stood up and opened the door. At the door stood Jing Chuhe, also wearing a set of pajamas and pajamas, looking at her with a smile.

"Mayor Jing." Rosa hurriedly subconsciously gathered the beautiful hair in her ears and the bangs on her forehead, made her image dignified, and then changed into a sweet smiling face, "Mayor Jing, you haven't rested yet. Do you have any work to instruct?"

Jing Chuhe shook his head gently.

Rosa's two natural and ordinary movements made his heart beat faster. In his eyes, it looked like a beautiful dance. The sweet smiling face was intoxicating. The two shallow dimples in the corner of her mouth were urgent to taste, and the angelic voice was even more beautiful.

In short, at this time, she has a subtle fragrance, and her every move and mature and charming breath are so fascinating and intoxicating.

Rosa is a recognized beauty in Longdu officialdom.

Over the past two years, more than 80% of the cadres above the section level in Longdu have recognized her.

Since he saw her with Geng Qingyuan that night two years ago, he was immediately restrained by her beauty and quiet temperament. However, at that time, he was a vice mayor and had no voice in front of Geng Qingyuan, so he could only watch Geng Qingyuan Yingxiong save the United States.

Now, he finally has a chance.

He smiled confidently, "director Luo, won't you invite me in?"

Rosa quickly stepped aside and made a gesture: "Mayor Jing, please come in."

Jingchu River stepped into the room.

Rosa gently closed the door.

Jing Chuhe looked back at her, went to the sofa, sat down and crossed his legs.

Rosa walked up to him, stood upright, bent slightly and said respectfully, "Mayor Jing, what can I do for you?"

Jing Chuhe pointed to his side: "sit down."

"Mayor Jing..."

"Let you sit, you sit."

Rosa had to sit beside him with her hands on her knees and behave properly.

Unexpectedly, Jing Chuhe grabbed her hand and held it in his own palm.

Rosa wanted to draw back her hand, but Jing Chuhe held it tightly and didn't mean to loosen it at all. She moved and reminded him, "Mayor Jing, you..."

Jingchu Heya said with a smile, "director Luo, your hands are really tender. In the words of the literati, they are weak and boneless."

Rosa blushed and said angrily, "Mayor Jing, please let go!"

Jing Chuhe immediately looked cold and said, "why should I let go? It's rare for you to hold your hand like this, and it's rare to have the opportunity to listen to you so close."

Rosa is a woman who has seen a lot of the world, not an ordinary little girl. She was keenly aware of Jing Chuhe's dissatisfaction with their many previous meetings. Although she is beautiful, she is not a vase with a lack of oxygen in her brain. For Jingchu River, she knew that his fiery eyes contain a strong desire for possession from the first time she met him. She has no good feelings for such a man who thinks with his lower body.

And at the beginning, as a dignified executive vice mayor, he often condescended to her office to ask about some small things and invite her to dinner. She vaguely knew that he had a bad heart for her and declined every time.

She settled down and said with a calm smile, "Mayor Jing can't remember the little things before. I'm sorry, I really don't have time."

Jing Chuhe smiled and finally let go of his hand and said, "director Luo is blaming me. Don't worry, I'm not so stingy. I won't take those unpleasant things to heart."