Chapter 1887

Name:Super Working Man Author:e lang
Qian Duoduo breathed a long sigh of relief. "For eight days and eight nights, I'm finally going home."

Zhou Fusheng said with a smile, "in two days, our ship will arrive in the East China Sea. Counting up, it takes ten days from New York to the East China Sea. It's still fast. It takes at least two weeks for merchant ships with poor power equipment."

Song Zhongyuan said, "the East China Sea is my hometown. After landing, I can take advantage of this opportunity to go back to my hometown."

Qian Duoduo said, "I also spent more than two months in Donghai because I was looking for my father. Donghai still gave me a lot of good memories."

Qian Duoduo said very plain, but waves have surged in his heart.

The people on board, who can know the rough waves he experienced in the East China Sea, went deep into the tiger's den and destroyed a huge human organ trafficking gang and a huge MLM organization.

So far, many policemen in the East China Sea still spread his legend.

Song Qiuyue took his arm: "brother Qian, come back to my hometown with us."

"Girl, where is your hometown in the East China Sea?"

"Wuqiao town."

"Wuqiao Town, I've heard of it, but I haven't been there. It seems to be an ancient town."

Song Zhongyuan said, "yes. Wuqiao town is a well-known ancient town, almost 80 kilometers away from the urban area of the East China Sea. It is said to have a history of thousands of years. It has beautiful mountains and rivers and simple folk customs. It is a typical town in the south of the Yangtze River."

Qian Duoduo nodded and said, "OK, uncle song, I'll accompany you to Wuqiao Town, but the time can't be delayed too long. It's only one day at most. If it's delayed too long, my sister and they should be angry again."

Song Zhongyuan readily promised: "no problem, just one day. Although Wuqiao is my hometown, I have left my hometown for too long. For more than ten years, I have no relatives and friends. Everyone is unfamiliar and my feelings are weak. I mainly want to worship in front of the graves of my grandparents and parents."

Song Qiuyue said happily, "I just want to see sister cui'er."

Qian Duoduo was surprised: "girl, do you have a sister?"

"It's my cousin. I remember when I was a child, I played with sister Cui every day."

Song Zhongyuan explained: "I have a cousin named song Zhongwei. He has a daughter named song Tiancui, who is only a few days older than the autumn moon. After we went to New York, we still had contact in the first few years. Later, everyone was busy, and the contact gradually decreased. Finally, we didn't even have a mobile phone number. We haven't been back to our hometown for more than ten years, and we don't know how their family is doing. When I left, our family was very happy The old house was sold to him cheaply. "

Zhou Fusheng said with a smile: "old song, don't worry. The economy of the East China Sea is so developed. It is one of the best in the country. Many people in villages and towns live better than people in the city. Take Wuqiao town for example, it receives hundreds of thousands of tourists every year. More than half of the villagers have built garden style small foreign buildings and opened farmhouse fun. Your cousin's family must be doing well."

Qian Duoduo said, "Uncle song, I believe captain Zhou's words. The villagers in the East China Sea are really more comfortable than the people in the city."

Song Zhongyuan said with a smile, "I hope so. I also hope their family is better than me."

Song Qiuyue suddenly pointed to the sea and shouted excitedly, "Dad, brother Qian, look."

When they looked in the direction of her fingers, they saw arc-shaped water columns spraying on the far sea, colorful, like small rainbows, very beautiful.

Qian Duoduo couldn't help praising: "Wow, it's so beautiful. What's this?"

Song Zhongyuan and Annie were also surprised.

But Wang Shuai and others were very calm. They were surprised.

Zhou Fusheng smiled and said: "That's a group of whales. Whales come out of the water every once in a while to breathe. Their nostrils grow on their heads. When they breathe, the water column can generally reach 89 meters high. Some whales are very large, and the water column for breathing can even reach more than 20 meters. These water columns refract different colors under the sunlight and change color It has become a beautiful rainbow. We are on the sea all year round and can often see it. "

Song Zhongyuan nodded again and again: "it turned out to be so. We have gained insight again."

Qian Duoduo was very interested and puzzled and said, "Captain Zhou, it seems that we haven't seen whales in these eight days. Just this time."

"Whales have high requirements for their living environment. They generally require sea areas with appropriate temperature and many kinds of plankton. There are many small fish and shrimp in such sea areas, which can fully supply their nutrition. The sea areas we passed in the past few days are near the equator, and the water temperature is high, which can not meet their conditions. Now we are far away from the equator and in the subtropical zone You can see the climate region. "

"Oh." Qian Duoduo nodded repeatedly.

Zhou Fusheng said with emotion: "in fact, when I was a sailor 20 years ago, I could see whales in any sea area, even occasionally near the equator. Now it's completely different. There are fewer and fewer whales. I'm afraid it will be more difficult to see them in another 20 years."


Song Qiuyue blurted out: "global warming."

Song Zhongyuan said: "marine pollution."

Zhou Fusheng shook his head: "what you said is only a small reason. The fundamental reason is the indiscriminate hunting and killing of human beings."

"Indiscriminate hunting and killing!" Qian Duoduo was surprised.

"Twenty years ago, there were many kinds and huge numbers of whales. Some coastal countries organized personnel to start hunting. Whales were full of treasure, whale meat could be eaten, whale juice could be used as lubricants, whale oil and viscera could be used as chemical raw materials, and whale teeth, like elephant teeth, could be made into exquisite decorations, which were more expensive than gold and silver jewelry. Since then, whales have been hunted and killed in large numbers, their species and numbers have decreased sharply, and some species are even on the verge of extinction. "

Song Zhongyuan regretted: "Oh, what a pity. Whales are the largest animals in the world and can be called the elves of the sea. Now they have fallen to this step. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid they will never be seen again like dinosaurs."

Zhou Fusheng nodded: "Yes. With a large number of whales being killed, the population and quantity have decreased sharply. Many countries have also realized the seriousness of this problem, stopped killing and established anti killing associations. At present, there is basically no official news of whale hunting in the world, but there are many non-governmental whale hunting organizations. Especially island countries, which are now the first whaling country in the world."

Qian Duoduo asked, "Captain Zhou, is whaling illegal?"