Chapter 1909

Name:Super Working Man Author:e lang
"Someone dares to touch my son in Wuqiao town. It's against heaven!" long Xiaotian was angry. "I'll ask Wang Zude who those guys are at work tomorrow. Give them some color to see! Bullying my son is bullying me. I long Xiaotian doesn't know who is in Wuqiao town. If I don't teach them a lesson, how can I mix in the future!"

"Let the police catch them and lock them up for a few days!" Hao Hongmei was also very angry. "200000 is nothing. I don't think it's enough. Another 200000 is not enough. A group of Hicks dare to bully my son. It's lawless!"

Seeing that his parents were angry, long Haisheng was immediately happy: "Dad, tomorrow you let the police of the police station go to the hotel with me and let Wang Zude give me 400000, or you'll catch them."

Long Xiaotian nodded.

Long Haisheng hugged his mother's shoulder again: "Mom, you give me some money."

"How much?"


"What are you doing?"

"I have 400000. You give me 200000 more. I want to change a car."

"Your current Land Rover is fine. It's less than two years. You have to change cars again?"

"Mom, there are luxury cars all over the streets in the East China Sea. What is my Land Rover? It's less than 600000. It's a shame to drive out. I'll deal with Land Rover and add 600000. I can change it into a Mercedes Benz s. It's more face saving. I have face and your face is also glorious, isn't it? Besides, it's also helpful to my work. When I go out for business, people look at my car and believe me It's much easier to sign the bill when miso goes up. "

Long Xiaotian said, "Hongmei, what my son said is also reasonable. Just give him 200000."

"You can ask for 400000 tomorrow. If you want 400000, I'll give you 200000."

"OK, no problem."

Hao Hongmei stood up. "It's too late. Go to bed."

Then he went to his bedroom.

Long Xiaotian followed his wife.

Long Haisheng also stood up, walked to his room top heavy, and fell on the bed.

In the window outside, Qian Duoduo recorded all their conversations on his mobile phone. When he saw that they all entered the room, he scolded softly: "shit, three people in a family are not good things!"

Then he floated down the building.

By the road outside the community, song Zhongyuan, song Zhongwei and song Qiuyue sat in the car and waited patiently. Qian Duoduo opened the door and got on the car.

"Brother Qian, how's it going? Is long Haisheng at home? Song Qiuyue couldn't wait to ask."

Qian Duoduo took his mobile phone and said with a smile, "just listen to this."

After talking, he turned on the recorder, and a clear voice came from it immediately:

"Smelly boy, I finally came back... Let you drink less. Why are you drunk again."

As soon as song Zhongwei heard the voice, he immediately said, "this is long Xiaotian, the mayor of Wuqiao town."

"Dad, i... I'm happy today."

Song Zhongwei scolded, "this little bastard is long Haisheng!"

"Bruce Lee, did you find Xiaojuan?"

Song Zhongwei then said, "this is long Xiaotian's wife, Hao Hongmei, executive deputy head of Jing'an District, in charge of police, industry and commerce, transportation and finance."

Song Zhongyuan said, "long Xiaotian's wife's official is not small, deputy department level."

Song Zhongwei said, "her father is an official in the city and is one of the Standing Committee members of the city."

Several people listened quietly:

"Yes. She... She works in... A restaurant in Wuqiao town."

"What did she say?"

"Mom, that woman... I don't want it anymore. I want money."

"Are you coming back for the 100000 yuan?"

"Not 100000, but... 200000."

"Two hundred thousand! We only gave them a hundred thousand yuan bride price. Where did we get two hundred thousand?"

"Mom, leave this alone. In short, it's... 200000."

"You blackmailed people for 100000?"


"What happened to 200000?"

"Dad, mom, why are you so nervous? I didn't do anything bad."

"Son, mom and dad helped you with song Tiancui. Don't make any more mistakes. Mom and dad really can't carry it. Song Zhongwei has petitioned everywhere in the district and the city for more than a year. Mom and dad have been under great pressure. Song Zhongwei would have given it to his daughter if our family hadn't had a good relationship The case has been overturned. "


When song Zhongwei heard this, he couldn't help scolding: "these dog days, my daughter was killed by them!"

Qian Duoduo said, "uncle, don't get excited. Keep listening. There are more wonderful things below."

Song Zhongwei held back his anger and continued to listen

After a while, the crowd finished listening to the recording.

Song Zhongyuan said, "Duoduo, from their dialogue, Tiancui was indeed killed by long Haisheng. Long Xiaotian and his wife protected their son."

Song Zhongwei clenched his teeth and clenched his fist: "these dogs, I'll kill them! I must kill them!"

After that, he opened the door and was ready to get off.

Song Zhongyuan grabbed him: "brother, don't be impulsive."

Qian Duoduo said, "uncle, calm down. From this recording alone, the evidence is not particularly sufficient. We need more direct evidence."

Song Qiuyue said, "yes, I've put on my makeup. My performance hasn't started yet. Don't you expect my performance?"

Song Zhongwei held back his anger and sat down.

Qian Duoduo narrowed his eyes and said coldly, "these bastards want to be beautiful and blackmail me 400000. They regard me as an ordinary hick. Yes, I am a hick. Tomorrow, I will turn the whole Donghai city upside down and see what they dare to do to me!"

Song Qiuyue said excitedly, "brother Qian, our performance can start."

"In a little while, this guy may not be asleep."

Song Zhongyuan smiled, "long Haisheng, a little bastard, I don't know what it will be like to see the autumn moon. I'm really looking forward to it."

Song Zhongwei said, "Duoduo, can we go and see the performance of autumn moon?"

Qian Duoduo shook his head: "No. you can't hold your breath. It's bad to reveal the stuffing. The play will continue until noon tomorrow."


"Yes. Isn't long Haisheng going to blackmail my 400000? Tomorrow's performance venue is the riverside, in front of Tiancui and her grandfather's grave."

Song Zhongwei nodded thoughtfully.

Almost an hour later, Qian Duoduo and song Qiuyue started to leave. They got out of the car. Qian Duoduo stopped at the waist and held song Qiuyue. Suddenly, there was no figure.

Song Zhongyuan and song Zhongwei got out of the car and stared at the window of the dragon's house.

By this time, it was almost one o'clock in the morning.

all sounds are still.

People in the city have fallen asleep.