Just as the strategic science Corps embarked on its journey to London, when Rogers was pulled by the senator to be the ambassador for the promotion of national bonds, Luke remained in Brooklyn, New York.

As Carter said, he has other tasks.

After that talk in the infirmary, Colonel Phillips told Luke about an amazing plan with a very high level of confidentiality!

Even if there are super soldiers to lead the team, the difficulty coefficient is also very large!

Colonel Phillips gave Luke the roaring commandos, not just his ability.

As the only super soldier in the world, no one is more suitable to carry out that plan than Luke!

In other words, the Colonel needs him!

Therefore, the idea of cultivation will be revealed!

Luke himself was not surprised at this.

This is one of the reasons why he did not hide his excellent performance in Caspian training camp.

Interpersonal communication in society is essentially the exchange of interests between each other.

In a sense, it is also the embodiment of value.

There is a saying in the previous online segment that "since I became waste, no one can use me anymore", which makes me laugh. At the same time, it makes sense to think about it.

With the failure of the super soldier plan, the status of the strategic science Corps has obviously declined.

Funds have been cut, personnel have been transferred, from the rear to the front

This series of actions showed that Colonel Phillips did not think of any more ways to make the strategic science Corps show the necessity of its own existence.

Then, it is likely to face the end of being abolished.

This is not alarmist.

During the war, value and efficiency should be the first in the distribution of all resources.

"So in order to restore the status of the strategic science corps, will the Colonel let me lead the roaring commando? I thought my personality charm was strong enough to attack any plot role by myself."

Luke lay on the hotel bed and looked at the straight military uniform hanging on the hanger.

"Captain Carville."

He muttered and smiled.

This is one of the benefits given by Colonel Phillips, and it is also convenient to lead the roaring commando.

Otherwise, who would be willing to accept a recruit and become his immediate boss.

It took Luke less than a month from his recent enlistment in the third class to his promotion to lieutenant.

It can be said that the speed is amazing!

"If I really do the task assigned by Colonel Phillips, let alone the captain, I'm afraid it's not impossible to become the fastest promoted school officer in history. If I want to develop, I may learn from Eisen Howell and move into the White House."

Luke's thinking continues to diverge, outlining a beautiful blueprint for the future.

A moment later, he couldn't help laughing and said to himself, "it seems that he's a little far away."

The young man who was promoted to captain, who was about to lead the roaring commando, got rid of his superfluous thoughts and returned to the problem of his own ability.

"I'm Superman now - although it's a low configuration version."

Luke opened the character panel and looked at the data presented above.

He has the same power as Superman when he first appeared.

It can run faster than a car with full horsepower, and punch through the thick steel plate with one punch. It's no problem for dynamic vision to capture the trajectory of bullets.

The muscle density far exceeds that of ordinary people, making it difficult for ordinary small caliber bullets and cold weapons to cause fatal damage to Luke.

It can be said that it is an invulnerable steel body - regardless of heavy firepower weapons.

"The upper limit of the Superman template for LV1 civilians is probably to evolve their physical quality to catch bullets with their bare hands and block shells with their flesh."

Luxor said that if he wanted to unlock "flight" and "hot line of sight", he had to use the Superman template of Lv2 warrior.

"It feels like Superman was not so powerful when he first appeared. Until later, his ability became more and more perfect - strong enough to blow up the six-dimensional universe!"

Seeing many Superman templates waiting to be unlocked in the consciousness space, Luke suddenly felt that he might evolve to that step one day.

"It's a beautiful world without Batman and krypton..."

With this in mind, Luke closed his eyes and fell asleep.



Brooklyn, old Joseph's tavern.

When Luke walked in, the people he had arranged to meet were already sitting in the corner.

"Timothy alohuis kadvarad Dugan... My God! Your name is so long! I'd better call you damtan Dugan!"

Luke beckoned for a black beer, pulled out his chair and sat down.

He didn't communicate too much, nor did he deliberately show great enthusiasm.

Dugan is a typical soldier with strong facial features and an upturned beard.

His expression was a little gloomy when he saw that his commander was a little too young.

Because in a dangerous battlefield, the word youth often means that you don't have enough experience and haven't experienced several wars.

It also means giving your back to such a person will be a very bad thing.

"Carville... Captain. You've been promoted very quickly. I heard you said you were a third class soldier a month ago."

Dugan sneered. In his opinion, Luke must have climbed into some relationship to gild the second generation.

Otherwise, how can recruits ascend to the sky and be directly promoted to lieutenant!

Moreover, Dugan didn't hear that the other party had any amazing achievements and meritorious deeds.

Only from the resume, it can be said to be a blank.

"I'd rather you call me sir."

Luke had a smile on his lips and didn't look angry at all.

He turned his head, looked at another man sitting next to Dugan and whispered, "Colonel Dinu Manelli Phillips says you are a disguised genius and fighting master. I'm looking forward to your performance."

"And you, Jimmy! Kenneth! Jeff..."

Luke named these people one by one.

He had read the information about the members of the roaring commando in advance and had a preliminary understanding of the team.

"I am your officer and the commander of the roaring commando. At least you should obey my instructions and instructions until you receive new orders."

Luke said casually, leaning back in his chair.

He doesn't have so much time to have a good relationship with a group of soldiers whose eyes are higher than the top.

"Captain Carville, we are soldiers. We will obey orders."

It seems that Dugan is the head of the team. He took the lead in standing up to Luke, "but we only respect capable people, not..."

"Do you mean to say that I look young and not qualified enough. I'm a recruit and want to put on a dignified posture in front of you?"

Luke rudely interrupted Dugan. His smile became more and more gentle. "I heard you were proficient in fighting and guns. Once a man went deep behind the enemy and took off a German action team?"

"That's right. After that, everyone called me 'dum bomb'."

Dugan held his head high and said proudly.

Dum bullet is a kind of bullet made in Britain, commonly known as "flowering bullet" and "shrapnel", which is famous for its amazing lethality.

Because being shot will bring unbearable pain to the human body and is too cruel, later international organizations have repeatedly applied to prohibit the use of such bullets.

Since Dugan has such a title, we can see his strong ability.

"To tell you the truth, I wanted to compete with you fairly to prove that I was not what you thought. But later, I thought it was unfair to compete with you."

Luke shrugged, picked up the black beer on the table, took a sip, smiled and said, "so next, I'll be more direct so that you can know why I can become a captain from a recruit and lead the roaring commando."

"However, I hope you won't be afraid of the scenes you will see later."

"Hahaha, Captain Cavell, we are all soldiers who have experienced battlefield fighting and survived from hell! We won't be afraid!"

Dugan covered his stomach and laughed exaggerated.

He just thought Luke was bluffing. What terrible scene could scare him?