Luke, who stayed in Washington, D.C., did not know the news of a new member of the Hellfire club, the alliance between Atlantis and mutants.

Although he has begun to search for Sebastian Shaw's whereabouts, it is difficult to accurately locate a mutant without Professor Charles and brain wave amplification instruments.

The man-made satellite will not be launched until the two superpowers start an arms race.

What insight plan and global monitoring? In this era, even science fiction dare not write like that.

As for contact with Atlantis, this is even more impractical.

It is almost nine years before the launch of the first nuclear submarine, the parrot snail.

At present, the maximum depth that humans can dive is no more than kilometers.

For an undersea civilization, this belongs to the level that the gate has not touched.

"So technology changes life."

Luke sighed silently.

The development of science and technology in this era is indeed a little backward compared with the future of steel armor and aircraft carriers flying everywhere.

So he specifically told Howard to put aside the research work of the cosmic cube and shift the focus to the nuclear fusion reactor.

Take out the nuclear submarine, and then consider launching the satellite - anyway, Skynet is engaged in communication.

In the future, if the Kerry fleet invades on a large scale and destroys its own satellite, let the accuser Ronan see what Superman's iron fist is.

Luke's eyes were always far-reaching. He even wondered whether Howard should shrink the ark reactor.

In the future timeline, Tony Stark's "I'm Iron Man" officially opened the marvel film universe.

Rather than wait until then, Luke thought it would be good to let Howard finish it.

It's a family anyway.

As for the technical bottleneck, I believe it will be easy to solve the problem by first visiting vacanda and then establishing friendly exchanges and mutual assistance diplomatic relations with Atlantis.

These two countries, together with the old enemy of the magic four, Dr. dum's hometown latovinia, can be called the place with the most black technology on the earth.

Let alone nuclear fusion technology, any space-time shuttle, iron Legion and space spacecraft can be completed.

"General, that's Lake akalia."

Cried Stryker, who accompanied him.

The roar of the helicopter and the strong air flow forced him to do so.

"What a nice place."

Luke looked down from the sky. The high concrete dam was located between snow mountains and dense forests.

"It used to be an industrial area, which was abandoned during the great depression. Later, it was favored by the military and bought it in the name of building a dam."

Stryker explained hoarsely.

In fact, Luke wanted to say that he didn't have to roar so loudly. He could hear it himself.

Superman has not reached this level.

"Later, when the world war began, the Ministry of defense worried about the attack of the third empire on the mainland and began to establish solid and reliable military bases all over the country. Lake akalia is one of them."

Stryker pointed to the concrete dam and said, "war materials are stored deep in the dam, but they are not used. Now the war is over, these bases have lost their original role, and the Pentagon generals take over the distribution."

"Of course, only general can you have such face and be qualified to use a military base that can withstand missile bombing as an experimental site."

Speaking of the latter, Stryker also deliberately flattered.

The man with thick eyebrows and big eyes has now learned to flatter.

"It's just that the generals give face."

Luke said humbly,

Now who doesn't know in the Pentagon, the young major general, who has not been in office for a long time, is very good at reaching out to ask for funds from Congress.

The "rebirth plan" to train super soldiers, the "x-weapon" plan to study mutants, and the "exploration plan" to drum up spacecraft... One by one, they are almost squeezing out the people of the budget committee.

The most irritating thing is that they can't refuse Luke's request.

Because those plans sound promising and worth a lot of money.

Howard, who learned the news, also made fun of Luke, saying that if he went to Wall Street, he would surely deceive countless investors.

In this regard, the major general smiled without saying anything.

This skill is learned from an entrepreneur who returns home next week. First draw a big cake, then hype the concept, and find several well-known scientists.

The politicians in the White House and Congress naturally paid obediently.

Picking up the wool of capitalism, Luke said he had no psychological pressure.

"William, who do you think is the most worthy of training in task force x?"

The helicopter landed slowly. Luke stepped on the soft snow and exhaled.

He was thinly dressed, but he didn't feel cold.

The tightly wrapped Stryker rubbed his hands and looked enviously at the major general walking in front. Is this Superman's constitution?

"Logan, of course!"

Stryker said the answer without thinking.

Also a mutant, the young officer seems to have a special liking for Wolverine.

Every time I see those bone claws, my eyes show a trace of desire.

So that when the mutant brothers communicated privately, the saber toothed tiger said that the dwarf scientist Bolivar was a pervert and always stared at himself with strange eyes.

Wolverine thinks the guy named Stryker is more disgusting.

After the two brothers looked at each other, they felt their backs cold.

I can't live this day!

"Logan, do you like his self-healing factor?"

Luke is not surprised. Stryker and Wolverine are destined.

"Yes. I think Logan can be made into an invincible killing machine! Saber toothed tiger is too irritable, and his emotion will affect his judgment. Logan is different. His claws, the wild nature in his eyes and the stubbornness in his bones are born for fighting!"

Stryker was so excited that he followed Bolivar to participate in the research and knew more about mutants.

As a soldier, almost subconsciously, the young officer considered applying the X gene to weapons.

"General, the Pentagon's attitude towards mutants is actually far less... Gentle than you."

Stryker followed Luke on the snow, puzzled and asked, "using mutants as weapons research can achieve more results in a shorter time. But you don't seem willing to do so."

After these days of understanding, Stryker found out part of the major general's temperament.

In most cases, the other party is very good at talking and never looks angry or angry.

Strangely enough, this did not affect the respect and worship of Luke by others.

Stryker blames personality charm.

"The heads of state of the Third Reich also think so, so they use Jews and poles to test poison gas and conduct human experiments."

Luke pushed open the heavy steel gate and entered the flood control channel.

Deep in the concrete dam, there is another heaven and earth.

All kinds of war materials, ventilation equipment, weapons and ammunition are available.

It's like preparing for the launch of a nuclear bomb and the coming of the end.

"It's easy to plant a seed of hatred, but it's difficult to live in harmony between the two races."

Luke's voice echoed in the open dam base.

"I want to be a bridge, not a butcher."