Time quietly pushed forward to November 1945, and the lively atmosphere before Thanksgiving became more and more intense.

People began to prepare for the festival parade. Many large supermarkets or stores planned price reduction activities and issued coupons.

New Yorkers are looking forward to getting together with their families and friends and enjoying a turkey dinner.

"Well, it's a fierce battle."

Luke woke up contentedly from bed, glanced at the clothes and high heels on the floor, and couldn't help smiling.

He went into the bathroom naked, washed and put on his nightgown.

Open the heavy curtains to welcome the early morning sunshine and a beautiful day.

"It's rare to see a quiet New York after it's put in."

Luke stretched out and bathed in the warm sun.

He recently spent a relatively relaxed period of time. The operation of s.h.i.e.l.l.e.l.d. is gradually on the right track and develops and grows with a stable trend.

The headquarters expanded from three simple departments to eight.

The number of spies, agents, agents and field teams is also increasing.

These are the credit of Carter. I have to say she is very suitable for the job.

With little effort on Luke's part, things can be handled in an orderly manner.

"If we continue at this rate of development, we may soon get rid of the constraints of the Pentagon and the White House."

Luke thought with satisfaction.

The three laboratories have also made achievements recently. The nuclear fusion reactor proposed by Howard has made the latest model and is waiting for the test results.

Dr. Zola's Walden's blood has achieved initial results in transforming cells and improving energy absorption efficiency.

Maybe Luke will be injected in a week.

As for the genetic mapping project of mutants led by Bolivar, it is being tackled.

It is worth mentioning that the X task force led by Wolverine and saber toothed tiger performed well.

He has repeatedly served as a foreign aid of the s.h.i.e.l.l.d. to assist the agents in completing their tasks, showing quite brilliant achievements.

So that the Pentagon generals, at every meeting, hinted at Luke to recruit more mutants as soon as possible.

It's better to form a legion with enough people to attack cities and land on overseas battlefields and kill all sides.

In this regard, the major general was unmoved, just as nothing had happened.

These old people who have experienced World War I and World War II know how to turn all available people or things into mass-produced assembly line weapons.

Luke has his own ideas and will not be influenced by them.

"The feeling of a new house is good."

He stood in front of the French window, overlooking Manhattan at his feet.

There is a continuous flow of traffic.

The amazing height of the 46th floor is enough to have a panoramic view of half of the upper east district.

Thanks to the enthusiastic sponsorship of Congress, Luke had plenty of money on hand.

He bought a 48 story apartment building in Manhattan without blinking.

According to the real estate agent, the high-rise building called the basterque building is written by well-known French architectural designers and is high-end and high-grade.

The only disadvantage is that it is more expensive.

"This is also an appreciation investment."

Luke muttered.

Now, shortly after the end of World War II, America has not ushered in inflation.

In the future, in the upper east side of Manhattan, where there is an inch of land and an inch of money, the cost of buying a high-rise building is not taken down by billions.

However, the reason that really moved Luke was not only his own needs, but also because the Basque building was only three blocks away from the sanctuary in New York.

It's safe to place Malena here. It's a disguised way to let the supreme mage be a bodyguard.

"General, there is an emergency..."

There was Stryker's anxious voice on the phone, as if his house was on fire.

"What happened?"

Asked Luke, frowning.

Today is the weekend. He wanted to have a slow breakfast and then go to Brooklyn to talk to Rogers.

After the old friends' nostalgia, they can go to their luxury yacht docked at the port of the Hudson River to bask in the sun and talk about their life ideals.

Considering the integrity of the captain of the United States and the paparazzi squatting outside, Luke gave up the idea of asking a group of models to have a party - that's Howard's style.

Before the boring and boring rich man began one day, Stryker's phone call ruined all his plans.

"What happened? Tsunami?"

Luke shook his head, sighed and said to Malena, who was still lying in bed, "it seems that I have to save the world. Tell Steve that the noon party is cancelled."


The voice fell to the ground and the figure rose to the sky.



A few minutes later, Luke appeared in the s.h.i.e.l.d. headquarters building.

Stryker couldn't speak clearly on the phone. He just came straight over.

"What made you look so frightened?"

Luke walked into the conference room, Carter on his left looked dignified, and Howard became serious.

As a valet, Stryker, stay quiet in the corner.

In short, the atmosphere is more depressed.

Did the Kerry call in advance?

Luke narrowed his eyes and sat in the chief seat.

"A terrible... Diplomatic event."

Carter uttered such a sentence.

She turned on the bulky projector and threw the blurred black-and-white photos on the wall.


Luke frowned and flashed, and finally formed a coherent picture, showing a messy post disaster scene.

The building was washed down, the bridge collapsed, and the waves didn't cross the land

"Here is Anna Maria Island, Florida. Just yesterday, local residents were hit by the tsunami, which is probably the severity of the secondary orange warning."

Carter, with a cold face, explained, "but that's not the point. Look at this!"

The female agent called out a photo and saw a gloomy sky, a violent storm and a faint figure.

Open your hands, like a magician, controlling the weather change.

"The man claimed to be namo Mackenzie, the king of Atlantis. Because the federal government wantonly arrested his compatriots, he artificially created the disaster."

Carter's voice was a little low and said softly, "he took the initiative to send a tape to the s.h.i.e.l.d. and the FBI, admitting that he did it alone."

"And also said that if the military does not stop the brutal act of arresting mutants, the next city hit by the tsunami will be New York!"

"Finally, namo Mackenzie also emphatically warned the s.h.i.e.l.e.l.d. and... You - in the name of the king of Atlantis."

Luke listened quietly, his fingers beating on the table, his face unable to see joy and anger.

He didn't expect that namo, the king of the sea, was the first to come out and find trouble for himself.

The little prince deserves his reputation. He called the door directly before he provoked the other party.

"Has the s.h.i.e.l.d. collected mutants recently?"

Asked Luke subconsciously.

Namo is a mutant. Yes, but why did he suddenly fall in love with his compatriots?

It's obviously only interested in tearing and prying people's corners. Even the people of Atlantis don't care much.

Carter shook his head and replied, "No. according to your meaning, we always start from school and pay attention to young students who have had abnormal events."

"They are easy to control, and they will not resist fiercely like other mutants. These things are carried out in a low key."

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Namo warned the Divine Shield and himself for no reason. There must be other reasons.

After thinking for a few seconds, Luke spit out a name: "Sebastian Shaw."