As the helicopter slowly lifted off, Luke put on his sunglasses and sat in the cockpit, overlooking the shrinking White House.

In fact, he wanted to fly directly, but considering the arrogant way of coming on, he might be mistaken for an enemy attack by the Atlantic Fleet, causing unnecessary panic and chose to give up.

Think of it as a break after the 500 meter sprint.

The major general thought so.

Just now in the Oval Office, the president and the Pentagon meant that they wanted the s.h.i.e.l.d. to compromise temporarily and suspend the plan to host mutants.

This will buy more time for the Pentagon to reach Atlantis.

Luke can see that both the White House and the military are interested in understanding a marine civilization that has existed for tens of thousands of years.

It's like two hunters in a jungle who always have to see each other before shooting.

"Atlantis is much stronger than lighthouse countries. It's unrealistic to expect them to be like Indians."

Luke pulled his mouth and smiled sarcastically.

The Pilgrims who arrived in the new world at that time had the idea of peaceful coexistence with the Indians at first.

But later, when a large number of immigrants arrived, the living space was squeezed, and the contradiction between the two sides detonated like a lit powder keg.

Today's Indians have long lost their land, national culture and religious beliefs.

For the top of the federal government, they want to repeat history.

Confirm whether Atlantis is hostile, and then confirm whether their scientific and technological level is backward or advanced.

This is related to the strategy adopted later, whether it is war or diplomacy.

Presidents and generals don't want to fight because they are both pacifists.

Instead, it will not benefit from rashly opening the war.

"But what does this have to do with me?"

Luke doesn't want to take the overall situation into account. He doesn't have to make sacrifices for the White House and the military.

Mutant is a good card and can play a big role in the future.

It's unreasonable. Namo gave a warning casually, and he had to obey the order honestly.

No matter how powerful Atlantis is, can it compare with the future overlord of the universe and the three empires of the Milky way?

"It's kind of like two children grabbing toys from each other."

Luke laughed at himself when he noticed that there was a trace of unhappiness in his heart.

He knew that the Pentagon did not call the White House to ask the president to come up with a solution.

The real purpose of those guys in the navy is to put pressure on themselves.

Or more accurately, I want to see Superman's jokes.

How should a powerful major general face the threat and warning of an unknown civilization?

If you are too tough, you will bear the main responsibility that may provoke war.

Being too weak is tantamount to losing the dignity of the country, and will cast a shadow on Superman's dazzling aura of creating miracles.

This is a difficult multiple-choice question.

"Unfortunately, only children make choices..."

Luke smiled, took out a generation of products promoted by Skynet, a brick sized mobile phone, and dialed a number.

This thing has not been put on the market for the time being. It is only provided to various military bases and government agencies as a military product. The commercialization will probably be delayed for some time.

However, the publicity work of stark industry has been carried out in full swing.

Howard's learning speed is amazing, absorbing Luke's usual business concepts such as "conceptual speculation" and "market preheating".

In fact, mobile phones with low scientific and technological content are boasted as "the only thing to change the way of communication in the future", "the first choice for families with cars", "a must-have for people with cutting-edge technology"... Such advertising words are overwhelming and bombarded continuously.

Completely packaged this silly, big, black and thick mobile phone into a high-end product that can only be bought by successful people and elites, as if you can greatly improve your status as long as you own it.

It has to be said that hype gimmicks and false packaging are easy to use in any era.

Luke is considering whether to make further efforts to get out the methods of "hunger marketing" and "Navy evaluation".

Directly build the mobile phone produced by Skynet into a light of domestic products and high-tech cutting-edge products.

"I must have chosen the wrong script."

The major general shook his head, restrained his divergent thinking and said to Colonel Phillips at the other end of the phone, "I'm going to the second Atlantic Fleet. Do you know general ignum well?"

"Yes? That's the best. Tell him I need temporary command of the second fleet."

"There's still a meeting at the White House. There's no time to order. Call Nimitz and ask him to help."

"Although the relationship between the Navy Department and the Army Department has always been bad, we are all acquaintances. There is no need to be embarrassed."


A few minutes later, Luke hung up.

MacArthur, who was searching Wolverine before and was the supreme emperor of neon Island, gave generous support.

Now it's the turn to claim the temporary command of the second fleet. I don't know if Chester Nimitz will give face.

The other side is now the Minister of naval operations, and the Atlantic Fleet participated in the Sicilian landing campaign. Luke met him at that time.

Later, when they returned to New York, they also attended the commendation banquet together.

"The Navy... Unfortunately, the current president is not Roosevelt. He is more interested in nuclear weapons."

Luke thought silently.

The United States, bordering the Atlantic Ocean in the East and the Pacific Ocean in the west, is a traditional maritime power.

This is also why the navy has a special status and can become the first service in the future.

At the end of the 19th century, Mahan, a US naval theorist, put forward the "sea power theory", advocating the establishment of a navy ocean fleet and the mastery of sea power.

Then open up mines, build overseas bases and seize world hegemony.

This strategy was widely recognized. From then on, the Navy began to build battleships of more than 10000 tons and entered an accelerated stage of unprecedented development.

Especially when Roosevelt was in power, he mainly established a "first-class naval fleet" and put forward the amazing goal of catching up with Britain and striving to be the first in the world.

A few years later, the Atlantic Fleet was officially established and experienced two world wars.

At its peak, it had 1.5 million troops, nearly 20000 ships and more than 10000 aircraft.

"So it's no wonder that those people in the Army Department are weird all day. To put it bluntly, it's just lemon. After all, it's not as beautiful as others."

Luke remembered that at every meeting, many generals of the two factions in the Pentagon fought tit for tat. In fact, the scene was no different from the quarrel between Irish gangs.

However, the former discusses national interests and military strategy, while the latter is to collect protection fees and block division.

"Speaking of, I'm an Army Faction now. Nimitz really doesn't have to give face."

Luke crossed his fingers, thinking that if the Atlantic Fleet didn't cooperate, the plan would have to change a little.

When neon Island surrendered after World War II.

President Truman wanted MacArthur, the army commander, to preside over the surrender ceremony and sign it as a representative of the allies.

This proposal immediately aroused strong dissatisfaction with Nimitz, the Navy's leading brother. He even publicly refused to attend.

The fierce and obvious opposition forced the president to withdraw his proposal and comfort him. Later, he put the signing ceremony on the warship.

After that time, the dispute over land and sea power in the United States was basically open.

The top generals of both factions dislike each other.

"The s.h.i.e.l.d., led by a major general of the army, provoked Atlantis and caused losses to two aircraft carriers of the Navy."

Luke thought about it. It's estimated that many big men in the Navy want to see themselves eat flat.

"But I'm not involved. I'm just an innocent melon eater."

The future orientation of s.h.i.e.l.l.d. is to maintain world peace and be a large organization responsible for contact and communication between civilizations outside the earth.

It doesn't belong to the naval faction or the army faction at all.

"Two groups of red deer are intriguing. What does it have to do with the director of aegis."

Luke tilted his lips, thinking that he could take this opportunity to separate the s.h.i.e.l.l.d. from the Pentagon, so as not to be pulled back and forth and forced to stand in line.

"General, we have reached the second fleet."

Hearing the driver's warning, Luke looked up and saw the aircraft carrier of the second fleet crawling quietly on the sea.