"Frankly, Steve Rogers shouldn't be so strong."

Gu Yi looked at the real picture projected by the "window of the world", and couldn't help showing a strange look.

"To be more precise, he shouldn't even be in Boston. He shouldn't be active at this time - you changed the future of the captain of the United States, major general."

In countless timelines, American captain Steve Rogers will be frozen and sleep for 70 years.

This was meant to happen and could not be changed.

Luke pretended to be ignorant and asked, "how should Rogers live his original life?"

Have a good sleep?

He didn't say the second half of the sentence.

"Compared with the rest of your influence, major general, an American captain alone is really nothing."

Gu Yi was too lazy to poke through each other's poor performance. He said casually and continued to focus on the battlefield in Boston.

The ending is no longer in suspense!

The captain of the United States, who has been strengthened 24 times, is like a humanoid battleship. With that vibrating gold shield, he collides and forcibly cuts a passage.

No one can stop his footsteps, the water cannon and the orca corps!

All along, the captain of the United States, who silently followed Superman and covered up his light, finally got the opportunity to show himself.

At a disadvantage, the US military shrunk its front and launched a counter offensive.

Tanks, armored vehicles and bombers joined the battle and began to pour fire in turns.

For a moment, it defeated the orca legion of Atlantis.

If nothing happens, the landing war is likely to end in the failure of marine civilization.

"Atlantis's strength is more than that. Namo and Hellfire Club haven't taken action yet."

Gu Yi looked away and seemed to remind him, "there are not many troops attacking Boston, only a Orca army. New York is their main battlefield."

"A wonderful performance is always divided into several acts. The first one has just ended."

Luke shrugged and said the supreme mage didn't have to worry.

"Let's focus on Philadelphia and see how the war is going there."

Gu Yi nodded. She looked forward to what kind of answer the other party could hand over.

It has to be said that the major general can always give unexpected additional surprises.

The "window of the world" emits light, and the projected picture changes gradually.

Before long, the situation of another battlefield came into view.


It's like making a little gimmick at the beginning of a popcorn movie.

Luke's eyes followed the bomb dropped by a bomber.

The lump of iron suddenly fell from the sky, dragging a long scream.

With a bang, there was a dazzling fire.

The air waves roll and shrapnel splash!

The seahorse legion of Atlantis is attacking Philadelphia.

They are not as tall and strong as the orca tribe, and they are almost the same size as normal humans.

What's more strange is that these people have no feet and can't walk upright on land. They can only stay in a shuttle boat.

"The hippocampal tribe is a blood vessel with a high degree of degeneration of Atlantis people. Because they live on the seabed all year round, they have a atavism phenomenon. Their legs degenerate into dorsal fins and caudal fins in exchange for a more flexible body and the talent to communicate with sea animals."

As the strongest among mages, Gu Yi is not only powerful, but also knowledgeable.

Her knowledge of Atlantis's past is not below Luke.

In terms of all kinds of details, you may have to win.

"If I guessed right, you should be planning to throw mutants into this battlefield."

Gu Yi thought for a moment and said softly.

"However, they may not be able to deal with the seahorse Legion hiding in the flying boat. Unlike the orca legion, they fight with primitive cold weapons."

"What role can mutants play in the face of fierce fire and fleet volley?"

Luke glanced at the supreme mage who had planted the flag in advance and smiled without saying a word.



"Jimmy! Shall we play murder? More heads than anyone!"

The saber toothed tiger stepped off the helicopter in high spirits and shouted, "I heard that the blood of Atlantis is blue. I can't wait to verify it."

In his bones, he retained the bloodthirsty nature of fierce beasts and was very eager to fight and fight.

Although he was accepted by Luke, he became a lot more docile after reaching a consensus.

However, as long as we set foot on the battlefield and participate in the battle, the cruel and tyrannical mood will still surge up and swallow up reason.

"Not interested."

Wolverine refused coldly, brother.

With a thick cigar in his mouth, he glanced back from time to time in the direction of Kaila, the silver fox.

When the saber toothed tiger found this, he was a little angry and muttered, "women are just playthings to vent their desires. Jimmy, don't put your feelings into it. It will make you weak!"

"Only brothers can trust each other! Only I will accompany you to the end of your life!"

Saber toothed tiger, a grumpy brother, actually has a brother control plot in his heart. He always wants to be with his brother.

But Wolverine ignored these words. He was full of the idea of getting rid of being single. Kaila, the silver fox in the same team, was very good.

The other person is gentle and can always calm down, which is different from the women I have met before.

you 're right!

The Wolverine with thick eyebrows and big eyes and rough appearance is actually a humanoid bulldozer.

It can be said that he can't count his sister paper.

Fortunately, the hit rate is relatively low, otherwise the great dream of the cloth seed world can be realized.

"Guys, we've worked together so many times, so we'll omit those superfluous nonsense."

Stryker, wearing sunglasses, had been waiting in Philadelphia for a long time. He had been at the dam base on Lake akalia.

After Atlantis chose to go to war, it was transferred to the front line by the Divine Shield Bureau.

"This mission is not easy. What you have to deal with is not the dictatorship warlords in Africa, nor the secret agents of Hydra. They are a group of blue skin freaks living at the bottom of the sea!"

Stryker warned that he hoped the mutant team would be aware of the seriousness and not relax their vigilance.

Saber toothed tiger hehe smiled twice and said, "to be honest, I'm looking forward to a seafood dinner."

Then he put out his tongue and licked his lips.

"Victor, be careful that those Atlanteans have bacteria."

The big meatball continued.

"I personally recommend high-temperature frying. Don't eat sashimi. It will be safer."

The dark skinned ghost John smiled.

After several missions, this mutant team has greatly deepened its tacit understanding, without the strange feeling before.

Of course, it was mainly Luke who tamed the beast saber toothed tiger.

In the past, Victor never paid attention to team spirit and obeyed command.

"Everybody, let's put the gossip behind."

Stryker tried to imitate Luke's tone in an attempt to gain more respect.

He said lightly: "this is the civilized war between mankind and Atlantis. You are on the side of the Divine Shield Bureau, so don't be soft after you see the real enemy."

"The seahorse Legion is a huge fleet on land. Their shuttle flying boats are like tanks, which can shoot high-pressure water cannons. They are highly mobile. In the same state, the armored division of the army is not an opponent at all."

"That's difficult. My claws can't tear open the tank!"

Saber toothed tiger cut off.

"Major general Carville doesn't intend you to face the seahorse Legion. That's the task of the Pentagon."

Stryker glared at each other and said angrily.

"Those guys also have weaknesses. They can communicate with sea animals, which is an innate talent, just like mutants."

"According to the flexibility and cooperation of this fleet after the war, we can be sure that the seahorse Corps has also applied this ability to the battlefield."

"They can carry out a large number of spiritual links, that is, this Legion has a brain that can overview the overall situation and give orders."

"Kayla, your task is to control the army head hiding in the fortress, and the rest are responsible for assisting Kayla to finish it!"

Stryker glanced at everyone and accentuated his voice: "this is the order of major general Carville."