The tall woman in black came over with a gust of fragrance.

The beautiful scenery on the side of chengling mountain is like an attractive magnet, pulling Howard's line of sight.

He touched his shiny hair and smiled at the corners of his mouth.

He thought he had a good demeanor and stepped forward, ready to start the prodigal mode of chatting up and flirting with his sister.

Just the prepared opening remarks were still in her mouth. The black robed woman with particularly obvious figure and prominent curve suddenly stopped and took the initiative to smile at Howard: "Sir, what's the matter with you?"

"Sorry, I think I may be lost and can't find the direction."

Howard said sincerely.

Try to make this obvious excuse appear real.

He has already figured out the next question and answer session.

A pile of local love words like "lost in your heart" is ready.

"Then it seems that you are the first to come back to Moulin Rouge."

The woman in black didn't answer, but instead of playing cards according to common sense, said, "Sir, where are you going? I can be your guide."

All right?

Howard was stunned when he saw that the other party offered to become a guide.

Can obvious bad lies deceive people?

Then his face showed a confident smile.

Feeling silently in my heart——

My damned and nowhere to put charm!

In Howard's own opinion, it is obviously his unique temperament that attracts the attention of the other party.

Otherwise, how could this woman in black, whose figure was quite exaggerated and could not open her eyes, easily promise to be his guide.

"Yes, I'm a tourist."

Howard behaved politely and was a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Trying to use such a disguise to deceive an ignorant girl and a fallen young woman.

"The reputation of Moulin Rouge is great. A friend of mine happened to be very interested, but due to his busy work, he couldn't find time. He had to let me visit it instead of him."

Howard spoke frankly.

It seemed that he was not interested in the beautiful dancers whose upper body was thin and bright, dressed in gorgeous feathers and metal pieces, twisted their hips and raised their thighs with the fanatical rhythm of music.

"That's really rare. Most men come to Moulin Rouge for fun. There are few honest people like you."

The woman in black raised her hand to cover her red lips and smiled with unknown meaning.

Her tall figure, coupled with her high-heeled leather boots, was almost equal to Howard.

"Thank you for your compliment. I prefer an interesting soul to a vulgar appearance."

Howard began to create personal design, ready to show his excellent side of humor, freshness and vulgarity to the other party.

So as to impress your heart and complete the score!

"Interesting souls are one in a million, but they can't be found all over the world, and the good-looking skins are the same and numerous."

Howard pondered, like a man with a story.

On the wet and cold streets of Paris, light music and lively shouts came from the Moulin Rouge not far away.

Colorful lanterns hung on the rotating large impeller, revealing an ambiguous and bright light.

In this situation, a man and a woman look at each other and laugh at each other.

According to the dog blood eight o'clock file of later generations, the next step should be emotional hugs and lingering kisses. The camera keeps pulling up and gives a preview of the next episode.

"Howard - can I call you that?"

During the chat, they unconsciously walked out of a distance.

After a short chat, the woman in black knew Howard's name and his job - a tobacco merchant.

Selling cigarettes that make people die slowly and destroy their bodies. When you think about it, it seems that it is not very different from the weapons that harvest life.

Anyway, in America, these two things are legal goods that can be put on the shelf.

"Of course, Rania."

Howard nodded softly.

The hidden sight passed quietly from the other party's omen.

It's like a dragonfly skimming the water and walking away as soon as it touches it.

"Shall we find a quiet place to sit down and talk about... Michelangelo's sculpture art?"

Howard restrained his urgency and rubbed his hands.

Talk about life ideals, poems and songs, and increase each other's feelings, just to achieve the last step.

Otherwise, as a standard man of science and technology, he has nothing to play Sudoku games or think about the research and development of power armor. Isn't it more interesting than walking on the streets of Paris?

"OK! I know a hotel nearby."

The corners of the black robed woman's mouth turned up, as if in a happy mood, nodded and agreed.


So fast?

In and out of the wind and moon place, Howard, who is used to seeing all kinds of scenes, is still somewhat shocked.

What he just meant was to find a coffee shop or a quiet pub and continue to sit for a while.

Who knows that the other party is more direct than himself and asks to go to the hotel.

"Is it too fast?"

Howard hesitated.

It feels like this is the rhythm of going to base at the speed of light.

As a romantic prodigal, Howard is usually used to walking for a while and then directly walking through the kidney.

After all, a little emotional foreshadowing can facilitate in-depth communication later.

"Don't you want to go? Just have a cup of coffee together. It doesn't mean anything else."

The black robed woman who claimed to be Rania showed a charming style.

When walking, the ominous sign of shaking up and down made Howard some uncontrollable and imaginative.

"You said that. As a gentleman, it's really hard to refuse a lady's invitation."

Howard tightened his windbreaker and followed the woman in black into the dark night.



"Howard, that bastard!"

When Luke returned to the hotel room, he saw a duck tongue hat man squatting outside the door with a pile of copies. He couldn't help scolding.

Even if this guy watches pornographic movies, he has to buy back the copies for collection?

Even if you buy it back and collect it, you have to pay for it yourself?

Just pay the bill for him and slander your reputation?

"I didn't expect lieutenant general Carville to like this tone."

Zheng Xian, who spent the whole morning fishing and writing a review book, saw the exposed photos on the copy and made a disgusting expression of "I didn't expect you to be such a person".

"Shall I send one to Director Zheng Xian?"

Luke glanced at each other and directly responded: "close the door to see this and do some traditional handicrafts. It doesn't violate the regulations of the divine spear Bureau."

Zheng Xian seemed to be choking. He hurt himself and turned away.

In fact, this is also a sugar coated shell of capitalism.

It will damage the image of the organization and be labeled as "immoral".

"Capitalist society is really too dangerous. There are temptations everywhere."

Zheng Xian returned to the room and continued to write the review book with emotion.

"The guy you bought the film with, he's at the Moulin Rouge in Montmartre?"

Seeing the lieutenant general's epaulet on Luke's military uniform, the man with a duck tongue hat almost softened his legs.

While glad he didn't have any wrong ideas, he answered honestly, "yes. The gentleman was going to visit the Moulin Rouge... Caifeng. Later, he met a woman and followed her."

"Put down your things and go downstairs to find my driver to get the money."

Luke turned his lips and took copies of the debauchery of senior officers of the Third Reich.

As a lieutenant general of the Pentagon and the top leader of the s.h.i.e.l.e.l.d., he is used to not having money in his body for a long time.

Food, clothing, housing and transportation are all arranged by the military.

In addition, Skynet's mobile phone sales are good, and it is gradually expanding the market.

Early on, Luke didn't worry about money and realized his personal property freedom.

"Paris is the home of vampires. I hope Howard won't be so unlucky. He happens to meet a vampire who comes out to look for food."

Luke threw the copy on the sofa with a soft and comfortable cushion on his head.

On the European continent, creatures such as vampires and werewolves have always been very active.

They did have a glorious history for a period of time, until human guns blew away the dark castle.

Vampires relying on Archduke Dracula were dragged down from the pyramid of power.

These dark creatures once wanted to make a comeback together with their dead opponent werewolves.

But in the face of the order established by the three temples, as well as the big fist of the secret arts master.

Vampires who think they are elegant aristocrats resolutely choose to obey their inner will and retreat in the corner.

"Always feel wrong."

Luke closed his eyes and sorted out the details of the day's meeting.

After a brief review, he got up and stood at the window, overlooking Paris at his feet.

Super vision is like a sword, piercing the dark night and taking a panoramic view of the surrounding streets.

Luke had a headache at the thought of Howard, who seemed to have been unlucky all the time.

Moulin Rouge is a gathering area of three religions and nine streams. Apart from tourists watching performances, old drivers of big health care, all kinds of down-to-earth artists and gangsters emerge one after another.

Luke pushed open the window and flew into the air.

A few breaths to reach Moulin Rouge.

Howard is usually a little out of tune, but his mind is still good at the critical moment. He belongs to the leader of the scientific research team of the Divine Shield Bureau.

If the butterfly's wings flutter and accidentally lose this guy, it will also lose the iron man.

Master Gu Yi estimated that he had to restart the timeline!

"Let me see if that bastard is having fun or unlucky and meets a vampire looking for food."

Super vision covered the whole Montmartre neighborhood, and a large number of images poured into my mind and were quickly screened out.

Among them, most of them are some unattractive pictures of the eighteen prohibitions.

The people of Paris are still open enough and have a rich nightlife.

"Found it."

It took Luke less than ten minutes to locate Howard.

The guy was lying on the bed, shaking the hotel key in his hand and humming a brisk tune.

The sound of water flowing from the bathroom and the surface of frosted glass outline an extremely prominent amazing curve.

"It seems nothing."

Luke frowned and found that the woman in the hotel room had a very slow heartbeat, and there seemed to be something wrong with the biological magnetic field around him.

"Unlucky Howard."

He said with a little sympathy.

Instead of rushing to save people, he quickly flew back to the hotel and flew back with a basin of fruit plate. He watched the live broadcast with ease.