There is no tension in the imagination, and there is no tit for tat of speculation.

With multiple identities, covinas agreed to Luke's request neatly.

If the future dark world is really the so-called "magic Congress" to preside over the overall situation.

So, investing in advance is a good choice.

Led by Superman and supreme mage, this special official organization is basically the same as a certainty.

"With all due respect, mixed blood medicine is of no use to you."

Covinas pulled out the needle and handed a tube full of blood to Serena.

Like Lucian, he subconsciously thought that Superman needed hybrids for himself.

How to say, the long life of vampires and the rapid self-healing of werewolves are envious abilities.

"It doesn't matter if I don't use it. It's enough if it works for Serena."

Luke smiled.

Do what you promise others.

As I said before, exchange freedom for loyalty.

Then he won't break his promise.

Serena, who took the tube of blood, shook her arm slightly, and her cold face improved slightly.

She has made a blood oath and is bound by the contract.

Whether Luke can fulfill his promise and let himself walk in the sun, he must remain loyal.

However, the other party does not seem to have forgotten the agreement.

This is a little unexpected for Serena, who maintains the inherent cognition that "all humans are insidious liars".

"Sometimes don't think too badly of us."

Luke noticed the change in Serena's expression and joked.

"Many people know that I never lie, at least to most people."

The latter heard the speech, pursed his lips and continued to maintain a cold look.

"Well, have a good cooperation."

Luke returned to normal and restrained his teasing expression.

The process of this conversation was very pleasant and smooth.

Corvinus is also a number one person. He has to show his personal strength and break his wrists with each other.

Unexpectedly, the other party nodded decisively and agreed. It didn't cost much.

It's like sitting at a gambling table and your opponent has chosen to admit defeat before throwing out any chips.

"I hope so."

Covinus smiled brightly.

He has always been a moderate.

After seeing the Hydra and the technology and inside information possessed by the three saints.

He insisted that vampires and werewolves could not resist humans.

Therefore, it does not conflict with being officially incorporated.

Besides, Superman is talking about cooperation with himself!

When it comes to the power status of the human world, the other side will only be deeper than covinus himself.

Even though he has the status of Hungarian warlord and Romanian businessman, he has accumulated countless wealth and contacts.

But in the face of Luke, who is rising at an amazing speed, he still doesn't see enough.

After all, no amount of wealth and contacts can guarantee his survival from the iron fist of lieutenant general Superman.

"Marcus, I'll wake up then..."


Halfway through the conversation, covinas heard the crashing sound of French windows ringing through the hotel suite.

The dark, ferocious and ugly figure suddenly appeared in the air.

The pair of fully open bat wings fanned quickly and rolled up the fierce air flow.

"Mr. covinas, your son has come."

Luke looked calm and not surprised.

With his senses, if he didn't find Marcus's sudden attack, it must be a lie.

"Marcus, he became a hybrid..."

Covinas looked surprised and didn't understand what had happened.

"It should be Lucian's blood. When he fought with Victor, the blood flowed down the ground into the blood coffin and awakened the sleeping Marcus."

Luke made a sudden appearance and explained.

Standing behind him, Lucian couldn't help feeling that the Superman lieutenant general's acting skills were superb.

All this was clearly in his expectation.


After becoming a half werewolf and half vampire hybrid, Marcus's strength increased greatly, far beyond the elder level.

When he came in from the French window of the hotel, the bat wings behind him closed slightly and looked at covinas indifferently.

"The hotel manager just changed the window for me..."

Luke silently make complaints about it.

Last time Serena visited late at night, he broke the French window. Howard paid for it.

Although the hotel insists on not accepting it, it thinks it's just a small matter.

But as a decent person, Superman, the official representative, also insisted on giving money.

It is his fine tradition to make absolute compensation for the damage to public property without taking the needle and thread of the common people.


Nipton Trident?

Continental shelf oscillator?


Atlantis is not a common people.

And Luke did not take their needles and thread.

"You have to cooperate with human beings! What a disappointment!"

Marcus ignored the weak human who had no sense of existence and said hoarsely.

There is a werewolf, a vampire and his ancestral father in the hotel suite.

It's just like husky entering the wolves. It's not worth paying attention to.

"Victor is dead. I saw his' remains' in the underground palace."

Marcus said excitedly.

"He should have been burned by the holy master with sunlight and turned into ashes! That guy always sticks to power and challenges the commandments of the three holy places. Now he has got his due end!"

Covinas stopped talking. He wanted to remind his rebellious son that the man who killed Victor was close at hand.

"My strength is much stronger than before, father! As long as we find William's whereabouts, our brothers and you, as the ancestor, will definitely kill all the pure blood descendants of Archduke Dracula!"

Marcus is also a master of revenge and has deep hostility to Archduke Dracula's pure blood secret party.

"As for humans? They are untrustworthy, weak and greedy. They only deserve to be slaves!"

Hearing this, Luke coughed and said flatly, "Mr. covinas, I feel offended."

Serena and Lucian exchanged a look and secretly sympathized with Marcus.

Any guy who despises Superman will come to no good end.

Victor is a lesson.

The vampire Lord gave a bloody lesson with his own life.

"Shut up! Marcus, you have been blinded by the sudden power!"

Corvinus quickly scolded.

He doesn't want his son to offend Superman. If the other party is angry and kills Marcus alive, he won't even have a chance to revenge.

Although Marcus is rebellious and disobedient, he likes to make trouble everywhere.

But it's always a direct blood, so we should give some tolerance.

Among the three blood lines of covinas, William could not communicate normally, Marcus was too rebellious, and the unnamed normal man had long been erased by the power of years, leaving only continuous future generations.

In short, Marcus may be the only son who can communicate a little. He doesn't want the other party to die under Superman's iron fist.

"You've lived too long, father."

Unfortunately, Marcus, whose heart was about to explode, couldn't understand covinus's painstaking efforts at all.

He was immersed in the pleasure of becoming a hybrid, like taking drugs. He was too high.

Losing the weakness of fear of the sun, coupled with the terrible power of werewolves and the amazing speed of vampires, this is a perfect creature!

The potential of the future is unlimited!

What Archduke Dracula, what pure blood secret party, what sanctuary mage... Are all dregs!

"Now I'm not much worse than you, father. So accept the reality. William and I can do great things you can't even think of!"

Facing the pressure of the ancestor level, Marcus did not panic at all. He laughed and said: "unify the blood clan, get rid of the constraints of the three holy places, and climb to the top of the power pyramid..."

"Serena, please shut him up. This guy is too noisy."

Luke raised his eyebrows and said carelessly.

This time, he did not ask covinus for advice.

"Drink that bottle of blood, and then let this... Crazy hybrid see what power is."

Luke said faintly, completely ignoring the enraged Marcus.


The bat wing behind the vampire suddenly elongated, like a sharp thorn tearing through the air.

Its target is Luke's throat!


Lucian had a wink and didn't let Superman take his own shot.

But quickly turned into a beast and stood in front of him.