Many years later, when Nick Frey was alone, he always thought of that afternoon.

He and the legendary Superman, s.h.i.e.l.e.l.d. held a skeptical and cautious attitude. Frey called and got the exact answer from the secretary.

The Superman will meet himself.

It's true!

Frey was stunned.

As a nobody, how did he get into the sight of that army lieutenant general and combat hero?

"Is it because of the SSS program?"

Frey walked into the elevator, puzzled.

He was also one of the hundreds of soldiers recruited in the army's anti ageing tests.

The purpose is pure, in order to earn this extra money.

Generally speaking, some retired veterans or new recruits are willing to try the experiments that require volunteers in the military as long as the risk is not very high.

You can easily earn a huge bonus. Who wouldn't like it.

Of course, if you are unlucky enough to meet the chief of Keng father, you may have to be a free mouse.

Corruption and corruption exist everywhere.

"As the leader of the s.h.i.e.l.d., how could an army lieutenant general spend so much time receiving the soldiers participating in the experiment one by one..."

Frey shook his head to deny the speculation.

He walked out of the elevator with an uneasy mood, passed through the arc corridor with two access controls, and entered the director's office under the guidance of the female secretary.

"Wait a minute."

The female secretary has a sweet smile on her face.


Nick Frey sat upright and watched the graceful figure disappear at the door.

The secretaries around big people are always beautiful.

Thought the bored Frey.

In a few minutes.

The door of the office was pushed open.

Bright laughter, faster than the shadow into the room.

"Hello, Frey - sergeant."

Seeing the legendary Superman, Nick Frey quickly got up.

His first reaction was that he was too young.

Although there are often Superman photos in the headlines of newspapers, the feeling of seeing real people is undoubtedly stronger.

"Sergeant Nicholas Joseph Frey, first battalion of the fifth cavalry regiment, reported to the chief."

Hearing that Luke's name was a rank, not a CIA agent, Frey subconsciously saluted.

A loud voice echoed in the office.

"Sit down and make yourself at home."

Luke smiled. It was interesting to see the future director of the marinated egg, who now looked like a fledgling rookie.

"Sergeant Frey, I've read your information."

"Your service during World War II was excellent and you are currently leading a field team of the CIA intelligence service."

"Not long ago, several spies were arrested. Even general Vandenberg has heard of your name."

Hoyt Vandenberg, Lieutenant General of the air force, serving CIA director.

Speaking of it, the s.h.i.e.l.d. and the FBI did not deal with each other very well, and Hoover, the latter's director, was repeatedly humiliated by Luke in public.

But the relationship with the CIA is good. It can be called a friendly Alliance for mutual help.

"Lieutenant General Carville is flattered."

Young Frey grinned, showing his white teeth.

His mouth was modest, but he couldn't hide his excitement.

This is Superman's praise!

"Sergeant Frey, have you considered coming to the s.h.i.e.l.d.?"

Luke leaned forward and tapped his fingers on the table.

"I welcome... Talents like you here."

Frey's dark face showed an obvious look of shock.

Recruit... Me?

"I'm from the CIA..."

Now a young marinated egg, Frey scratched his head and hesitated.

"It doesn't matter. General Vandenberg doesn't mind you coming to the s.h.i.e.l.d. for development. He also plans to hold a farewell party for you."

Luke stopped tapping his fingers and whispered, "I have weekends and weekends in normal times. The extra overtime cost is calculated by hours. The pension is three times higher than that of the CIA. There is also a disability insurance. I can get a single apartment in New York after five years."

"By the way, if you go to Las Vegas for a holiday, you can say that you are a staff member of the Divine Shield Bureau. You can also enjoy luxury suites, enter casinos and use VIP customers' private boxes."

"Director Carville, when can I go through the entry formalities?"

After hearing this, Frey nodded directly.

He wanted to show his nostalgia for the CIA, but the s.h.i.e.l.l.d. gave too much, so that people didn't even need to think about it.