Nick Frey lives in a single apartment near Constitution Avenue in Washington, D.C.

When the morning sun shone through the window, his body suddenly turned over and jumped out of bed like a spring.

Reach your right hand to the cabinet at the head of the bed and press the alarm clock ready to make a harsh sound in time.

"Mom, annoy FAK! You can't be late for your first day!"

Young Frey rushed into the bathroom as he said his mantra.

After ten minutes of personal hygiene, he showed his white teeth in the mirror.

Put on an ordinary suit and comb your hair like an adult - the next step can be omitted.

When Frey used to study, he found that he had great potential to become a black singer.

He once kept an explosive head, held an electric guitar and shouted at activities held by community schools. As a result, he was almost knocked out of office.

Since then, Frey lost his singer's dream and shaved off his explosive hair, which swelled like a cloud, and replaced it with a fresh inch.

Unfortunately, there is no rap form yet. Jazz and rock music are popular.

Otherwise, with Frey's racial talent, he might become an idol.

"Have a hot dog! Remember to add spicy meat sauce!"

Frey hurried out of his apartment and ran to the hot dog stand across the street to buy a breakfast.

He lives in a black African community and the environment is not good.

Gangs run rampant, and there is always an unpleasant smell in the corridor. Every once in a while, there will be criminal incidents of burglary or robbery.

The only advantage is that the rent is cheap enough.

"You look like you won the lottery."

The stall owner handed over the hot dog with spicy meat sauce, which was obviously a special treatment.

When he was blackmailed by gangsters before, Frey helped and stopped each other's behavior.

As a "cop" in the mouth of gangsters, he has a very deterrent to those street gangsters.

"Almost like that. Rubio, who's your favorite star?"

Frey bit the sauce covered hot dog with a satisfied expression on his face.

"Betty Peggy! She's so sexy that I do it on her poster almost every day..."

"Men! I mean male stars! Come on, Rubio, I'm not interested in hearing how you do traditional crafts."

Frey quickly interrupted each other. He also had Betty Peggy's sexy posters at home, but the most was to take a few eyes before going to bed and try to have a beautiful dream.

"Well, it's probably Clark Gable. I like his one night romance very much."

The stall owner scratched his head. Speaking of male stars, he didn't talk about the excitement of female stars. He was very calm.

"Then you can think that I'm about to meet Clark Gable - working for my admirers. What's the difference between winning the lottery?"

Frey was excited between words.

"Then I'd rather win the lottery!"

The stall owner muttered that he couldn't understand Frey's mood at all.

The latter didn't say much. He couldn't publicize that he was received by Superman everywhere.

"Have a nice day."

Frey quickly ate a hot breakfast, said goodbye to the hot dog stall owner and stopped a taxi.

"It seems that I have to buy a car in the future. I don't know whether the staff of the Divine Shield bureau have relevant subsidies."

With this in mind, Frey stepped into the gate of the s.h.i.e.l.d., just in time to punch in at nine o'clock.

"Hello, I'm Nick Frey."

He followed the instructions of the front desk and took the elevator to the storage area of the logistics department.

He received two sets of changed work uniforms, a famous brand to prove his identity, a gun and a fixed number of bullets.

Then, go to the personnel department to sign a confidentiality contract, go through the process and complete the entry formalities.

"Welcome to s.h.i.e.l.d., agent Frey."

The management of the personnel department reached out and showed a certain degree of goodwill.

"The organization has a task for you."

A flash of surprise flashed through Frey's eyes. He didn't expect to receive the above task on his first day at work.

Is the working atmosphere of the Divine Shield Bureau so strong and the working environment so tense?

"May I know what the task is?"

Frey asked subconsciously.

He is currently an agent of the intelligence service.

As new recruits, they usually adapt for a few days and integrate into the group before formally participating in various actions.

"You'll know soon."

The management of the personnel department looked at Nick Frey with envy.

"This is a good thing that many people in the Divine Shield bureau can't expect!"

With full of questions, Frey, according to the other party's instructions, came to the underground garage of the Divine Shield Bureau.

A rather low-key black car turned on the headlights and shone on him.

The driver in military uniform handed the key to Frey and said in a voice with a sense of honor, "this job is for you."

What line of business are you in?

drive a car?

Frey took the key.

He thought it would be a dangerous task to monitor suspicious people and track foreign spies, but he didn't expect to be a driver.

Nick Frey, who wanted to make some achievements, was suddenly a little dull.

"By the way, there are still some questions for you to answer."

The driver took out a note and read it: "do you have a driver's license? How many years of driving experience? Is your skill good enough? Will... The drain bend?"

Driving for people these days, you have to learn how to turn the drain?

Nick Frey was speechless and didn't know how to answer.

"Agent Frey, you don't drive for ordinary people. As Lieutenant General Carville's driver, you have high technical requirements."

The driver frowned slightly and said seriously.

At this time, the window came down, revealing a young face.

It was Luke himself.

With a smile on his lips, he looked at Nick Frey, who changed his face like a Sichuan Opera, and said softly, "you don't seem very willing, agent Frey?"

"No, no! Lieutenant general Carville, I used to do odd jobs in the garage. I can not only drive, but also an old driver!"

Knowing that he was working for Superman as a driver, Nick Frey felt like taking a roller coaster, rising and falling.

He was full of longing for the job.

His mouth was like a series of bullets, spitting out a long paragraph: "as for the bend of the drainage channel... I haven't tried it for the time being, but if I have this requirement, I can go back and Practice for a few days. It shouldn't be a very difficult skill!"

"Then get in the car, agent Frey."

Luke waved noncommittally and said with a smile, "I'm going to attend the midday meeting of the Pentagon. I hope you won't make me late."

Freira opened the door and sat in.

Insert the key, hold the steering wheel, ignition, warm up and start the engine.

Perhaps because of nervousness, the black car trembled suddenly.

Back and forth, left and right.

"Sorry, lieutenant general Carville, I'm a little... Nervous!"

Young Frey was sweating with anxiety. He observed Luke's expression through the rearview mirror and found that the other party was not dissatisfied, so he relaxed.

"I began to worry a little about my personal safety - it should be the body safety. Agent Frey."

Luke's eyes flashed and said gently.