The most famous metropolitan area in Washington is all kinds of private clubs.

Like some veterans' club, sea, land and air club, cigar club... Either in the official name or under all kinds of tall names.

Most of them are used for interpersonal communication in small circles, so the threshold for joining is very high. Unless there are familiar referrals or submit applications, you can't even enter the front door.

In the final analysis, the reason why the club is popular is that the upper class of the United States advocates elite culture.

They copied all the private clubs and salon gatherings of aristocrats in 17th century Europe.

Through the form of clubs, elites from different circles are gathered together.

And use the high-end consumption and lifestyle that only a few people can enjoy, and then shut out most people.

For example, golf club, sailing club and so on.

These have strict requirements on income, occupation and consumption level.

"Stop right here."

Luke snapped his fingers. The black car slowed down and stopped in the prosperous area.

This is a bar street in the metropolitan area. There are many jazz groups and many famous singers.


Frey looked outside and wondered.

Lieutenant general Tang Tang, director of s.h.i.e.l.d., how could he run out to the bar!

"Nightlife has just begun. It must be the time for them to haunt."

Luke's eyes flickered and thought silently.

There are several interesting streets in Washington, D.C.

For example, Pennsylvania Avenue is a fixed parade place for various non-governmental organizations and trade unions.

If you want to strike or make trouble, you must start from this street.

Because Pennsylvania Avenue is an important commuter route to the White House and the Capitol.

In addition, there is K Street, the famous "lobbying Street" in later generations.

There are a large number of think tanks, public relations companies and international headquarters.

People like the world bank and the International Monetary Fund have settled here.

If Wall Street in New York is an international financial center, K Street in Washington, D.C. is an international political center.

Every presidential election is a game between the public relations companies here and the capital groups behind it.

"It's so lively."

Luke got out of the car. This intoxicating street is called "U Street".

The most popular bars in the metropolitan area and the most popular bands are all here.

He glanced casually and could see a long line.

Basically, they are sexy girls dressed in costumes, and young guys wearing colorful wigs who look like killing Matt.

"Director Carville is a music enthusiast in private?"

As a driver, Frey walked out of the car consciously.

Generally speaking, he should also act as a bodyguard.

However, taking into account the strength of their own directors, it is not certain who will protect them when they are really in danger.

"Don't get me wrong, agent Frey. We're going to the club opposite."

Luke specially changed into a suit today and didn't wear a military uniform.

With Nick Frey, who haunts at night and is almost invisible, it is a bit like a common combination of young rich and black bodyguards.

"Wine club?"

Frey glanced at the shiny billboard, which was a goblet pattern outlined with colored lights, and there was a "no admittance unless please" sign at the door.

"Frey, as I said before, I hope you can have strong enough psychological quality. Because tonight, you will see a... More real world."

Luke fiddled with his hair a few times, made a bunch of sexy curls, and took out a pair of glasses from his pocket.

"Clark Kent's glasses", a reward from the mutant camp mission.

As long as you wear it, you can turn yourself into a tall and handsome reporter.

It's just a camouflage weapon!

"Carville... Director?"

Frey stared at Luke with shocked eyes.

The original slightly cold young face was replaced by a curly man with mild temperament and full of sunshine!

"It's just a trivial camouflage technique."

Fortunately, Luke's voice remained as usual and did not change much.

"It's like a big change!"

This made Frey, who was frightened, take a few seconds to calm down.

Director Carville is really modest to say that such exquisite camouflage technology is "insignificant".

I feel that I haven't made up at all. I just put on that pair of glasses. The whole person's appearance and temperament are different.

"Go in, Frey."

Luke swaggered in.

Then, not surprisingly, he was stopped.

"This is a private club and does not entertain any guests other than non members."

The strong bodyguard stopped the intruder with a polite attitude.

Maybe I saw Luke's expensive hand-made suit and his entourage - those with great pomp these days are either liars or rich people.

"I was recommended by Mr. John Stillman."

Luke leaned forward against the metropolitan reporter's face and said in a low voice.

At the same time, he also took out his membership card from his pocket and handed it to the bodyguard.

"Director Carville really made thorough preparations."

Frey breathed a sigh of relief. He thought Luke would take off his glasses and break in by force after he was stopped.

At that time, I'm afraid the scene will be very bloody.

There are many legendary experiences about Lieutenant General Superman, including killing all the enemy camp guards and completing the amazing deeds of lurking.

So it's not surprising that Nick Frey had this idea.

"I heard there was a wine tasting tonight?"

Luke skillfully put a few banknotes in his fingers and stuffed them into the bodyguard's pocket.

"That's right. Mr. gaitaro hosted it and invited several guests."

After checking the membership card and confirming that it was correct, the bodyguard put Luke in.

The members of this wine club are high-ranking people from Washington, D.C., who pay special attention to the confidentiality of personal information.

Luke can name John Stillman, the White House chief of staff.

With the membership card in hand, it is enough to win the trust of the bodyguard.

"Or the old place, the second floor?"

Luke glanced at it intentionally or unintentionally, seemed familiar with the architectural layout, and directly said the place of the ordinary party.

"Of course. Always."

The bodyguard nodded.

"I need to bring him in. Should it be all right?"

Luke waved to Frey, but the bodyguard didn't stop him, just a reminder——

"The entourage should wait in the reception room and can't participate in the party."

Walking into the front door and up the side stairs, Luke looked at the environment casually. It was a typical Gothic decoration.

Complicated and exaggerated decorations and lines, bright colors, and fine beauty.

It's exactly what vampires like best.

"Agent Frey, don't be afraid of what you see later."

Luke walked through the corridor on the soft carpet to a thick door.

"Chief, I've been on the battlefield and an agent. No matter what happens, I won't be afraid!"

Nick Frey showed a brave side. He thought he had seen big scenes.

The flesh and blood trenches filled with corpses on the battlefield, the steel tanks with machine guns, like the roaring bombers of death

It takes courage and luck to survive such a dangerous environment.

"That's good."


Luke gently pushed the door open.

The "wine tasting" that had begun appeared in front of them.

A lifeless girl's body was placed on the long table naked.

There was a blood line on the wrist, and the red liquid that lost heat quickly dropped into a goblet along the wound.

The abdomen and chest are like doctors using precise techniques, sharp surgical scalpel, a few silver small bowls, and then the blood essence.

The group of people sitting around the long table, distinguished members of the wine club, were well dressed and talked with grace.

But everyone's mouth was stained with a trace of blood.

"See, this is the so-called dressed animals."

Luke shrugged helplessly. If he could come half an hour earlier, he might be able to save the innocent girl.

Unfortunately, when he appeared outside the door of the club, the other party's fresh body had become cold.

"The so-called wine tasting is to learn from vampires and do this inhuman and despicable evil?"

Luke's appearance made the hall suddenly quiet.

The men looked at the intruder with strange eyes.

"Who are you?"

The middle-aged man sitting in the chief asked according to the usual practice.

The Party of the wine club is quite secret. Outsiders can't cross the bodyguard and appear here.

"My name is Clark Kent. I'm the number one reporter of horn daily. I'm a righteous fighter ready to expose your ugly face!"

Luke opened his mouth and asked the group of ghosts sitting in a circle and Nick Frey in the back to listen.

"Another fool who can't see the situation clearly."

The middle-aged man waved his hand, rang the bell on the table and called the bodyguard downstairs.

He thought he was a government agent or a secret investigator or something.

What big waves can a little reporter turn over?

Middle aged men are too lazy to do it by themselves and directly ask bodyguards to deal with it.

Looking at Luke standing at the door and Nick Frey following him, he said, "put this reporter in the trunk and see that he is so young and can be used as the 'red wine' to be tasted tomorrow."

"As for the nigger, throw it into a tin bucket, pour it with cement and throw it into the river."

The middle-aged man grinned and vaguely saw two sharp teeth.

"Vampires are racist? You have no future because you are not politically correct."

Luke didn't expect that vampires in North America didn't like blacks and didn't even want to suck blood.

European vampire families are not so picky about food.

The middle-aged man ignored the little reporter's chatter, and a group of five big and three thick bodyguards stormed up the stairs.

The black muzzle of the gun was aimed at Luke and Nick Frey. The bodyguard guarding the door said in fear, "I'm sorry, Mr. gaetaro!"

"He said he knew Mr. John Stillman and his membership card, so I let him in!"

The middle-aged man named gaitaro gave each other a cold stare and pretended to be magnanimous: "people always make mistakes, which is nothing, but they should know how to make up for their mistakes."

"These two people interrupted the wine tasting, damaged everyone's interest, and let this high-grade red wine miss the most appropriate tasting time."

"So, get rid of that nigger and send the other one to the freezer."

The bodyguard nodded and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Because of the silencer, the bullet was shot out of the muzzle without making a bean like sound.

The next second later, there was no death scene of Nick Frey falling to the ground.

"Very good."

Luke calmly spread out his palm and the shriveled warhead fell.

"You have now committed many crimes, such as attacking s.h.i.e.l.d. agents, shooting innocent people, trying to hurt an army lieutenant general, trying to illegally detain his personal freedom, and posing a great threat to his life."

"So next, it's time for me to defend myself."