
Luke hit the lawn like a shell, making a loud noise.

The air waves spread like a strong hurricane.

Roll up the smoke and blow the cloak.

This amazing movement immediately attracted attention.

The White House alarm sounded and a sharp beep echoed in the building.

Then a large group of people arrived!

In groups of five, armed field agents.

There are also heavily armed guards scattered around the White House.

They found the target as fast as they could and formed an encirclement.

"Lieutenant General Carville..."

The chief security officer recognized the intruder.

With doubt in his eyes, he didn't seem to understand what the Superman would do in the white house when it was dark.

Out of professional habits, the security supervisor kept a distance.

At the same time, with one hand behind his back, he gestured tactical movements.

Behind the bushes and shade of trees, the black muzzle of guns were aimed at Superman standing on the lawn.

It's just that no one dares to pull the trigger or has such an idea.

They are more subconsciously vigilant to prevent accidents.

Shoot a lieutenant general, a war hero?

If anyone really does it, he may be sent to a military court.

"Lieutenant general, what's the matter with your late night visit to the White House?"

Although Superman's rash intrusion was against the rules, the security supervisor maintained a respectful attitude.

If you want to see the president, you should make an appointment in advance to arrange the itinerary and meeting time.

But Luke's status is detached, and the rules of the Pentagon and the White House have no effect on him.

Or, more accurately.

Rules are originally used to restrain ordinary people. For big people in high positions, they can be tampered with at will.

"I want to see your Excellency the president."

Luke swept through the White House with super vision and found no figure of conqueror Kang.

This is very strange. When he was flying at high speed just now, he destroyed more than 20 UAVs in a row.

They are very hidden, with stealth technology similar to optical camouflage, but they can't hide from Superman's senses.

So Luke knocked them all out with a hot line of sight.

However, those intelligent clusters obviously exceed the scientific and technological level of the current era.

At first glance, it is known that it was made by Kang the conqueror.

Maybe half Washington is full of his eyeliner.

Used to monitor the movements of key people.

"This time..."

The security supervisor is a little embarrassed.

His job is to protect the president and the White House.

Reasonably speaking, an intruder like Luke who broke into the white house without permission should be killed directly.


"Bullets can't hurt Superman."

The security supervisor has a bitter heart.

Even if he gives orders and fires all-round, it is estimated that he will not break the other party's defense.

But he knew that Superman standing in front of him would have an excellent anti tank main gun and an amazing record of annihilating the bomber group alone.

Unless the national guard is transferred, he can't stop Superman from doing anything tonight.

"Your name is Jonathan, isn't it?"

Luke found his super vision blocked. His eyes were covered with a layer of smoke and couldn't see clearly.

Kang, the conqueror, is ready!

He didn't choose to escape!

Face it!

"Very good."

Luke silently praised.

He appreciated the initiative to send his head.

"Yes, Mr. lieutenant general."

The security supervisor nodded.

He was a little surprised.

I didn't seem to expect Luke to call his name.

Although Superman often goes to the White House on weekdays.

But the contacts were all cabinet dignitaries and military leaders.

A small character like Jonathan can't get into each other's sight at all.

"Do you think I'm a terrorist and want to assassinate the president?"

Luke asked in a deep voice.

"No! How could I think so!"

Jonathan shook his head.

He did have this terrible idea in his head, but every time it came out, it would be extinguished immediately.

"Then make way."

Luke whispered.

"Lieutenant General..."

Jonathan was under great pressure.

His legs trembled and he couldn't help but want to do what the other party said.

"Sorry, I don't have time to waste my time here."

Luke's eyes were slightly frozen, and the red beam was like a laser, cutting the Oval Office in half from bottom to top.


The air was like an explosion, making a harsh sound.

"Lieutenant General Cavell! What are you doing?"

Jonathan pulled out his gun in a hurry. As the security director of the White House, he couldn't sit back and watch the other party's wanton destruction.

The only trace of courage left in his heart supported him to pull the trigger and hit Superman's chest with standard three consecutive shots.

No accident, the bullet head seemed to hit an iron wall.

The two obvious pectoralis major muscles didn't even tremble.

The powerful kinetic energy carried by it can't even break the suit, let alone the skin.

"Supervisor Jonathan, you misunderstood."

Luke raised his hand, took the pistol and crushed it into scrap iron.

"According to the secret information obtained by s.h.i.e.l.l.d., the president was hijacked by dangerous people. I was trying to rescue him..."

The Superman lieutenant general opened his eyes and made up nonsense. He pushed forward under his feet.


A strong wind blew on the green lawn and blew a big pit on the ground.

Jonathan, the security supervisor, wanted to say more and was directly knocked to the ground by the violent airflow.

"This, this is too terrible!"

He looked at the newly renovated white building, as if he had encountered a demolition team and collapsed.

The Superman lieutenant general forced out a pedestrian passage, and the reinforced concrete was like paper paste in front of him.

"Supervisor Jonathan, what should we... Do?"

The field agents and members of the guard surrounded.

They were at a loss. No one could stop Superman.

"I don't know."

Jonathan shrugged.

Superman said he was trying to rescue the president.

Believe it or not, it's no good stopping at this time.

"Talk to the Pentagon and apply to the national guard!"

Jonathan was silent for a long time and made a decision.



"I don't believe that the conqueror Kang's high technology can hide my perception!"

Luke rushed from the lawn outside the White House to the Oval Office cut in half.

The desk, which was presented by the queen of England, was tilted aside.

"Lieutenant General Carville, your blatant intrusion into the White House is tantamount to trampling on the Constitution!"

A low voice suddenly sounded. Luke turned his head, glanced across and cut the bookshelf against the corner.

The blazing heat ignited piles of books, forming bursts of spreading fire waves.


Luke caught a glimpse of the unreal figure and sneered at the corners of his mouth.

"The great kings who boast that they have ruled countless worlds and travel through time and space to create conquerors of various myths are like a shrinking turtle!"

He magnified his perception while making a sharp mockery.

"This is not the time to meet. To tell you the truth, I still haven't figured out where you came from."

The projected figure said.

"I have inquired about nearly 200 years of history and 342 time lines. Superman doesn't exist!"

"You don't have any performance of mastering advanced technology, so it won't come from the future behind my era!"

Luke stared at the projection and turned a blind eye to the fire rising nearby.

"I came from the country of light of M78 nebula to save the people of the earth."

Lieutenant general Superman said nonsense.